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Damnit. Okay that made sense but this was by far the craziest, most dangerous thing he’d ever done. Because he had a sneaking suspicion that Syn wasn’t going to the front door to politely ring the bell. Furi got out slowly and eased the door closed behind him. Syn held out his hand and Furi hesitated slightly before he clasped it with his. Syn took off at an easy jog going around to the back of the house. The backyard was open, no fence; the beautiful view of the lake beyond completely unobstructed. The patio furniture was expensive, but what was more impressive was the screened-in wraparound porch.

“That’s how we get in,” Syn whispered.

“What happens when the alarm goes off? I'm sure they have guns in there. We’re gonna get shot!” Furi yelled.

“If you don’t shut up, I’ll shoot you myself.” Furi knew Syn was joking because he was having a hard time holding in his laughter as he turned and quickly kissed him. He pulled Furi to the door and dug in his waistband, pulling out the small canvas pouch.

“What’s that?” Furi whispered crouching down by the door.

Syn chuckled at him. “Why are you down there?”

“I don’t want to be seen.” Furi’s hands shook so he braced them on his thighs.

“But there’s no cameras babe.” Syn grinned.

“Is this fun for you? Is this how you get your kicks?” Furi stared at him.

Syn bent down and whispered in his ear. “You know damn well how I get my kicks.”

Furi wished his body didn’t respond to Syn’s throaty growl but it did. Syn in stealth mode was making his cock jump. His worn black leather coat was zipped up, just revealing the collar of his thin black sweater. Syn’s jeans were dark blue and hugging him deliciously. Finishing off the sexy outfit were camel-colored Timberland boots. This was as dressed up as Syn got and Furi loved it.

Syn worked a tool into the traditional-style wooden framed screen door. There was a soft click and Syn turned to him with a shit-eating grin. He pulled the door open slowly and they walked into a porch that looked more like a living room. It had modern wicker couches with plush outdoor cushions. A large television was in the far corner, along with a refrigerator and mini bar. There was abstract art on the wall. Hmm. Nice.

Furi was still looking around while Syn was standing at a larger, more secure door, unscrewing the face of an alarm panel. Furi hurried over to him. “Do you know what you’re doing? What if you fuck it up and the alarm goes off and we get locked in here?”

“Well thanks for the vote of confidence babe. You’re not a very good wingman, you know that?”

“You mean accomplice,” Furi corrected. “Sorry but no I’m not.”

“We've got limited time and something needs to be done. So I have to act quickly. I’m the guard baby; you’re supposed to back me down in the paint,” Syn said calmly as he pulled different colored wires out of the box on the wall.

“I’m supposed to do what?” Furi’s brow furrowed. “In the paint? What the hell are you talking about?”

“Basketball. You know, the area below the free throw line and between the lane lines. If I’m going in for the shot I need you to back me up,” Syn said all that nonsense – which was what it sounded like to Furi - while taking out some mini scissors and clipping two wires.

“Done. And now ..." Syn worked two ultra-thin metal tools in the bolt lock and the doorknob. Turning one tool clockwise and the other counterclockwise the lock clicked and Syn turned the knob, opening the door. Syn turned, looking at him with so much pride, Furi couldn’t help but grin.

“You’re crazy.” Furi shook his head still smiling stupidly.

“But you like that don’t you?” Syn whispered.

“Whatever.” Furi rolled his eyes. “Now what?”

“Now we go in.” Syn pulled the Maglite out next and shone it through the door before opening it fully and walking in. The house was dark and Furi couldn’t see a thing other than they had come in through the kitchen. It smelled like an Italian dinner had been cooked that evening as the hints of garlic and other spices hung heavily in the air. Syn shined the light downward while he walked slowly across the smooth floor. Furi hung to his belt loop so as not to lose him and bumped into something in the middle of the floor.

Syn stopped and turned to him. “Quiet, Furi,” he hissed.

“I can fuckin’ see a thing,” Furi snapped back.

“We’re cat burglars baby. You gotta use your cat vision.” Syn laughed quietly again.

Furi wasn’t finding any of this funny, and he couldn’t figure out for the life of him how Syn was having such a good time, cracking corny jokes and using sports metaphors that made absolutely no sense.
