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“Well…” The manager’s voice came out faint, her expression wide-eyed as she took in the way Alyx kept trying and failing to pull away from Nathan.

Nathan’s lips formed a courteous smile. “Good afternoon, err---”

“B-Beth,” the manager stammered. “It’s Beth.” The woman’s gaze darted to Alyx, who was snarling what sounded very much like Russian at the too-handsome man who held her captive. Was this perhaps the time to call 911?

“Good afternoon, Beth. Are you the owner or manager?”


“Even better.” Nathan managed to keep his tone steady even as Alyx, frustrated by her foiled attempts to escape, now started kicking his shin and doing her best to puncture his kneecap with her stiletto. “And are all these birds for sale?”

Beth didn’t answer, her gaze half-appalled, half-fascinated and focused on Alyx.


“Y-yes?” The older woman had a visibly hard time pulling her eyes away from Alyx, who was beginning to look more like a would-be murderess than a victim.

“I’d like to buy all of your birds and donate them to various local charities---”

His words finally sank in, and Beth gasped. “Oh dear.”

“And all I ask in return is a small favor.” Nathan paused. “I’ll need to borrow any private room of yours.”

Beside him, Alyx stilled.

“Well, there’s one at the back…”

“Perfect.” It was Nathan’s turn to drag Alyx with him, who seemed to have recovered from her shock now and had started struggling.


Beth was divided. “I---I---”

Curving an arm around Alyx’s waist, Nathan took his wallet out using his other hand and placed it on the cashier counter. “Everything you need to know – and have – is in here, Beth.” Nathan found the door to said private room, turned the knob, and as soon as it opened, he carried inside his kicking and shrieking baggage, who had now managed to leave a rather ugly scratch on his left cheek.

The door slammed shut, and Beth said weakly, “Good luck.” But she wasn’t quite sure which of the two needed it more.

Inside the room, which turned out to be a homely little office, Alyx immediately launched herself at Nathan. It could have been a romantic gesture, but it was not, with Alyx obviously hell bent on delivering more injuries.

He caught her handily with a dark laugh, saying, “Now you can scream what you really want.”

“Asshole!” Even as she tried to slap him, he didn’t let go of her and instead hefted her up. He spun around, so fast it had Alyx gasping and her legs locking automatically around his waist in fear of tumbling out of his arms.

It was exactly as he planned, and by the time she realized it was so, it was too late for her.

He had Alyx against the wall, his hard, aroused body landing against hers.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Alyx gasped.

He lowered his head, whispering against her lips, “Giving us what we both need.”

She tried shoving him away. “No.”

“And that’s for you to have as many reasons as you want…” He thrust closer to her, and to be fair to her, she was giving it all she had as she shoved him away.

But both of them knew she could afford to. He was too strong for her, and in the end---

“…to scream my name.” His mouth crashed down on hers, his tongue stroking past her parted lips.

His mouth moved down her neck, and she gasped, “Nathan!”

He sucked on her neck, and again his name tumbled past her lips. He pushed her farther up, her back sliding against the wall just as his mouth captured one fabric-covered nipple. He began to suck, and the action seemed to set a fire inside her---


She was screaming it as she tried shoving him away, tried clawing at his face, but he didn’t let it stop him, and instead only sucked harder, drawing her nipple fully into his mouth---


When he went back up to kiss her, her fingers drove through his hair, her grip tightening. She tried yanking his head away, but he only laughed, and again he managed to kiss her. She clawed at his back, and he laughed against her lips just before thrusting his hand between their bodies.

His fingers pushed her dress up, the fabric bunching around the waist, and then his fingers slipped inside her panties.


“Yes,” Nathan hissed as he stroked her.

“Oh God, Nathan----” Her wetness coated his fingers, and his fingers moved faster.

“Louder, sweetheart.” He thrust one finger inside her.

“Nathan.” A shudder accompanied the moan, and her limbs tightened around him, her nails scraping harder against his body.

Her legs tightened around him, and so did her arms, her nails scraping harder against his back---

His finger pushed deeper.

Her nails began to draw blood.


Her hips began to move, meeting the deepening, quickening thrusts of his fingers. He stared at her the entire time, the look of clouded desire on her face serving as an aphrodisiac in itself.
