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“Who did this to you?”

“Did what?” she asks. She hasn’t taken her eyes off of me.

“Your face. It’s purple. Is that a handprint? Who hit you?”

“Oh, that. It’s not a big deal. It was just my mom.”

“It is a big deal.” I want to kill her mother at this moment. Molly Dexter is Hollywood Royalty, though. I wouldn’t get very far after, but it would be satisfying, even if I spent the rest of my life in jail.

“You’re sweet, but it’s fine. It’s a common occurrence,” she says. I reach up to gingerly touch her cheek. It’s hot to the touch. She winces but then leans into my palm.

“It’s not fine, Evie. No one should raise their hands in anger at a person they are meant to love.”

“That’s not really the way it works in my house, especially after she’s had a few too many bottles of wine. Shit, please don’t tell anyone I said that,” she says, frowning.

“Then you need a new house,” I reply firmly, ignoring her plea for secrecy. That’s the last thing on my mind right now.

“You’re probably right about that.”

“Surely, you can afford it,” I say crassly. I know it’s not polite to talk about people’s finances unless that’s your job, but I can’t help it. I know she can afford to live somewhere safe.

“Of course, I can. I’ve been in charge of my own money for years now.”

“Then why do put it with it?”

“I’m afraid of what will happen to them if I leave, and I don’t know why I am telling you all this. You’re a stranger.” Poor girl. I want nothing more than to save her.

“A stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet, and we’ve met now, Evie.”

“So, you’re my friend?” she asks.

“I can be so much more than a friend to you, Evie.”

“Why are you saying my name like that?” she breathes, moving even closer to me.

“Like what?” I ask, breathing on her cheek. I see her shiver, and I relish in that.

“Evie,” she mimics, making her voice deeper, huskier.

“I don’t sound like that.”

“Maybe not exactly, but you are saying it weirdly.”

“I don’t think that I am, Evie.”

“Can I tell you something? Actor to director?”

“You can tell me anything.”

“And you won’t tell anyone?”

“Of course not.” Why all the secrets, I wonder.

“I’m nervous about doing this movie.”

“That’s nothing to be ashamed of,” I reply.

“You haven't heard why yet.”

“Tell me.”

“I’ve never kissed a man before.”

“A girl?” It never dawned on me that she might not like men. God, if she doesn’t, I don’t know what I’ll do.

“No, never. No kisses ever.”

“Didn’t you date an entire boy band or something?” I ask, unable to hide the jealousy in my voice.

“Um… no. That was utter bullshit.”

“So you’ve never kissed anyone?” I ask again, needing to be sure. My mind immediately goes to the fact that she’s never kissed anyone, then she’s probably never made love either. As if I wasn’t already hard as a rock. Fuck, Fuck. Fuck.

“I literally just said that.”

Without thinking about it any further, I lean down and press my lips to hers. Her phone hits the carpet, and her arms wrap around my neck. She opens her mouth, and I push my tongue into it, tasting her toothpaste.

When she moans softly, I pull begrudgingly pull myself away from her. I want everything to be perfect when I claim her.

“You’ll be just fine, Evie.” I pause, frowning. “Okay, I heard it that time,” I say, chuckling.

“See, I told you. You say my name weird. I should get to bed. We have an early day tomorrow,” she says, bending down to pick her phone up. I hand her the charger one of us dropped. I don’t even remember who had it before I touched her. “Good night.”

“Good night,” I tell her as I open the door for her. I wait until she is safely in her room before closing my door.

Holy shit. I am a dead man. Kissing her was a million times better than I ever dreamed it would be like, and believe me, I’ve dreamed about it.

As much as it sucked to let her go tonight, I know that I will be rewarded for my patience.

That kiss proved Evie Dexter is mine.

Chapter Four

As soon as I am back in my room, I lean against the door and take in several deep breaths. That didn’t seem like a pity kiss or a work kiss. It seemed like it was important, like the beginning of something amazing. My lips are still tingling from that kiss. It was somehow both gentle and hard. It was the single most sensual moment of my life, and I want a million more of them, with him. In a daze, I walk over to the bed and plug my phone in before climbing into bed. I’m exhausted, but sleep eludes me. My body is tingling, and I know that I am going to need some relief before I’ll be able to fall asleep. I peel open my robe and run my fingers over my belly before moving them lower to my soaking wet, achy, and needy pussy. I rub my clit, but nothing is happening. Never having been with a man, I know how to get myself off quickly, but it’s not working. I can’t help wondering what would happen if I went back across the hall and gave myself to Adam. Would he want me? Would he give me what I need?

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