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“Calm down, just hold on to me.”

Furi crowded in close and Syn led them to the end of the large kitchen and settled onto a stool in front of a breakfast bar. He left the flashlight on, but put it beam-down on the counter, submerging them in complete darkness. Furi felt Syn pulling him between his legs and he tried to resist. “What are you doing?”


“For what? For them to come down and get us?” Furi was talking so quietly, afraid of being caught.

Syn wrapped his arms around Furi’s waist. “Who is them, baby? Where do you think we are?”

“Is this where Patrick and his brother are staying?” he whispered. His eyes were darting around, even though he couldn’t see. He just had the feeling someone was going to knock him in the back of the head.

Syn slid his arms from around him and Furi heard the sound of a zipper before he was pulled back into Syn’s warm chest. “I wouldn’t do that. I never want you around him. Ever. Do you understand me?”

“Then whose house are we in for heaven's–”

Before Furi could finish his sentence, he heard men’s voices, two of them, coming downstairs. They were laughing. “Someone I trust, so stop worrying,” Syn said soothingly.

“Someone’s coming.” Furi was trying to scramble away from Syn.

“Shhh. It’s alright. Just don’t move and don’t make a sound,” Syn whispered against the shell of his ear. Syn stuck out his tongue and traced it across Furi's ear lobe before grazing it with his teeth. Furi settled back in, letting Syn nuzzle his face up under his loose hair.

“You always smell so damn good,” Syn moaned quietly.

“Syn,” Furi responded to the gentle caresses. Syn was running his fingers up his neck and into his thick brown hair. Massaging his scalp while he licked and nipped at his neck, sucking the skin just below his ear, drawing the blood to the surface. Syn was marking him where only he would see it.

Two men came into the kitchen, not bothering to turn on the light. One of them opened the refrigerator; casting a glow across the room and Furi was finally able to see who it was. Oh my god. One man was standing behind the one bent over looking into the refrigerator. He was grinding his pelvis into his ass while he grabbed four bottles of water. Holy shit, is that? Furi didn’t know what the hell this was, but he sure wasn’t expecting the scene in front of him. It was Syn’s funny Lieutenant and the hot cop that had questioned him when he was brought down to the police station. I thought he was with the big guy. Is he having an affair? Furi had a million questions barreling through his mind but he couldn't voice them, didn’t say a word. Syn was quiet, his face still buried in Furi’s neck, not bothering to look up. Any minute they were going to be caught. The Lieutenant closed the door to the fridge and the room was dark again, but Furi could clearly hear them kissing and whispering to each other in between the groaning and heavy breathing. Their sounds of lust echoed through the blackness. This must’ve really been turning Syn on because his hands were moving lower to Furi’s ass so he could slowly grind their hard cocks together. Now that Furi was relatively sure they weren’t in danger, he listened to the sounds of the two sexy men about to ravage each other while Syn snaked his hands down his crease, applying wonderful pressure. It was all so sneaky and dangerous, Furi was starting to like it ... a lot.

Furi tensed when he heard two more deep voices coming down the stairs. "I’m not finished with you yet," one of the men said to the other, his bass-filled voice laced with passion. The two men emerged from the hallway and entered the room. A light switch was flicked on and the sudden brightness was startling.

“Evening gentlemen,” Syn said from the crook of Furi’s neck, still not bothering to look at his half-naked bosses and the two other very sexy men.

“Holy shit!” Day yelled.

All eyes were on him and Syn now. Syn finally looked up and Furi tucked his hair behind his ear rubbing the area on his neck that Syn had been sucking for the past couple of minutes. It felt good.

“Syn what the fuck, man?” God’s voice was low and intimidating.

Furi drank in all the exposed male flesh in front of him. “Well I’ll be damned,” he whispered.

Syn’s laugh was borderline sinister. “You said it, babe.” All four of the men were wearing only briefs except the hot cop that had questioned Furi. Detective Ronowski. Yeah, that was it. He was stark naked. Day switched their positions so that he was in front of Ronowski.
