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“Not at all. My apartment came furnished.” I could see the hopeful look on her face as she glanced at me. We made our way back to the living room where Carli took Ella to make lunch before her nap, laughing as Ella asked for Riley to come with them. I smiled as I took a seat on the couch and pressed my hands to my black slacks.

“I would like for you to take this job, Riley. I’ve never seen her take to someone so quickly before.” I blinked for a moment as she grinned. “When can you start?”

“I… I will talk to my manager at the bookstore tonight. I am already just part-time, so it might not be an issue to leave before two weeks. Thank you, Mr. Jameson. Thank you so much.” Her voice was full of emotion and I nodded at her.

“Call me Nathan.” I told her as she nodded and bit her lip, glancing around.

“Does your wife work?” Her voice was low, and I took a deep breath.

“Ella’s mother died a year ago. Ovarian cancer. I am raising her on my own, hence the reason I am looking for a nanny.” I smiled weakly as her face fell and she looked at the floor for a moment.

“I’m sorry. That’s a horrible loss.” There was a sincerity in her voice as she stared at me and I nodded.

“We’re managing. Ella doesn’t have any memories of her, which probably helps.” I frowned as I glanced at Riley. “I don’t mean to sound cold. It’s probably for the best overall. She has people that love her.” Riley nodded and rolled her shoulders.

“I am so grateful for this, Nathan. I’ll talk to my man

ager tonight, but I can move here as soon as you’re ready. You said that Carli is only here for a short time?” Riley asked as I nodded.

“I’d appreciate that. We can make it work for the time being until you can be full-time here.” We smiled at each other for a moment. I was relieved that I’d found a good nanny for Ella, but she was one of the most beautiful women than I’d ever laid eyes on.

“I will call you tomorrow.” Riley told me as we walked to the playroom, so she could say goodbye to Ella. Riley told her that she’d be back soon before Ella hugged her, and I saw the emotion in her eyes. I walked her to the door and watched as she walked to an older model Toyota, waving before she drove out to the street and turned left to leave the neighborhood.

I watched until she was out of sight and closed the door. I hired a nanny, a good one. The only problem is that I was attracted to her, and I had to push that down. I couldn’t mess things up for Ella.

Chapter 3: Riley

I went home to the apartment to change into my general uniform of jeans and a t-shirt boasting the name of the book shop. It was a casual place to work, and I kept my hair up and went to the neighboring coffee shop for a fresh cup before I walked through the door. Maura was working at the counter and I bit my lip as I walked to the storage room where we locked up our purses in small lockers. When I came out, I approached her and smiled as the older woman that owned the store glanced up at me. “Hello, Riley. How are you?”

“I’m good. Maura. Can we talk before you leave for the night?” I asked as she looked at me with a frown. I hated doing this to her because she gave me a chance when I moved here. Maura kept food on my table despite my having to work the second job to make ends meet.

“Is everything all right?” Her brown eyes showed concern, and I nodded with a quick smile.

“It is. I accepted a full-time job as a nanny today. I love working here, Maura, but I need something that pays a bit more. I get a place to live and a great salary at the new job.” Maura knew about my goal to finish school and she smiled before giving me a hug.

“That’s wonderful, Riley. I know how much you love kids. That sounds perfect for you.” I did the weekly reading for the kids that came in on a regular basis, loving every moment of the job.

“I will give you two weeks and more if you need it. This is so sudden, and I never expected to get the job.” She chuckled and shook her head.

“I was going to talk to you today already. My niece is coming from Washington to go to school. It’s my favorite sister’s kid, and I promised her a job. I was going to cut back your hours. I felt so terrible but now I know that you’ll be somewhere better.” Maura smiled in relief and pressed a hand to her chest. “She’ll be here in two days. Can you help me through then?”

“Oh, of course. My new boss has some help for a few days.” Maura asked who it was, and I looked around quickly.

“His name is Nathan Jameson, and he has an adorable two-year-old daughter. He owns a graphic design company here in San Diego,” I whispered as she frowned thoughtfully for a second. I wasn’t supposed to out my clients as a nanny, but I trusted Maura.

“Yes! I have seen him in the magazines. He’s a looker, isn’t he?” She gave me a sharp look as I laughed.

“Sure. He is. He is also my boss and I won’t cross any boundaries.” I laughed with her as she shook her head.

“He’s single?” I nodded, and she raised her eyebrows at me. “Maura! Stop it. I need a good job and a future more than I need a man.”

“You deserve a good man, Riley. Don’t ignore that.” Maura told me as the phone rang. “Excuse me.”

I busied myself straightening the shelves and ringing customers out as needed. Maura left for the night a couple of hours after I arrived, and I enjoyed the peaceful night as I daydreamed about my new job.

Ella was beautiful and sweet, and I knew that I could help her to grow up and learn. I could get her ready for school in a few years, assuming the job lasted that long. It seemed like Nathan was being choosy about who watched his daughter. He might need someone long-term, in which time I could finish school and figure out my future. I looked around the store and sighed, knowing how much I loved working here. It just wasn’t going to get me anywhere in the long run. I needed to stay in San Diego for my family, so the nanny job was the best choice for me.

I picked up towards closing and made up the deposit to put into the locker for Maura. I secured the office and turned the lights off, locking the door behind me as I turned to walk towards my car. A shiny Range Rover was driving by, catching my attention in this casual neighborhood. I frowned and watched as it pulled over to the curb and sat for a moment. I walked to my car across the street and got in to start it, noting that the SUV stayed where it was until I passed.

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