Page 22 of Her Royal Bodyguard

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She wanted to text her. But every time she thought of it and composed it, she decided she was insane and deleted it. You cannot just text her because you feel like it. You only have the privilege of her phone number for important work reasons. Abuse of that privilege, in fact, anything to piss off Alexandra and Erin would be replaced, faster than she could say replaced.

Alexandra had a meeting scheduled on Thursday with her father, the King. She walked alone through the palace to meet him. They weren’t a close family at all. He was a very solitary man. He lived in his own chambers, separate even from Alexandra’s mother, his wife. They were still officially together. They attended public functions together, but they lived very separately. Alexandra’s mother chose to spend a lot of her time in her own living quarters and with her big group of friends. Alexandra wasn’t close to her mother either. She found her mother harboured a lot of jealousy since Alexandra had become an adult. Jealousy at Alexandra’s future and the power that she held. It isn’t the natural way of things. The respect your elder line doesn’t work when your child is heir to the throne. Alexandra knew that she used her status to her advantage when it suited her. She liked the power she held.

Alexandra knocked on the door to her father’s private rooms. She was met by a servant, who bowed to her and lead her to her father’s study. The ceremony of tradition and rules was always obeyed.

King George sat behind his large desk and he looked older. Every time she saw him lately, he looked older. More worn down by life and by his responsibilities. Alexandra bowed her head to him.

“Father,” she said.

“Alexandra, welcome.”

Her father’s assistant, Henry sat beside him, as he had for many many years. He was as familiar to Alexandra as her father was. They greeted each other.

“Alexandra,” the King began. “Please do update me on your marriage situation. I understand you have met with one of the suggested candidates and spoken with others. It is my understanding that a front runner has emerged in Prince Nicolas.”

“I have read the files on all the men you suggested. The only one I thought might be suitable is Prince Nicolas. So, I have met with him a couple of times and got to know him.” Alexandra spoke dutifully and reflectively.

“He seems very suitable Alexandra. And a marriage with him will greatly improve our relations with Sweden. It would be a very beneficial arrangement. How do you find him, personally.”

“I find him kind and respectful, Father.”

“Have you approached the subject of marriage with him?”

“I haven’t. Not yet. I have focussed on getting to know him. But he is not a stupid man. He will understand what the purpose of our getting to know each other is about.”

“Indeed Alexandra, I am sure he will. He would jump at the opportunity, I’m sure. As would any of these men. A marriage to you and the future you would give them would benefit them more than they could ever imagine. I will meet him. Henry, you will arrange a dinner. Alexandra you will attend too, alongside your mother. We must all meet him. Subject to my approval, you will discuss engagement with him, or Henry can do it on your behalf. Either way, the legal implications, the details, what is and what isn’t going to be put in the marriage contract will be discussed between Henry and Nicolas and his advisors.”

“I understand, Father.”

“I hear you have also ended things with Lord Hugo. Do you want the palace to put out an official statement to this effect?”

“Please do, Father.”

“Wonderful. I will see you soon, Alexandra. As soon as we are able to organise this dinner with Nicolas.”

He looked back to his paperwork and Alexandra knew that the meeting was over and she was dismissed.

Henry jumped up and showed her to the door.

Alexandra thought again about the tall blonde Nicolas. A kind man. A respectful man, she hoped. What would their marriage be like?


They hadn’t been out that day. Alexandra had met with her father, but Erin had spent the day on Netflix. Filling the dull emptiness in her soul.

Everything was quiet, it was late evening, all the staff had been sent home. Erin’s phone beeped. A text from Alexandra:

Erin, please come and meet me in my apartment as soon as you are able

Erin read it three times.

No way.

What on earth did Alexandra want at this time of night?

She text back:

Sure. Should I bring anything? Do you want to go out? Should I let the team know? What should I wear?

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