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I get out of bed without another thought, tying my robe as I move toward the door. I flip the light switch on, debating on slippers, but decide against them, opening the door. I’m startled as I throw it open and find Adam standing on the other side of it. He’s shirtless, in grey sweatpants, barefoot, and so mouthwateringly hot that I have to swallow several times while I stare at him before I am able to speak. Oh, My. God. He’s here.

“Adam?” I finally ask.

“Invite me in, Evie,” he growls.

“Why? Are you a vampire?” I ask, quickly swallowing my nervous giggle.

“Evie,” he warns. I step aside, letting him in. I barely get the door closed behind me before I am spun around, and my back is pressed to it for the second time in ten minutes. His mouth is on mine, and my hands roam the expanse of his back. It’s smooth and muscular, but his muscles are tensed. His hands are flat on the wall near my head, but I want him to touch me. I need him to touch me.

“Touch me,” I say after wrenching my mouth away from his.

“Oh, baby, I’m never going to stop touching you,” he says, all but dragging me over to the bed. He looks me in the eyes as he slowly, too slowly, pulls the tie on my robe. It falls open, and boldly, I shrug out of it.

He finally looks down at my body and grins. He rubs his jaw before leaning back down to kiss me. I moan, unable and unwilling to stop myself. My hands reach forward and splay on his abs. My fingertips find their way under the waistband of his sweats. I may not know what to do, but my body sure does. It’s a primal directive that has been engraved in my DNA since the beginning of time. It comes full circle. Full Adam and Eve. Woah. It hits me that this is supposed to happen. I can’t explain it, but I know it’s true. My hands move lower until I find his thick, hard, and heavy cock. He groans again but doesn’t stop my exploration. It feels hot and ridgy, and I want to see it, so I stop and pull his sweats down to midthigh.

“Oh, God,” I whisper as I see a man’s cock for the first time in real life. Those porno guys have nothing on him.

“Get on the bed, baby,” he demands, and I nod, scrambling to do his bidding. Whatever gets him inside of me.

I lie in the center of the bed and wait while he removes his pants entirely. I realize I should be self-conscious like I usually am, but the way he’s looking at me makes me feel like a queen and not a chubby nobody. He climbs onto the bed between my spread legs and kisses me on the lips before moving down my body. His tongue, teeth, and lips are everywhere. He even kisses my belly before finally reaching my pussy. He spreads my legs even wider and buries his face. He licks my clit before actually tonguing my pussy hole. I come, screaming his name. He moves up my body, slowing. He jerks his cock while looking down at me. I can’t help but wonder if I’m dreaming. He leans down over me, his cock lined up with my pussy.

“Evelyn,” he whispers. No one ever calls me that. No one. I shiver at the sound of my name. “You have no idea how long I’ve dreamed about this moment,” he continues, no longer whispering. “No idea how long I’ve waited for you, wanting you. I saw you in a movie and I knew. I knew God made you for me. Everything I’ve ever done in my life has brought me to this moment. This is the first and last pussy I’ll ever fuck. Do you understand me? Whatever happended before, those men, they don’t matter. It’s me and you from now on.”

“What other men? I was waiting too. I didn’t know it was you I was waiting for, but I do now.”

“Once I slide my cock into you, you’re mine forever. Stop me if you don’t want that, Evie. Stop me, but if you stop me, you better fucking kill me as well because you are it for me. There is no tomorrow. There is no one else, my Hollywood Queen,” Wow. Who talks like this? Who says things like this to someone they just met? Adam fucking Campbell, that’s who, and that’s what I want. I wiggle under him, trying to get impossibly closer to him. I kiss his jaw, his neck, his chest, and finally, his lips. He tastes like my pussy, and that makes me even wetter. Oh. My. God. I’m going to die in his arms, and that’s okay.

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