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That was odd.

I went home and got inside of my apartment, looking around carefully in the parking lot. I locked the door and flipped the lights on before I walked to the kitchen. I looked around as I dropped the keys down on the cracked black-and-white tiles, knowing that I was moving. I sent my sister a text asking if she was awake since I hadn’t spoken to her since earlier. My cell rang immediately, and I went back to the bedroom to get some PJ pants on, so I could talk comfortable. She was so excited about the job and had to go in the garage, so she could congratulate me with squeals. I told her how I’d more than likely be moving in soon and starting full-time within a few days. We talked about it for an hour before ending the call and I crawled into bed to watch a little TV before bed.

I’d call Nathan in the morning. I had it off, so I could move in if he wanted me to, or at least pack up the little stuff I had out of boxes to prepare for the move. I thought about his tousled dark hair and ocean blue eyes for a moment and smiled. Nathan was gorgeous and successful. He was probably a dream man for any woman, but I’d never let attraction interfere with my job. He was out of my league to begin with, and it would hurt Ella if she became attached to me. I couldn’t do that much less risk my future.

I watched the end of a rom com before drifting off to sleep in the light of the TV, thinking about sleeping to the sound of the waves in a matter of days. I woke up around nine and rolled over to look at the clock. I should call Nathan. I rose and walked to the kitchen to make some coffee, looking out of the window as I sipped it. Screw this. I had a new job, and I was nervous about calling my boss-my gorgeous boss. I reached for my phone and found his number before dialing it and sitting at my desk. I listened to one ring, then two, and was finally rewarded with his voice on the third as I grinned. “Good morning, Nathan. This is Riley. How are you today?”

“Very well, Riley. I trust that you have good news for me?” I shivered at his masculine, whiskey voice as I nodded absently.

“I do. My boss at the bookstore is hiring her niece and I can be free in two more days for you. When is Carli returning home?” I asked as he said something muffled before coming back.

“She’s leaving in three. That works out perfect, so you can have a little help while you adjust to the routine.” He paused, and I held my breath for a second. “When would you like to move in?”

“As soon as you’re ready, I suppose. I need to pack a few things but there really isn’t too much. I won’t fill your house with my junk.” The living space was larger than my apartment, so I wasn’t worried at all. I could make it work.

“That sounds great. I am at the office for a while, but Carli should be home. I’ll call her and let her know that you’ll be stopping by. We can talk over dinner tonight and set up a schedule with Ella. You can sleep here tonight.” Nathan sounded relieved, and I told him that sounded great. “I’ll add you to the permanent list at the gate and get you a remote to come in. Thank you, Riley. I think this is going to be good.”

“I do as well. Thank you.” I ended the call and raised my hands to stretch with a huge smile. I finished my coffee and ate a bagel before going to my room to start gathering clothes from my closet. I could load those into the car and

start moving them, coming back later to pack a few things. I smiled as I worked, singing along to the music playing over my phone as I arranged them by type.

A phone call interrupted the music, and I glanced at the screen, not recognizing the number. I answered it hesitantly, hearing a girl greeting me on the other end. The voice was familiar, but it didn’t click until she told me that it was Carli. They were home, so I could drop by whenever I needed to. I thanked her and told her that I’d be by with some clothes in a little while. She ended the call as I heard Ella on the background, making me laugh as I dropped the phone on the bed and looked around.

I started carrying the clothes to my car in armfuls before the back was full. I decided to take it slow and headed over with that load, greeting the guard at the gate with a bright smile. I pulled into the driveway and saw the door open, so I grabbed some clothes and hurried towards the house. Carli walked out to get another load, assuring me that Ella was taking a nap. Together, we got the clothes inside in twenty minutes and I looked around the bright room. It was beautiful in here and I knew that I’d be at peace here after I was done for the day. I walked over to the windows to crack them open, breathing in the ocean air as I closed my eyes. I heard a chuckle and looked over at Carli, who was sitting on the bed watching me. I realized how much she looked like her brother and blushed as I made my way to the closet. It was already stocked with an organizer and hangers, and I smiled as I reached for the first shirt in the pile on the bed.

“This is a beautiful space. I think I want to pinch myself and make sure that I’m not dreaming.” I listened to the waves as I worked, arranging my shirts by color.

“Wait until you see Ella having a meltdown. You might question that statement,” Carli told me before laughing as I glanced at her. “She’s a happy kid most of the time but gets headstrong when she wants something. I think that Than has done a great job with everything.”

