Page 10 of Bred By the CEO

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She nodded.

“And, Rose, keep the pen.”


How could a woman be so fucking sexy and adorable in equal parts? He wanted to protect her from the world, but he also wanted to fuck her until she couldn’t walk right. Maybe hiring Rose Henshaw would come back to bite him in the ass. He’d have to be on his best behavior day after day with the ultimate temptation right underfoot.

When she accused him of hiring her due to affirmative action, the passion she exuded made her even more gorgeous. He’d never dated a girl of another race, but he hadn’t given it a second thought when he envisioned her in his bed. In fact, he loved everything about her. Every detail that made her unique. But beauty faded. What he needed was to get to know Rose Henshaw before he ever considered making a serious move.

She was the exact type of woman he’d want to bear his children. Smart, assertive, strong, and sexy. He knew her background, but what he didn’t know was if her past had left her jaded, unable to maintain a healthy relationship. Only time would tell.

After handling all his morning phone calls and workload, he slid a credit card across his desk to Rose when she came in to drop off her reports.

“What’s this for?”

“If you’re working closely with me, you have to remember that reputation is everything. There’s always someone watching when I’m in public, and I can’t even count how many want to bury my company.” He scrubbed a hand over his face before checking his watch. His father was the worst of them. It was lunchtime. “I’ll cover the cost of a whole new wardrobe. Whatever you need—clothes, shoes, you name it.”

She looked down at herself as discreetly as possible.

“There’s nothing wrong with you, Rose. You’re perfect. But I don’t expect you to cover the costs of being my assistant. It can get pretty costly keeping up with the competition.”

Rose nodded.

He wondered if she saw him as a stuffy, rich white guy. Or maybe just a man way too old for her. Not every woman was a gold digger, but unfortunately, many were. Maybe his fantasy of breeding the dark beauty would have to stay locked in his head.

“Are you ready for lunch?” he asked. Darius got out of his chair and stretched out his shoulders. Unlike with Ross, business meals with Rose would feel more like dates. He wasn’t complaining.

“I brought a sandwich.”

“Where is it?”

“In the staff fridge,” she said.

He exhaled. “What kind is it?”

Her mouth opened, but no words came out. It took a few moments for her to actually answer. “It’s peanut butter and chocolate spread.”

He tilted his head. “Like a Reese cup?”

She smiled, and it was fucking beautiful. “Kind of.”

“How about I take you to a restaurant? I promise you’ll find something even more decadent on the dessert menu. You have to get used to spending your breaks with me, Rose. It’s a good time to talk business. And pleasure.”

“Sure, of course. The sandwich will be fine in the fridge. I can have it for dinner.”

Damn, he wanted to change her world. Spoil her. But he had to rein himself in and take his time, make sure he was choosing the right path. He could fall hard and fast for a sweet thing like Rose, and he didn’t want to get burned by rushing into the wrong relationship.

They drove out to one of his favorite restaurants. It was also booked well in advance, but he was on his cell in the elevator, ensuring they had a table ready for them upon arrival. His name carried weight, and he was used to getting his way in the city.

“You’re quiet,” he said.

She hadn’t said a word since they got on the elevator together. Now she was a silent passenger in his Mercedes, her sweet scent surrounding him. He got glimpses of her thighs as he drove. His urge to reach over between their seats was overwhelming.

“Sorry, I’m not the most talkative person.”

“Are you shy?”

She turned to look at him. They briefly made eye contact before he had to watch the traffic ahead. “Only with you.”

“Shit, am I that intimidating? I’m not trying to be.”

“It’s my first day working with you. I guess I’m nervous of screwing things up. And you’re not like other bosses.”

“How so?”

She shrugged. “You’re not like Mrs. Haywire.”

“That’s a good thing, no?”

“I guess.”

“Care to elaborate?” he asked. She was hiding something, and he needed to know.

“Not really.”

They pulled up to the restaurant and he stepped out. The valet had Rose’s door open before he could get around to the passenger side. He glared at the other man as he took Rose’s arm. The oddest territorial instinct took him by surprise.

Once inside the grand foyer, she looked around in awe.

“What do you think?” he asked.

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