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“Hey you,” Syn whispered

“Hey yourself.”

“Are you’re sure you okay?” Syn asked, helping Furi loosen his tie.

“I’m better than okay. We got the guilty verdict, right? The thought of Patrick and Brenden’s sadistic asses in a filthy jail cell for the next fifteen years makes me very okay.” Furi gave Syn his most reassuring smile and it seemed to do the trick. They’d all testified over the length of the three-day trial, but Furi’s testimony had sealed the brothers' fate. There was no way they’d have beaten those charges, but Furi had still held his breath until the jury foreman said the words: "Guilty on all counts."

Furi took the tie and hung it in his walk-in closet. Most of his clothes were in his newly renovated loft above the shop, but he still had a dresser at Syn’s place too. If Furi was extremely tired from a long day in the shop, then simply going upstairs to his apartment and taking a hot shower made things much easier. What was even nicer was when Syn used the back stairs and surprised Furi. When he’d finally come up from work and the hot man was already there waiting for him in his bed or simply lying on his sectional watching a game.

Furi removed his slacks and replaced them with a pair of his work jeans and then his coveralls.

“It’s not even noon yet. Do you have to go to work right now?” Syn’s sexy confident walk over to where Furi was bent over tying his boots brought him flush against Furi’s ass. “I thought you’d have a little time before work ... maybe for a game of stroke the mechanic’s tool.” Syn bent over Furi’s back and pressed his rising cock into that perfect bubble ass.

Furi laughed as he finished tying his boots. “I would love to play a long game with you, baby. But I’m swamped. I need to get down there and help my guys. I’m really grateful for Day pulling some strings and getting us that contract with the city to service the department's vehicles; but if I see one more Suburban this week, I’m going to choke one or all of you. It’s like you guys break them on purpose. I mean seriously. What cop chases a suspect and jumps out of the truck before stopping it and putting it in park?”

Syn laughed. “My guys do.”

Furi went to tie his hair back in a ponytail but Syn stopped him. His eyes burning with lust. “I need you Furi.” Syn kissed Furi’s neck. “You smell so good. Wanna taste you right now. Feel you bury that long cock deep inside of me.”

Furi’s head fell back against the wall as Syn licked and nipped at his throat. “Feels good, Syn.”

“Then let me have you.” Syn tugged at Furi’s overalls but was stopped.

“Today is Friday. I’m off all weekend.” Furi spun Syn around and slammed him his chest against the wall and pressed his cock against his ass, wrinkling the nice slacks Syn'd worn for court. “I promise you, I’m going to spend every one of those forty-eight hours buried balls deep in your tight ass.”

“Fuck me,” Syn groaned, his hands pressed firmly against the wall.

“Can’t right now, but I can do this.” Furi spun Syn around hard and placed a firm palm to his chest pushing him back against the wall again. Syn’s breathing was fast and his cock was difficult to conceal in those thin slacks. Furi kept eye contact with Syn’s dark pools as he dropped to his knees. He made quick work of undoing Syn’s belt and dropping his pants and briefs to his ankles. Furi took Syn’s length all the way to the back of his throat and held him there.

“Augh. Furious!” Syn yelled, grasping at Furi’s shoulders.

Furi had to take the edge off for his lover and then he had to get to work. And he had to take care of himself too, since his dick was just as hard and aching. Syn fucked Furi’s mouth while he unbuttoned his jumpsuit and anxiously dug inside his jeans, pulling himself free. He moaned deep in his throat at the first contact of cool air on his hot dick. No doubt the vibration drove Syn crazy because he grasped Furi’s hair and started slamming his cock in and out, the rhythm of his hips already faltering.

“Gonna fuckin’ make me come already, you sexy bastard,” Syn groaned.

Furi’s palm was dry and the painful friction he jerked his cock with was tipping him over the edge fast. He opened his mouth wider, feeling Syn’s length harden to granite right before the first hot splash of come hit his tongue. Syn bucked hard against him as usual, his orgasm kicking his ass. Syn bowed over Furi’s head and grunted hard as the ruthless tremors racked his body. Furi barely had time to swallow the first couple of spurts before more creamy goodness flooded his mouth. Salty, warm and plentiful. Furi squeezed his eyes shut and kept the tight hold on Syn’s cock in his mouth while he fucked his own a couple more times into his fist and shot his load over his other hand. Furi released a long throaty groan while he milked his cock head for the last drops.
