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Rewarding her, I squeezed both warm globes, my thumbs grazing lower to her sleek pussy.

As I squeezed her one last time, I advised in a coarse tone, “You might want to grip the headboard.”

With her hands crossed in front of her, I’d left her enough leeway to move her arms at least a little.

“I’ll have you whipped for this.”

I grinned at her feistiness even as she did as she was told. “You don’t even know what this is yet. Now, tie, belt, or hand?”

I held the two items up, thinking leather would sound fucking great against her large rounded ass. The tie wouldn’t have much impact at all, unless I tied knots in it. And my hand was already burning to deliver blows to her ample backside.

Her head swung around. “For what?”

“Remember what I said about getting down to the punishment?”

“But why?”

“You kicked me.”

“I tried to kick you.”

“You slapped me.”

“I tried to slap you, Aris.” Her voice began warbling.

“Hand, belt, or tie?” I asked again, my voice harder and my cock aching.

She chewed on her plush lip, a frown marring her stunning face.

I threw the belt and tie onto the floor, deciding for her. “Hand it is.”

With no warning, I reared back and landed a stinging blow to her ass.

“That hurts!” Roya screamed out.

I said nothing.

I peppered her bouncy rear end with a barrage of strikes on both sides. Her skin began to glow pinkly beneath her caramel complexion, a compelling contrast of my marks against her flesh.

Her shouts rose then turned huskier.

When I started alternating the spanks with soft massaging caresses around the heated globes and up her back, she became even more undone.

She snarled and swore and, despite saying she didn’t usually curse, she displayed a natural talent for it.

Her hair lashed around, her hands tightening and the chains jingling.

I bent to kiss one hot ass cheek then popped her with another smack.

“Oohhh,” her softening voice echoed through the room.

Soon I was slapping down near the crease of her thighs next to her pussy where all heat coalesced.

Her spine curved then arched. Her thick ass pressed back.

“You disobeyed my order to leave The Lykos and could’ve gotten yourself kidnapped or killed.” I spoke harshly but my fingers lingered to trace alongside the swelling lips of her sex hidden beneath one strip of white fabric.

“You’ve kidnapped me!”

Grinning savagely, I gripped both sides of her heated ass hard. I spanked my throbbing cock down against her deep crease. I grunted when she moaned, and her fingers curled into the fabric of the headboard.

My dick pulsed with the pleasure of being surrounded in all that bouncy, burning flesh. Another bead of precum sped out to drizzle down to the base of her spine.

“Yasmin! Yasmin! Help!” Roya called out in a smoky-toned voice.

“That won’t work.” I dragged my cock from the valley of her ass, raining a few more solid strikes on her ripe flesh.

“She has to have some sympathy. She’s a woman!” Roya’s eyes flashed back to me over her shoulder.

I ignored her outburst, running my hands beneath her body to gently cup her breasts.

I’d decided not to clue my gorgeous abductee into the very real fact that Yas and I would never—could never—be together. Watching as jealousy ate away at Roya was far too entertaining.

Almost as good as the breath she sucked in when I softly plucked her swollen nipples that pearled up to my touch.

“Yas doesn’t live with me,” I murmured in a deep, rough timbre.

She didn’t even live on the premises, claiming the expensive hotel wasn’t her style. She preferred her large studio with the motherboards and motorbike parts strewn all over the place. The woman had an eye for detail. A head for business. And killer hacker skills that had come in handy on many an occasion.

Anyway, she wasn’t here. She’d left from the nightclub straight after organizing the cleanup detail for all those dead bodies we’d had to drop because of Roya’s presence there.

Yas had Daisy and her dwindling visa to get back to after all. If I had to stake money on it, I’d say she’d finally fallen in love. Not that she’d ever cop to it.

I wasn’t going to get captured in that same unforgiving trap, that was for sure.

But while I had the delicious object of my desire bound to my bed, I was going to take full advantage.

“But she’s yours.” Venom laced through Roya’s voice, and the sound of her jealousy just made blood pound to my cock harder.

I followed my animal instincts, continuing to work her over but softening the swats. I even aimed several against the center of her sex.

With each of those hot strikes, Roya yowled.

“I’ve never been treated in such an undignified manner in my life!” she continued to rail even as her body betrayed her.

The rapid breathing. Her back arched high. Her ass pushed back for more. The wetness escaping through the panel between her thighs. All of it gave her real reaction away.

She was aroused to fever pitch.

The defiance in her eyes melted to that hazy, half-lidded stare of a woman in heat.

And I could fucking smell her essence dripping from her cunt.

“Oh really?” My voice thundered low. “How about the way your father treats you? You can’t go out. You can’t dress the way you want. You don’t even have your own bank account.”

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