Page 28 of Surrender

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I’ve dreamed of many things with him, about him. I think from the moment his lips touched the back of my hand; I began to wonder what it would feel like to have them touch me in various ways. I don’t have to wonder anymore.

His warm, soft lips are so eager. He’s wanted this as much as I do. My tote bag is the first to fall from my shoulder, followed by my purse. My hands start to roam his forearms. I can feel the bottled hunger inside him as he trembles beneath my touch. We abandon my luggage among the lush foliage covering the path to the open villa as he scoops me into his arms.

My hair flies with the motion and the breeze surrounding us both. Rafael pushes the door open delicately with my body. We linger in the entry. Our lips have not stopped their pursuit of each other. I finally get to feel the texture of his hair. His nearly black locks feel like silk beneath my fingertips. I can feel the heat of his skin lingering just under the surface.

I give a few strands a gentle tug. I’ve never heard a sigh as deep as the one he gives me in appreciation. I could feel it begin at his feet and erupt between us. That is the moment our desire leaps to another level.

Rafael pushes the door closed with a force so hard the picture next to it tilts slightly. I can finally hear the laps of the ocean against the shore. They mix with the pads of his feet on the tile, marching to the beat of the hearts in our chests. I notice the large sliding glass doors that line the back of the villa are all wide open, making it seem like we’re still outside.

He carries me down a short hallway to the left through a pair of white, six-panel doors to a candlelit master suite that overlooks the ocean. Rafael wraps his hands tighter around my body as I cradle in his arms. He sways with the care of holding an infant, but the tension in his whole body feels as if it’s vibrating to a boil. He finally breaks our kiss for a second or two, as if to catch his breath.

Rafael rests his forehead against mine, sighing deeply again. I stroke the length of his cheeks with the pads of my fingers to get him to look at me. His blue eyes blink open then begin to focus on my lips. I whisper, “If you’re waiting for permission, you have it. I think you’ve always had it.”

He gives me a soft smile with a half growl before bending to lay me down on the bed. My hair flows across to the far side while my ankles rest off the near side edge. His toned body hovers over mine. I’ve known how small I feel when I’m near him. Today, never more so.

His fingers dance across my shoulders and slide easily down my arms. He only looks away from my face long enough to carefully slide my shoes and socks off. Rafael studies the perfect manicure of my toes, as if he’s seeing them for the first time. His smile appears and disappears several times before his thumb takes all his concentration as he presses it to trail along the arch of my right foot.

My thigh begins to tremble in abject appreciation. I tilt my head to the side so I can watch him better. He kisses the top of my foot before gently setting it down on the bed rail, allowing him space to rest a knee between my thighs. The glow of the candles light him from behind. He rivals the beauty of any form of art I’ve ever seen. I take quick stock of my emotions. I know without a doubt I’ve never wanted a man more in my life.

Rafael wants me to feel immediately comfortable. His head slowly rotates from his right shoulder to his left with every button he undoes on his shirt. My body does something with each button. One…I take a deep breath. Two…I outstretch my hand toward him, praying I can have one touch. Three…my left thigh rubs against his knee in any prayer of creating an ounce of friction. Four…. I’m still holding my breath while licking my lips. When the fifth button sets his chest free, I sigh in relief.

The sight of his sculpted chest is nearly more than I can handle. I create this professional wall with my clients. I see them in various states like this in their projects. I support them for what they are. I’ve done my homework privately where Rafael is concerned. Nothing could have prepared me for this. He’s perfection.

“Are you all right, Bella?” he asks.

I can only softly smile and nod. Words escape me.


Rafael walks his hands forward on either side of my body until I’m completely overshadowed by him. His left hand strokes the side of my face and continues off into my hair until his fingers weave inside mine. I can feel the fight between his tender and ferocious side waging war. His hand is shaking, barely walking that fine line. I want to show him that I’m not a piece of glass that’s likely to break.

I let my right hand thread back into his hair and massage his scalp. He rolls his neck in admiration. I apply a little pressure to the back of his head, guiding his lips to my offered neck. Rafael takes the suggestion and presses kiss after kiss down the pulse line of my skin. My left leg hooks around his back and squeezes with appreciation. It’s then I make a move of my own.

