Page 36 of Surrender

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“How did you know you wanted to be an actor? Did you have a moment where you were like yes, this is what I want to do, or did you fall into it one day and say ‘I’m good at it, let’s see where this will go?’”

His fingers pay attention to the soft skin on the underside of my arm. “My first manager in modeling encouraged me to audition for a commercial where I’d have to speak. I think I was about twelve or thirteen at the time. I had no clue what I was doing, but the director liked me enough to let me try. I enjoyed getting to be someone else for a bit. One job turned into two, which led me to my first movie audition.

“My Spanish was better than my English, but I wanted this role because it was in the US. It was a short film. I think the length of time I was there was less than the flight over and back, but it was enough. I was hooked. I’ve spent varying times in the States ever since.”

“It’s so interesting that you want to be here and I love Europe. It makes me wonder if we’re meant to be happy where we are.”

“That’s quite cynical for a beautiful face such as yours.”

I giggle a bit. “I don’t mean for it to be. It’s more of a wonder. That’s all.” I move my head up so I can see him. “This is nice…the swinging I mean.”

“Just the swinging? Not this?” Rafael shifts his weight slightly so he can kiss my lips. With an instant reaction, my body feels like it’s falling. I try to catch myself but move too quickly. The hammock swings right, then left and before we know it, we’re upside down, crashing to the water below.

The waves roll up and over our bodies. Rafael lands on top of me facedown while my body stays pinned beneath him as the water encapsulates me before rolling away. I think I hear him swear in about three languages before he starts laughing along with me. “Is that the effect my kiss has on you?”

“That and a whole lot more,” I tell him.

“You’re drenched again and full of sand. Should we do something about that?”

“That walk-in shower with the dual wall bench looks like it might be big enough for two.”

“It is. Trust me.”

The shower ends up making us warm in more ways than one. When we are well on our way to being prunes, Rafael finally shuts the water off. He takes my new robe from just outside the shower and carefully wraps me in it. With a kiss on the head, he snakes from behind me without a towel wrapped around him. His body is even more tan today than it was yesterday. I love admiring the bronze as much coming toward me as I do walking away.

Sunshine that was prevalent during the daylight hours has faded to overcast. A few rumbles of thunder can be heard in the distance as the skies grow darker and darker. “It sounds like a storm is coming,” I say.

“Rainstorms down here are a work of art. They light the sky in ways I’ve never seen in other places. It looks like my excursion to town will have to wait. I can still grill under the cover of the overhang. Would you close the windows in the sleeping areas while I work on a couple of salmon masterpieces?”

”As long as you put me to work when I’m done,” I smile. “Those who cook together…”

He smiles. “If that’s all it takes…”

Many thunderstorms I’ve been in blow in like a hurricane. They move things left to right, even sideways. This particular storm rolled in slowly, with little more than a gentle breeze. The rain falls heavy but straight down. Every now and then, a strike of lightning will dance on the water. The thunder doesn’t boom like it does back home. It rolls in gently like a tide washing over you.

“Bella? Ava?”


“What are you thinking about?”

“Nothing really. I’m just admiring nature. You were right about the art.”

“Bring me your plate. The salmon and asparagus are ready.”

“You’re spoiling me,” I tell him.

“Are you complaining?”

“No. Just stating.” The steam rises from my plate and tickles every sense I have. “This smells so good.”

“I hope the taste lives up.” We sit just inside the folded back accordion door and watch the rain and light show across the rock wall. The pendant lights above the island are our only glow. We sit turned in, facing each other, talking and devouring his delicious meal.

“I had outdoor plans for us tonight. Since those are out of the equation now, what would you like the new plan to be?”

“I’d like to sit in the quiet for a while and talk.”

“We’re talking now, Bella.”
