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“Yeah, but so good too,” was the breathy reply.

Syn smiled and rolled off the bed, headed to the bathroom to get a cloth to clean Furi up.

After cleaning himself, Syn went back in the room and smiled at the quiet snores coming from Furi’s open mouth. He was sprawled across most of the bed on his stomach and his hair was all over the place. He looked fucked-out and Syn wanted to pat himself on the back. He’d put that blissful look on his man’s face.

Syn leaned over and began to wipe at Furi’s ass, gently removing the drying come around his stretched hole and in between his thighs. It wasn’t until right at that moment that it finally registered that Syn hadn’t worn a condom. When it was time to enter Furi, a barrier was the furthest thing from his mind. He’d wanted to show Furi how much he meant to him. Fill him up and mark him as his, as the man he loved. Damn. Syn didn’t want to use condoms with Furi anymore, but he still should’ve checked with Furi first.

Furi stirred slightly before twisting to look back at Syn. The words that came from Furi’s mouth were all he’d needed to calm him.

“If I had wanted you to use a condom, I would’ve made you,” Furi said quietly. “I needed you this way. It’s okay. It’s better than okay. And I’m clean if you were wondering that.”

Syn tossed the rag into the corner and settled in next to Furi. “No I wasn’t wondering that, but I’m clean too. I just didn’t want you to think, ya know.”

“Com’mere.” Furi held his arm for Syn to nestle in next to him.

After napping for a couple hours, Syn was awakened by Furi sucking his soft cock in his mouth. He pulled and licked and sucked until Syn was hard and throbbing. Furi shoved Syn’s hands into his hair and encouraged Syn to fuck his mouth. It only took a couple minutes before Syn was shouting Furi’s name and coming hard down his open throat. Waking up in an unknown environment on the water was a strange but exhilarating aphrodisiac for Syn.

“Let's stand on the top deck,” Furi suggested, licking his swollen lips.

“Whatever you want,” Syn responded. That answer held true for anything Furi might ask of him.

‘Love is Contagious’

Furi was still elated from his midnight cruise with Syn, but it didn’t stop him from missing him like crazy. They’d stayed on the top deck until the sun came up. Lying in each other’s arms on the plush deck couch, basking in their new love. Furi didn’t want to leave that yacht but life didn’t stop for love. He had work to do at the shop training some of the new staff and Syn had left for Augusta that morning to apprehend the man suspected of selling the laced ecstasy.

It had only been two days but Furi was looking forward to seeing Syn, kissing him, making love to him. Syn had called him each night and each night they’d jerked off together. When Syn had called him at two in the morning after finding the download Furi had put on his phone, he thought Syn had injured himself from coming so hard. Furi had downloaded his last masturbation video with Illustra to Syn’s cell. The one in which he’d thought about his hot detective the entire time. Furi moaned into the receiver as Syn watched the video. When it got to the part where he’d looked at the camera and asked "Is this what you want?" He let Syn know that he’d been talking to him. Syn lost it right there on the other end of the line and it only took Furi a couple hard pulls to come right along with him.

Furi was zoning in and out, splitting his thoughts between Syn and his father’s bike on the raised platform in the window. He reminisced about all the time they’d put in rebuilding each piece together. People had already tapped on the door asking how much he wanted for it, but it was the one thing in the place that wasn’t for sale.

“Hey Furi. Wanna grab some lunch?” Doug yelled across the shop.

“Yeah. Sounds good,” Furi called back.

While they ate their chicken dinners at Doug’s favorite soul food restaurant, they talked about some last minute details for their grand opening in a couple weeks. The place had come together nicely. They ended up hiring two secretaries because the orders and appointments were already flying in.

Furi wiped his mouth, realizing Doug was staring at him. “What?”

“I asked Cel to marry me,” Doug said around a wide smile.

“Holy shit!” Furi barked.

“Yeah, man. I fucking love her to death.” Doug laughed. “I honestly don’t know why I waited this long.”

Furi knew exactly how Doug felt. Love was thick all around him. “I guess from the smile on your face that she said yes.”