With the element of surprise on my side, I roll us to his back without breaking an ounce of contact. He chuckles for a moment beneath the cover of my hair until my eyes cue him differently. His fingers reach up for my slightly parted lips. Rafael traces them with a featherlight touch. I let the tip of my tongue peek out for a taste. Now it’s his turn to sigh. On the next pass, I open just enough for that same finger to disappear inside. The deep sigh is now replaced with a growl of my name. “Ava.”

I wrap my right arm in front of me to take my hair to slide it behind and down my back. I want Rafael to have a clear picture of what I want next. I’m so grateful I changed from what I was wearing on the plane into the sundress I put in my carry-on. The cotton floral bunches around my hips as I sit straddling his body, teasing my weight left to right, forward and back, just enough to let him know my desires are the same as his.

My fingers gather the material in them and slowly lift over my head. After the fabric leaves my hair, I shake it out slightly so it lays over both of my shoulders, teasing the swell of my breasts. I’m not normally this bold, he just makes me feel like I can be anything.

I reach down for his hand and guide it to rest over my beating heart. His hand even dwarfs my chest. Rafael’s touch is so tender. He closes his eyes as if he’s letting his fingers see for him. His grip changes as he suddenly sits up, our bare chests touching. Nose to nose.

“I thought you were beautiful before. Now…” His voice trails off, but his speech doesn’t. His lips begin to devour me. First my lips, then my neck, then my collarbone. I wrap my arms around his body in a desperate attempt to melt my body into his. Using his left arm to anchor me to him, he flips me to my back in the middle of the bed.

Rafael descends my body until he’s standing just past the end of the bed. He opens the button on his shorts, lowers the zipper, and allows them to fall to the floor as if it were the cape of a matador. With the prowl of a tiger, he steps over to a covered box on top of the dresser. He opens the top slightly and retrieves something inside. When his fingers appear again, the glow of a foil packet makes the final declaration of what we’re about to do.

Every move he makes next is utter seduction. He looks like a pure alpha as he rips the foil with his teeth. The image of him covering himself is something I’ll never forget. When they speak of the gods, they surely had Rafael in mind. Every angle of his body is a perfect picture. Every muscle ripple melts seamlessly into the next. The hollow notch at the base of his neck. His chiseled jawline as his lips curl just slightly as he stares into my eyes. The sloping V of his hips that lead to paradise. All of it. Sweet temptation I won’t have to wait for.

Once again he slides up my body. His lips greet my nipple followed by a gentle nibble. I’m so sensitive to any touch he gives me. I don’t want to wait any longer to feel him inside me. I want him to take me to places I know I’ve never been. I cup his face in my hands to bring his lips to mine. Kissing him is like something out of a dream that I hope I never wake from. I can hardly breathe as our passion quickly becomes one.

He gently parts me, sliding in with one glorious stroke. I gasp, finally, a full breath into my lungs. I arch into his body. His lips part over my chin as he holds still to give us both time to relish in our new contact. Rafael’s hands splay over the sides of my face while they gently stroke through the strands of my hair.

“Breathe, Bella,” he whispers. “Open your eyes.”

I take in a silent slow breath and relax into his touch. When my eyes finally open, his oceans of blue are tearing me apart from the inside out. The expression on his face is enough to melt the coldest of hearts at the same time he’s burning his obvious passion through you. I’ve never had someone look at me in that way. I feel like I’m the reason he’s breathing.

We begin to move slowly. Our bodies take the time to get to know each other in this new way, but after a minute, it feels like we were made to be here together. I flash back to the first time I dreamed about him in this way. I remember vividly how he looked at me and made me feel. I’m realizing now that it was more of a premonition than a dream. It’s happening.

The fire inside me goes from slow burn to desperate in a matter of moments. Rafael holds me close as he presses places deep inside me. The soft breaths he starts with on my neck lead to intense kisses on any bit of skin he can reach. The pads of my fingers press deep into his back, while every effort I’m making to be silent is failing miserably.
