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“Bottoming doesn’t have a goddamn thing to do with being weak, or less than a man. My ex-husband believed that bullshit. Bottoming takes trust and courage. The courage to give another person control of the love-making and to trust them enough to take care of you while you place that cherished piece of yourself – for you it's your control – into the hands of another. It’s a very special and intimate gift to give to a lover. Believe me when I tell you I don’t take that trust lightly.”

Furi could see that his words had gotten through to Syn, but now that he’d spoken the truth, he needed to show him what he meant. Furi snaked his hands around Syn’s waist and held him tightly, moaning in relief and arousal at the feel of Syn’s hard cock pressing into his own. He felt Syn running his hands up into his hair, roughly massaging his scalp, little puffs of hot breath on his cheek making him more anxious. Furi released his own soft breath and licked at the damp skin of Syn’s neck. He tasted salty and masculine, the best flavor in the fucking world. Furi walked them backward until Syn’s back hit the wall beside the refrigerator. Syn grunted a little at the force of it and Furi latched on to those firm lips that quickly turned pliable against his own. He licked and bit at Syn’s bottom lip, forcing him to open wider. Furi growled into his mouth, “Open for me. Now.” Syn’s mouth parted so sweetly that Furi had to fight to keep himself in check and not fuck Syn right there on the cold tiles of the kitchen floor. Syn had obeyed him, followed his command, that was what it was all about. Furi had to remain in complete control, or else he’d lose Syn's trust. He plunged his tongue into Syn’s mouth and explored every bud on his tongue, licking each corner as Syn pushed his lower half against him, seeking blissful friction of their hard dicks rubbing together.

Furi’s body was revved up, but he maintained composure, needing to feel and counter every one of Syn’s actions. Furi felt him push against him again, this time he grasped Syn’s hips tightly, forcing Syn to stay still, and his lover did just that. Furi smiled against Syn’s wet lips. Good boy. He wouldn’t dare say that aloud. Not yet, anyway. He popped the button on Syn’s jeans and lowered the zipper slowly. Furi confidently reached inside, hissing at the feel of dampness in the front of Syn’s briefs. His man was leaking like a broken faucet. He couldn’t wait to have another taste of him. But first Furi’s hands continued around Syn’s strong hips to those round furry cheeks, and he dove in: grabbing two nice handfuls. “Mmm. Damn, you feel good.” Furi wanted in so badly but he had to be patient.

Syn’s breaths were coming in fast, shallow pants and Furi’s eyes were observing his every reaction as he slowly dragged one finger down the seam of Syn’s ass. That little piece of heaven was nestled between those soft cheeks and Furi was about to get his first feel of it. He lifted the hand that was still massaging Syn’s ass and brought to his mouth, making an erotic show of sucking on his middle finger while Syn watched with hooded eyes.

“Furi,” Syn groaned.

“Shhh. I got you. Need you to trust me.” He knew Syn wanted to feel that finger deep inside him and Furi was happy to give it to him. He slid his spit-slicked finger from his mouth, and pulling Syn’s ass cheeks apart, he let that finger oh so delicately touch that hot hole. Furi rubbed it lightly back and forth, slowly massaging the tight skin surrounding it, Syn making the most beautiful sound Furi had ever heard. “You like that don’t you, baby?” Furi knew Syn was basking in the feeling and didn’t expect an answer; he already knew the answer. Syn’s head was thrown back, his cock leaking copious amounts of pre-come. Yeah, Furi knew the damn answer. He applied exactly the right amount of pressure to Syn’s hole, feeling him tense just a little in anticipation of entry. “Relax, Syn. I promise I won’t hurt you. Do you trust me?”

Syn brought his head down, slowly opening his eyes before looking at Furi very seriously. “Yes.”

Furi needed to move this out of Syn’s kitchen and into a room with a bed. Furi was barely applying any pressure to Syn’s bud, letting him get used to the feeling, used to being touched there. The multitude of nerves around the anus were so sensitive, and Furi was determined to stimulate Syn there so thoroughly that he never doubted his true desires again. When Furi began pulling his hands away, Syn grabbed both his biceps in a punishing grip, obviously not ready for Furi to stop massaging him. Furi was over-the-moon elated, but he pushed Syn’s strong arms back against the wall and pressed his forehead hard against his. “You are not in control here, Syn. Got it?”