I wondered if this was a good time to ask about her mom. I kept working, and the room went quiet for a few minutes. “What kind of schedule does she have?” That seemed safe to ask.

“I am sure that it probably hasn’t been consistent in the last year or so. I have been getting her ready for bed around eight. I don’t always give her a bath, but I make a point of reading to her. I have always loved reading. From what I’ve seen, she wakes up around seven and takes a nap after lunch. That can last two hours sometimes, and I’d highly recommend napping yourself.” She giggled, and I laughed with her. “Ella has so much energy and she loves learning anything that she can. There’s a new Jag in the garage so you can do day trips. She loves places that she can run around and that makes me scared to take her to the movies.” I stopped hanging clothes and gazed at her in shock. “What?”

“Jaguar?” I clarified as she nodded with a confused look on her face. “Where is the garage?”

“Right this way,” Carli offered as she led the way out of the room. Had I been thinking properly, I would have realized that the garage was attached to the kitchen like most houses, but my mind was reeling right now. She walked through the gorgeous chef’s kitchen and through a door that led to a large multi-car space. I paused and looked around, seeing a sleek blue sport car and a burgundy SUV. It was beautiful, and my mouth dropped open. “That’s it. He drives a black Range Rover.”

“I can’t drive that! It’s too nice. What’s wrong with my car?” I asked as she smiled sympathetically at me.

“Than is something of an overprotective father. He wants Ella safe in every instance and his way to achieve that is through a new car that he’s researched to the point of obsession. This is like pocket change to my brother, Riley. Don’t worry about it.”

“This is insane. I have a job watching a beautiful child, have a great place to live, amazing pay and this car to drive. I think I’m scared.” We walked into the house as the sound of crying filled the room.

“It won’t be perfect by any means.” Carli winked at me as she bounded up the circular stairs to get Ella. I shook my head and went to finish organizing my clothes before grabbing my purse to run back to the apartment. I needed to bring a box of necessities if I were to stay the night here and I went to say hello to Ella before I left. She was watching a show with Carli in the living room and smiled sleepily at me.

“I am going to be back, and we’ll play,” I promised her as her eyes lit up, making my heart melt. On the way to the door, I glanced at the stone mantel and saw a picture of a blonde woman with Nathan on a beach somewhere. I didn’t move closer to see it, but she was beautiful. I kept walking towards the front door to leave, wondering how much Nathan missed her. He seemed to appreciate that Ella wouldn’t have any memories of her mom but that didn’t mean that he hasn’t loved her.

“It’s not my problem,” I told myself as I started my car, staring at the garage. I pulled out of the driveway and went back to pack a box of things I needed daily, stuff that would make the rooms feel like home for me. I added my salt lamp, Bluetooth speaker, laptop, and a few boxes of my favorite tea. I piled my favorite throw blankets over that, tucking it carefully into the box to keep everything secure before I carried the heavy package to my car. I placed in the back seat and locked the car to go make another one up. I walked over to the rental office when I was finished to give my notice and we agreed on a month since I was already paid up. That would give me time to move out slowly and get it cleaned up while I adjusted to the new job.

I got back into my car and drove to the beach house again, grabbing the lighter box before I headed to the front door. The garage was open, and Nathan looked out to see me as he called out to ask if there was anything else in the car. I told him there was and watched as he walked over in his black slacks and crisp white shirt that molded against his chest perfectly, blinking as he turned to walk to the door after me. “Shit,” I murmured under my breath as I rushed forward, nearly losing my balance. He ended up opening the door for both of us and we walked back to the room together as I told him to drop it on the bed. Nathan placed it on the mattress like it was cotton and glanced around. “It is starting to look lived in.”

“Little by little.” I replied as he looked at the pristine white mattress.

“I have a set for this. Carli picked it out.” Nathan walked into the living room and bent over, offering me a view of his ass before returning with something in his arms. It was a bed-in-a-bag set in vibrant shades of green and he dropped it to the bed. “Like it?”

“It’s pretty. It will add a lot of color to the room.” I reached out to touch the plastic of the packaging and smiled. “Thank you. For this, the job… everything. It means a lot.”

Nathan smiled down at me, easily a few feet taller than my five-foot six frame. “You’re sort of saving my ass taking this job. I’ll relax knowing that Ella will be with the same person every day and I think you’ll do great.” I smiled back at him as our gazes locked for a long moment, making me feel butterflies in my stomach. I could get lost in those eyes and we both shifted as Ella called out for him. “I think that’s my cue. There are some meals in the fridge that we can have for dinner. Go ahead and choose something.”

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