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Quinn grabbed some tissues out of the box on the night stand and cleaned off Margot’s back before cleaning himself up a bit. He righted his jeans, stumbling over to the pallet of blankets on the floor and collapsed. He grabbed the pillow and half hugged it as he lay on his stomach.

“Quinn, will you not come lay on the bed with me?” Margot asked quietly.

“No,” Quinn grumbled. The room was seriously spinning and he couldn’t handle sleeping with someone all over him right now.

Margot sighed heavily and turned off the light. Quinn was glad she didn’t argue because he didn’t want to argue with her anymore. The room didn’t spin for too long because Quinn passed the hell out a couple of minutes later.


Margot sat at the kitchen table staring at her breakfast; she was not hungry at all, not after last night. Quinn was raped when he was ten by his cousin. Someone he trusted. She knew something like that had to have happened to him for him loathe being touched so severely. Margot just hated that she was right, but it really helped her understand his issues a lot better now that she knew for sure.

“Margot?” Remi’s voice came from her right, bringing her out of her thoughts.

Margot glanced at her brother and gave him a small smile. “Oui?”

“How was Quinn after I left last night?” he asked, concerned.

Margot waved her hand dismissively. “He was fine. We talked and then he passed out.”

“You did not just talk. You forget I share a wall with you,” Remi muttered and stabbed at his eggs.

Margot blushed and averted her eyes. Magnifique! Her brother heard Quinn and her having sex last night. Speak of the devil, Quinn walked into the kitchen looking like complete shit - his hair was the messiest Margot has ever seen it, his beard was longer than normal, he had dark circles under his eyes, and he was still in his clothes from yesterday. Yet, he was still utterly attractive in a rugged sort of way.

“Why don’t you just shut your mouth, man,” Quinn said, glaring at Remi.

Remi rolled his eyes and continued to eat his food. It seemed like Remi really did not take Quinn’s crankiness to heart, which was good, because she did not want them to argue and fight. Quinn went over to the coffee pot and poured himself a cup. He brought it over to the table and sat down next to Margot, shocking her by laying his head on her shoulder. She did not expect that at all. It seemed as though Quinn was always full of surprises.

“I think I’m dying,” he groaned painfully.

Remi rolled his lips in to hide his smile.

“Maybe you should not have had so much to drink last night,” Remi offered.

“Screw you, dude,” Quinn huffed.

Remi chuckled.

Quinn lifted his head and sipped his black coffee. He always drank his coffee black, Margot thought it was gross. He squeezed the bridge of his nose and groaned again. Remi took pity on him and got up to grab the bottle of aspirin; he placed it in front of Quinn, and then went back to eating his breakfast. Quinn muttered a ‘thanks’ and took a few of the pills. Remi finished eating, took his plate to the sink, and left them to be alone together. Quinn glanced over at Margot, a combination of things going on in his dark eyes - sorrow, hesitation, guilt, and anger, among other things.

“I’m sorry about last night. I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Quinn asked quietly.

“Non. I am fine,” Margot replied.

“Do you still want to be with me now that you know?” he asked. The apprehension in his eyes broke Margot’s heart.

“Of course I do. Knowing that has changed nothing, other than now, I also know your secret. I am surprised you even remember telling me.”

“So am I.” He snorted.

“It really does not change a thing, though,” Margot assured him.

Quinn nodded but still looked hesitant.

“Can I ask you one thing?” she asked.

He nodded. “Sure.”

“Why did you not tell anyone after it happened?”

Quinn sighed and scratched his head. “I was young and stupid. He threatened to come back if I told anyone and I believed him. He was moving out to Texas the next day, but I didn’t realize that he wouldn’t come back for me. He and his family only visited a couple of times since moving, and I always made sure I wasn’t anywhere near when they came, so I haven’t seen him in twenty years.”

Margot nodded in understanding.

“I swear, Margot, if you tell anyone...”

“I will not. I promise,” she said seriously, cutting him off.

Quinn looked at her, his face hard. “Promises have been broken before.”

“Not mine,” Margot said, looking him in the eye. She took her promises seriously.

Quinn pursed his lips and nodded as he looked down at the table. “I want to be with you, Margot.”

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