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I give Brandon a knowing look. We are both acutely aware that he doesn’t think this is a smart path for me, but to my surprise he actually looks like he does want to hear it. There isn’t a scrap of judgement in his face.

“I want to hear about it too,” Jenny joins in. “It sounds really interesting. I just had a look at some of your text books and it looks fascinating. You must be really enjoying it though, am I right?”

I open up a little, my enthusiasm growing as I talk about what I’ve been studying. It feels great to share it with someone else. I know that Zane loves hearing about it, but I don’t ever want to bore him with details so I don’t go on about it all the time, only when I’m really excited about something, and to be fair as I talk it seems like Brandon and Jenny really approve. Even if it’s just because they can see how happy it makes me, that’s a start.

I have a funny feeling that this might really be the start of something new, a genuinely amazing friendship between all of us, and to be honest that’s the best thing in the world to me. I don’t want anything more.


“I don’t know what happened earlier on, but my God, I’m glad,” I tell Zane as we lie in his bed – our bed, I need to remember that I live here now too – a little later on in the evening once my brother and Jenny have gone. “It’s amazing how quickly things got better, isn’t it? Honestly, it was unbelievable.”

“Oh, I know. The talk that me and Brandon had was just amazing. I mean, we really got everything off our chests and clearer the air. I just hope that he can do the same with your mom.”

I don’t know if either of us hold out too much when it comes to my mom because she’s so determined to stick to her guns with this one. Of course, I’ll be very sad if she can’t ever accept me and Zane, it’ll be really hard to come to terms with, but if that’s a sacrifice that I have to make for love then so be it. This man is

worth it.

I turn onto my side and kiss him, before stroking his gorgeous face. There’s nothing that I love more than caressing his cheeks and staring at him to remind me that he belongs to me now. This man is mine.

“Now we just have one more person to tell,” I say softly. “And she might just be the worst one of all.”

“Oh God,” Zane groans. “Who is it? I don’t think that I can go through all of that again.”

I pause for dramatic effect trying to wind him up. “Mandi,” I eventually reply with a smirk. “In all the madness, I just haven’t had time to see her and tell her yet. That’s going to be an interesting conversation.”

“Please tell me that she doesn’t hate me as well? What could I possibly have done to offend her?”

“Actually, she’s always been a big supporter of me and you. Especially since you came back and you told me to break up with Patrick because you would be much better for me. She sure as hell liked that because she was the one who kept telling me the same thing. I mean, about Patrick, not about you.”

“I never said that,” he yells jokingly. “I can’t believe that you would say such lies…” He tickles me, making me squeal. “But I was right though, wasn’t I? You are much happier with me.”

My chest fills with a warmth as the truth of that hits me. “This is the happiest that I’ve ever been. I love you, Zane. You coming back was the best thing for me. You might have changed everything, but for the best.”

“And you know that I love you too.” He kisses me tenderly on the lips giving me butterflies in my stomach. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world other than here with you right now. Me and you against the world, baby.”

Chapter Thirty Four – Zane

I never thought that we would be here, I never ever thought that I would be sitting in a room with Leah, Brandon, and their mom, and everyone would be happy about it. When Brandon left my apartment just over two months ago stating that he was going to talk to her about us, I had nothing but doubts. I thought that we would be fallen out forever. It wasn’t like me and Brandon, we didn’t have any history, she’s always hated me.

But Brandon must be magic because somehow, he made it work. Somehow, he got us to the point where we could eventually have a conversation, and now we’re all fine with one another. It’s weird, but amazing.

“Yeah, me and Jenny had the best day with Mandi, we all went shopping and it was awesome. They really get along, it’s crazy when they’re so different. I have this little group of friends now and it’s cool…”

“You aren’t about to steal my girlfriend from me, are you?” Brandon jokes. “Because I miss her!”

As they tease one another, I smile at their mom, and I really relish the pleasant look that she gives me in return. It honestly amazes me every single time. Thank God we’re all good with our families now, it’s amazing. I actually spent the afternoon after work with my mom and dad while I waited for Leah to come home and it was lovely.

“Oh, Leah, don’t forget to tell everyone your good news,” I jump in as I remember. “You know what I mean.”

“Oh right.” Her cheeks flush with shyness. “Yeah, of course, I haven’t got to it yet. I actually got an email the other day. One of my pieces that I wrote for my college work has been selected to be printed in a magazine.”

“What?” Both Brandon and his mom gasp with happiness. “Are you serious? That’s amazing.”

“Yeah, I don’t know how much of a big deal it is.” She shrugs bashfully. “But it’s big to me.”

She won’t say it to anyone else, but she told me that she thinks it reinforces that she’s doing the right thing. She feels much more like she’s a real writer, which is something to be celebrated. I know for sure that I’m proud of her. She’s worked damn hard for this, she’s put in many hours, and especially with that article.

Leah is embraced in a hug by her family and I smile proudly to myself. I have a celebration to have with her on my own later on, but that’s another matter. For now, I just want to sit back and let her have this moment. As she talks happily to them both, a real happiness encases me. I never knew that I could have it all.

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