Page 29 of Surrender

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“God, Ava,” he exhales. “Please. Let me hear you.”

His permission to be this new version of me I feel is all I needed. It instantly brings my voice, and my orgasm, to the surface. This all-consuming sensation takes over my entire being as I cling to him. His beautiful face presses deep into my neck as his own release connects to mine.

I can feel waves of pleasure rolling through him, even through my tingling fingers. The weight of his body gently relaxes over mine. I hold him in my arms, lazily stroking his spine. His lips place gentle kisses over my ribs. “Voglio avere tutto con te,” he whispers.

“What did you say?” I ask.

He tilts his chin to look into my eyes. “Ask me again later.”

Chapter nine


She’s here.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I was never certain she would come.

I stood and looked out the front window for an hour after she told me she’d landed. I’d done everything in my power to prepare for her arrival. I made sure there were plenty of fresh flowers around. I watched her stare at and touch them after dinner in the yard back in Georgia.

It seemed as if Ava wanted to memorize everything about them. The feel of the petals as they moved under the glide of her skin. The scent as it drifted on the breeze to her. I haven’t asked her, but I think the flower to her is as linked to our time together as I feel it to be.

Now she’s here, laying on my chest breathing ever so softly. Her delicately manicured fingers are protected beneath mine. Every so often, I will feel her sigh. Each moment that passes, she relaxes more and more, and in turn, so do I. I have this part of me, no matter how small, however, that regrets simply attacking her the minute she walked in the door without many, if any, words. I couldn’t help myself.

From the moment she jogged up the sidewalk to her bed-and-breakfast in Georgia, I’ve wanted her. The beautiful way she has about her. Selfless. Self-assured. The tender doesn’t outweigh the strength with this one. I can’t wait to spend every moment of the next week with her. I’m starting to realize I might never be able to have my fill.


A breeze brushes across my face. The warmth beneath my body is so soothing. The waves rolling against the shore are the next thing my senses pick up on. My conscious mind begins to wake and alert my eyes that the dark of night has given way to a partially sunny morning. I can sense light and shade in intervals. Then I feel a hand wrap tighter around my back, and a soft pair of lips leave their gentle imprint on my head.

My hand, I think, has been encased by his all night. I move my fingers enough to pull the tips of his into my palm. His soft groan was all I needed as a reminder that this is real, he is real, and I am here.

“Good morning, Bella.”

The deep husk of his voice seeps inside of me, making my heart skip a beat or two. “Good morning.”

“I had to keep hold of you to make sure this was real,” he tells me.

“Funny. I thought I was dreaming until I felt your lips on my forehead. Did you sleep well?”

“I did for the most part.”

I press my cheek deeper into the warmth of his chest. “Why not completely?”

“Ava, I want to apologize to you for last night.”

“Ummm, why?”

“I didn’t even give you a proper hello before I went after you like an animal. I’m sorry.”

My lips gently curve up against his skin. I think he can feel it too. He pulls his hand from mine to tilt my chin up to see my eyes. “You’re laughing at me?”

“No. Not at all. I’m smiling at you. I could have said no. I didn’t want to. My first night here went exactly as I wanted it to. The only thing missing was a snack. The dessert was better than I’d dreamed.”

“You’ve dreamed of me, Bella?”

The one time I don’t give myself an extra second with my words, he addresses it nearly immediately. “I have. Often. Sometimes it was simply reliving our interactions. Other times, it was more.”

It’s time for the corners of his lips to turn up toward his still sleepy ocean blue eyes. “More? How much more?”
