Page 15 of Her Royal Bodyguard

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On Saturday night Alexandra sent the staff home early and text Erin asking her to join her in her drawing room.

Erin was confused, yet curious. What did Alexandra want? She slipped her jeans on and knocked on the door of the drawing room.

“Come in, have a seat.” Alexandra’s voice silky and seductive. At least, it was in Erin’s head.

Erin entered and sat down.

“Erin, thank you for joining me. I have a special request tonight. It needs to be very very discreet. I cannot have any of the rest of the security team knowing. I cannot have anyone knowing. It will be a secret mission, if you like.”

Erin looked to her curiously.

“I want to go to Soho. To a gay bar. Just you and me. No other security.”

“What?!” Erin was shocked. “No way,” she said. “I mean, no way, ma’am. It isn’t possible. It isn’t safe. You would be recognised.”

“I have a plan,” responded Alexandra emptying an overnight bag onto the antique table. As she spread out the items, Erin saw a long brown wig, some coloured contact lenses, some skinny jeans, a cool vest top, some converse trainers. Had Alexandra gone completely mad?!

“Ma’am, please. I don’t think you understand. It could be very dangerous.” Erin had so many concerns about this plan. Everything about it was risky. Everything about it went against all security protocol. She would lose her job if anyone found out.

“It will work Erin, I promise.” As she spoke she pulled the wig on over her own hair, long and wavy dark chocolate. She had a small mirror on the table and she used it to apply the dark brown contact lenses. Her eyes immediately looked so different. Erin barely recognised her. She stripped down to her underwear in the middle of the room, black lace tempting Erin momentarily, before she pulled on the tight black jeans and the white rock-chick vest.

As Erin looked at her, she thought perhaps she was right. Nobody surely would recognise her. So much of her public identity was her expensive looking ashy hair and her wide blue eyes. The way she dressed. And he

r persona.

All of that was gone suddenly. A very different version of Alexandra was there behind the contact lenses. Her personality seemed different, full of fun, intrigue and excitement. The dark eyes sparkled with desire.

“Please Erin, please. Take me out. I want to be free. I’ve used disguises before, it does work. I just never ever get opportunity to walk freely in this world. I want that. Just for tonight, please. Take me to your world.”

She was clearly having some kind of mid life crisis.

Erin was torn between knowing that she absolutely shouldn’t agree to this. But at the same time, knowing that she would agree to it. That you just didn’t say no to Alexandra.

Alexandra looked striking in her new look, but surprisingly small without heels on.

“What if they ask you for ID?” Erin asked.

Alexandra reached inside the bag and pulled out a fake ID. Her fake picture and a fake name.

Isobel Andrews

“Well, hello Ms Isobel. You really have thought of everything.” Erin laughed.

“You can call me Izzy,” she responded, different in how she held herself, different in how she spoke.

“Here.” She reached back into the bag and threw a top and a butter-soft black leather biker jacket to Erin. I thought maybe you wouldn’t have packed for this eventuality. I got you these. She smiled. “I thought they would suit you. Put them on,” she requested. Or commanded. It wasn’t really a request.

Erin, less confident than Alexandra, undid her shirt and took it off cautiously, placing it down. She stood in her sports bra, feeling self conscious as she hurried to put on the clothes from Alexandra.

“Oh, you look amazing! I just knew that jacket would suit you!” Alexandra lit up with excitement. I know you don’t really wear make up, but please let me do make up for you?”

Erin succumbed to the make up; a live doll for Alexandra to play with. Alexandra’s fingers in her hair, her face inches from Erin’s own as she concentrated on doing make up. An hour later, Alexandra had made them both up and straightened Erin’s hair. Erin barely recognised herself with heavy kohl liner round her eyes. Alexandra had some hair and make up skills that were wasted on a Princess. She finished and was proud of her work. Erin looked at them both together in the mirror, they looked like rock stars.

“Give me one compromise, please wear your GPS wristband. You don’t have to turn it on unless anything happens, but I just need a backup plan.” It was a terrible back up plan, as far as security of such a high profile individual goes, everything about the plan for the night was risky as hell, but Alexandra seemed to be enjoying it, she seemed more alive than Erin had ever seen her and Erin couldn’t help just wanting to please her.

“Ok, if you insist.” Alexandra’s dark eyes flashed.

The next step was to smuggle her out of the palace and grounds. Alexandra produced the keys to one of her own Range Rovers. She rarely drove herself, but she was perfectly capable of driving. Erin headed out of their rooms onto the communal corridor to take a look around. It was 8pm, all was quiet. She went back for Alexandra and they both hurried to the fire exit where they could get outside quickly. They got out to the garages without being caught. They were like naughty schoolchildren as they ran to Alexandra’s Range Rover which she had made sure had been left out ready for her.

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