Page 11 of Finding Faith (Red Hook 2)
He laughed into his wine glass, shaking his head. Royal suddenly rolled off the mat, an ear flopped backwards as she quirked her head at the door.
“You expecting company?” Rhyett asked, glass hovering halfway to the table. I shook my head, but we were both on our feet before the knock sounded. Royal’s enthusiastic tail told me she knew who was on the other side before we did.
The whoosh of air ruffled my hair when I threw it open, finding a familiar back and mess of red curls.
“Noel?” I asked, the skepticism thick in my voice. When she turned around, my glass fell to the concrete step, shattering on impact and sending maroon liquid everywhere. Her lip was split, downcast eyes glued to her feet, with a fresh bruise blooming across her cheekbone. “Noel!?” I barked, lunging forward, but she shook her head, holding up a trembling hand.
“Is Rhyett home?” she asked in a quavering voice, still not meeting my eyes. I nodded as Rhyett elbowed into the door frame and leapt out in the same motion, shoulders back, head swiveling as he looked for the threat before setting his hand on her back and ushering her inside. Once we had her sitting on the sofa, the mess on the stoop temporarily forgotten, she cleared her throat, finally lifting her red-rimmed eyes to my boyfriend’s face. He sucked in a breath even though he held his tongue.
When Noel spoke, she was quiet but firm. “I need your help.”
* * *