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Syn gently lifted Furi’s chin, so he was looking at him. “As far as your husband and his bitch-assed brother? They didn’t fight fair. You are all man, beautiful, because a real man knows when he has to turn and walk away from an unwinnable fight. You may think I always win, but I’ll be the first to tell you I don’t and I’ll lose more, but I’ll damn sure keep fighting. I’m a man and so are you. Don’t think I didn’t notice that you took one of those big bastards out in that alley tonight. Your brother-in-law was still crumpled over crying like a bitch, holding his knee long after you left.” Furi couldn’t help but flash a large smile at hearing that.

“You’re amazing. The very little that I know about you is fascinating. I want to know more, I want to know it all. I promise you, nothing you say will make me cringe and head for the door.” Syn appeared the most vulnerable Furi had ever seen him. “And I hope you don’t balk at what I tell you about my past, my trials.”

Furi’s breath caught in his throat.

“My wants,” Syn whispered, leaning in and nuzzling close to Furi’s ear. He buried his face in Furi’s hair and inhaled deeply, before pushing it behind his ear. “God, I want you so fucking bad. Please.”

Furi swore something bolted together inside him at that moment. Syn was finally putting it out there, who he was and what he needed. He knew what Syn wanted, but was Furi brave enough to go there again? He’d done it once and he’d barely escaped with his life. Could he trust Syn? Yes he could, because Syn was ten times the man that Patrick was.

Furi pulled Syn from nestling in his hair and looked him in his eyes. “You’ve never been with a man.” It wasn’t a question, but Syn shook his head anyway.

“Are you ready to take what you really want now? Because I can give it to you if you can handle it.” Furi licked Syn’s lips, enjoying the shiver that coursed through him.

Syn nodded his head this time.

“Say it,” Furi growled. “I want to hear you ask for it.”

“Can you give me what I want, Furi?” Syn held on tight to Furi’s shoulders as if he was his lifeline and he was going down.

Furi got a tight grip on the back of Syn’s neck, pulling him roughly to his mouth and damn near spat the words inside those sexy parted lips. “Fuck yes. If you’re man enough to take it, then I can give it.”

Syn’s voice was so low, Furi had to strain to hear him, but when those words came out in a harsh, bass-filled timbre they were like lava flowing down Furi’s throat, searing his stomach. “You gonna let me fuck you, Furious?”

Furi searched those dark eyes and knew he had it right. Syn was screaming for someone to strip him of that airtight control. Make him forget about always being in charge, making all the decisions and holding the reins, just let him lie back and feel, enjoy the euphoria. “No, Syn. I’m gonna fuck you.”

‘This is Long Overdue’

Oh hell, oh shit, oh fuck, oh damn. Fuck me. No, no, no, no. I’m not ready. Syn didn’t know how he felt about Furi’s declaration. Fuck me? Shit. Syn was always on top, right? He was the one that called the shots, right? Furi was supposed to do what he told him to do, right? Because that’s the way it’d always been.

Furi was watching Syn so closely, he felt as if the man could see clear through his eyes and into his mind, witnessing the struggle Syn was waging internally. What he’d always believed to be true warring with what he was only now realizing he truly wanted. It was a terrifying proposition to be questioning everything you had always thought you knew about yourself sexually.

“Hey,” Furi broke into his inner battle. “No one needs to know what the fuck goes on your bedroom. That’s your business. Don’t mistake me not wanting to be your secret for me wanting to share intimate details of my sex life. Look at me Syn.”

Syn’s eyes were dark, and Furi didn’t know if it was the strong desire running rampant through him or an acute attack of fear of the unknown. No doubt this was new, unchartered territory. Furi had to tread carefully, or he could wake up with a snapped man. His and Patrick’s marriage started with a lie about what Patrick's true needs were. Furi wasn’t going to start this relationship the same way. Syn was a bottom, the best kind of bottom. One that needed his top to take him where he could be completely carefree, allowing himself to soar.
