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Furi let Syn’s cock slip from his mouth so he could rest his forehead against Syn’s hard thigh. “Damn that was good,” Furi breathed. Syn stroked Furi’s hair while he pulled himself together.

Furi stood up and went to the bathroom to wash his hands. When he’d finished drying, Syn was standing in the doorway, a satisfied look on his face. Furi winked at him in the mirror and turned around to face him. He walked forward until they were chest-to-chest. He whispered against Syn’s mouth, “Feel better?”

“For now. This will only hold me a few hours.” Syn’s dark voice coursed through Furi’s body making him want to drop to his knees again. Syn rubbed his course cheek against Furi’s. “I need more. I need rough.”

Furi reached between them and gripped Syn’s balls and tugged on them making him grunt at the ache. “Shit! More,” Syn grumbled.

“Fuck,” Furi moaned. It always turned him on when Syn begged him. Furi dipped low and took both his hands and cupped Syn’s balls and his cock applying ample pressure to both of them. He squeezed the head of Syn’s cock and simultaneously tugged his balls. Syn rose up on his toes and bucked his hips seeking more sweet torture. Furi’s cock was rising again. He nuzzled the side of Syn’s neck and licked a warm path to his ear. He pressed his lips firmly to the shell, whispering hoarsely, “Fuckin’ pain slut. Gonna give you all you can take this weekend.” Furi ran his tongue to Syn’s open mouth, his breath panting across Furi’s face while he breathed through the throb in his balls.

“Please,” Syn whimpered.

Holy hell. How’d I get this damn lucky?

“Yes.” Furi released Syn’s balls and wrapped his arms around him to kiss him properly before they both went back to work.

Syn walked with Furi down the stairs to the shop that was already buzzing with activity. Since the grand opening three months ago, business had grown exponentially. Furi and Doug already had two big contracts: one with the city and one with a medium-sized car dealership. But they stayed busy with regular maintenance and detail work customers too. The place ran like a well-oiled machine. Cars were treated with care and the work performed on every one was quality. The operations manager was already talking about running a commercial during prime time television. Furi didn’t let any of this go to his head, he simply nodded and told the man to come back to him with specs next week and he and Doug would consider it. It turned Syn on to watch Furi run his business. He was so proud of him, proud to be on his arm, proud to love him and be loved by him.

They walked to the service bay area, which was where Furi worked ninety percent of the time and they both halted when they saw God’s big truck pulled into the last bay. The hood was up but no one was messing with it. God only trusted Furi to work on his truck now and everyone knew it, so no one dared overstep.

God was leaning against it with Ro and Ruxs while Doug and a few other mechanics stood around talking. Ro’s hands were gesturing wildly like he was telling a very entertaining story.

When they approached where the men were standing, Syn tugged Furi’s hand and he instinctually turned and kissed him softly on the mouth. Furi hoisted himself up on the front fender and leaned inside the hood of the F-350 and settled down on the side frame. “What the fuck did you do now, God?” Furi huffed.

“That’s no way to talk to a customer,” God chided Furi.

“Fuck you. Now tell me what happened?” Furi shot back.

Everyone laughed including God, as he went about telling Furi he was chasing a suspect when he took a wrong turn ... down some stairs.

Furi raised his head and gave God a heavy scowl. “Stairs!?”

“Like I said. Wrong turn,” God said nonchalantly. “Now something’s rattling under there.”

“No shit,” Furi said pulling the flashlight from his pocket and taking a closer look. “You’ve probably fucked up your tie rods.”

“Hey Furious, I’m willing to offer you seventy-five thous–”

“It’s not for sale Day. It wasn’t for sale the last fifty bids you proposed and it’s still not for sale,” Furi said calmly, not bothering to look up from God’s truck while he shot Day down again.

“Give it a rest sweetheart. He’s never gonna sell you his father’s bike.” God looked down at Day’s pouting face. “There’s like fifteen other kick-ass bikes in his showroom. Pick one of those if you’re ready for a different bike.”

“But that one is tricked-out like a motherfucker,” Day snapped.

“Leo. You do realize I designed that bike. If you pick a bike, I’ll customize it for you.” Furi finally looked at Day who now looked like he had just been given the largest present under the tree on Christmas morning. “Oh hell yeah. Alright then. I’ll be by next week to do the paperwork on the Valkyrie.”
