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“Mmmm.” Syn pulled out further and looked down between them at his slick cock, glistening in the warm glow of the candles. He drove back in with a little more force and Furi yelled his name.

“Jesus,” Syn whispered. “I wanna last all night for you Furious, but you feel too fuckin’ good baby.”

“Make love to me, Syn.” Furi turned slightly and Syn captured his mouth in a passionate kiss. He didn’t release Furi’s mouth as he withdrew to the head of his dick and slowly slid back in, snapping his hips with the last inch. Furi’s back bowed at the move. “Yes! Like that!” he shouted.

Syn repeated it exactly how Furi liked it, keeping the pace slow and tight. The gentle waves that rocked the boat aided Syn’s rhythm. Furi began to thrust his ass back against him and Syn’s eyes rolled. “I’m gonna fuckin’ come,” Syn groaned, his voice sounding tortured, like Furi was killing him softly.

“I need to see you.” Syn pulled out slowly, gripping the base of his cock. He rose up so Furi could turn over. The look on Furi’s face was his undoing. So much love and adoration shone back at him, reflecting his own feelings like a mirror. Furi spread his legs and Syn took one thigh and pulled it up high, wrapping it around his back. He locked eyes with his lover and buried back inside.

“Unh. Shit.” Furi’s scorching channel squeezed his dick almost to the point of pain.

Furi’s body rocked gracefully underneath him as Syn went back to his slow, lovemaking pace. He’d bury in to his balls and lazily grind against him before pulling out and doing it again. Syn’s balls were getting tighter, the muscles in his back were contracting, and his asshole clenched with its own need to be penetrated. “Fuck.” Syn’s face was furrowed in concentration as he tried to hold off what was about to be the most mind-blowing orgasm he’d ever had.

“I feel you, Syn. I feel you about to explode,” Furi groaned against his ear. His hands traveled down to Syn’s ass. He pulled him in tight against him, making Syn grind hard inside him. Furi worked his hips from the bottom and Syn had no doubt Furi’s prostate was being stimulated. If the noises coming from him weren’t evidence enough, the cock trapped between them that had turned to steel definitely was.

“You’re gonna make me fuckin’ come, Syn,” Furi rasped out. Furi’s cock was trapped between them and the way Furi controlled Syn’s hips had his abs rubbing roughly over its length. Syn’s orgasm was rising. He was having a hard time keeping his eyes on his lover’s beautiful face, especially when Furi took one hand off Syn’s ass and made a show of sexily sucking on one finger.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck,” Syn cried, his hips snapping in anticipation. He knew what Furi was about to do and that thought alone had his orgasm barreling to the surface. “Furious!”

Furi’s back rose off the damp sheets, sealing their fronts together. He squeezed Syn’s ass, pushing him in to the hilt and ground hard against him, Syn’s stomach providing Furi’s dick with some much needed friction. Syn shouted when he felt Furi’s finger breech him roughly – just the way he liked. The first jolt of that delicious burn had Syn seeing stars right before the first jet of come shot through him. Syn’s body shook ferociously, his orgasm so intense it hurt. Furi pegged his gland and Syn fell down hard on top of Furi shoving his cock in as deep as he could.

Furi’s shouts of ecstasy were muffled beneath him, his curses muted, but the slick warmth that spread between their sweaty torsos was unmistakable. The feel of Furi coming all over him was fueling Syn’s massive orgasm, which still had him in its grasp. He grabbed two fists full of Furi’s hair and hollered against the crown of his head while his hips spastically thrust into him with each spurt of hot essence that filled his man.

After who knew how long, Syn was finally able to make his brain function again. Syn’s hips stilled inside that still quivering channel while he peppered tender kisses on Furi’s forehead, eyelids, cheeks, nose, all the way down his throat. “I love you so much,” Syn whispered against Furi’s ear.

Furi’s response was nuzzling his face into Syn’s delicate kisses.

Syn’s cock slid from Furi and with an exhausted groan Syn rolled to Furi’s side. “I’ll get you a warm cloth in just a minute.”

Furi’s eyes were closed and his breathing was even.

“Are you okay?” Syn asked with concern.

“Hey. That’s my line.” Furi’s deep chuckle made Syn’s chest tighten. Furi was more than okay.

“You’re right. It is. Now I see why you ask it.” Syn rubbed Furi’s hip. “That was intense.”
