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“They know I have sex, Ri. Carli has already called me out about you several times, even though I’m not confirming a thing.” I kissed her hair, and she smiled. “This is much better than Brenda. Trust me. Mom wasn’t thrilled about that art first.”

“She got over it?” She brought her chin to rest on her hands on my chest. God, I loved her being here like this.

“Ella won her over much more than anything I chose to do in that time. I think that she’ll like you and if she doesn’t, we know that Carli does.” I smiled and stroked her hair away from her face. “You’ll be sleeping with me. We’ll just have to be quiet.”


“They will be downstairs. Don’t worry.” I laughed at her as she turned her head to the side. We planned to take them out for a seafood dinner after they arrived if they felt like it. We were open. I was going to cook to home Saturday like I did for James and Emery and keep it casual. Mom loved t

he beach and would be happy never leaving the house.

I knew that she wanted to spend time with Ella. There was never enough of that particularly since she was my daughter’s only grandparent.

Riley shifted and moved to rest her head against me like she did when she was tired.

“Sleep well, baby.” I whispered as she told me the same. I was going into the office in the morning to tie up some loose ends and coming home by lunch. We were picking Mom and Carli up at four at the airport and going from there. They were leaving at two on Monday, so I took that entire day off.

I woke up and showered, leaving Riley in bed until she woke up with Ella. They were down in the kitchen getting breakfast and I ruffled Riley’s messy hair before leaning down to kiss Ella’s cheek.

“I’ll be home by lunch. Don’t fret, Ri.” She smiled at me over the rim of my coffee. “It’s going to be great.”

I left for the day, leaving them to their own devices. Work was crazy, and I was in the middle of emails when Mark tapped on my door. I gestured for him to sit down and finished my call.

“What’s up?” We hadn’t spoken too much in the last few weeks.

“We’re going to a basketball game tonight. Drinks and dinner beforehand. Want to come?” He looked at me expectantly as I frowned.

“I have the family coming in town. I can’t.” I told him as Mark nodded. “What is it?”

“Things are different. You’re different.” I sighed.

“I have a daughter, Mark. She’s old enough to miss me now and after all that we’ve been through, I don’t want to be away that much.” He nodded and checked his phone as it chimed.

“I heard you were at the zoo with her and that nanny. Riley, was it?” He watched my face closely as I nodded. “Leanne saw you there. She was working a booth. She said you two looked close.” Leanne was one of his regulars and I shrugged one shoulder. “You’re fucking the nanny. That’s classic.”

“It’s nothing like that. I am not married and she’s amazing with Ella. That is what matters in my life.” I knew that my voice was low with anger and he sat back.

“Jesus. Okay. I was just joking.” I sipped my coffee and glanced at the picture of Ella on my desk. He mentioned something about a campaign before leaving the office and I knew that something just changed with us. I wasn’t his best friend, but I didn’t hate him. I think we were just drifting apart as one does in life with people as they grow. I could still go to the games and events with Riley and Ella, maybe even invite Emery and her family. I had box seats to damn near anything with my connections.

I ended my day at eleven and shut everything down. Riley hadn’t called or anything, but I knew she was nervous. I locked my office and walked to the elevator, briefcase in hand. People told me to have a great weekend, and I replied in kind with a grin on my face. Judging from the reactions of my staff, it had been a while since that happened.

I just wish that my fucking friends understood that even a little. Life was not all about bars and women.

I drove with the news station, trying to keep up with current events. The world was a mess with recent events, but I should know about it. I made it home in record time and drove into the garage, shutting off the engine before closing the door. I saw Riley in the kitchen, cutting up some fruit for Ella’s lunch. She smiled at me and I walked over to kiss her before greeting my daughter in the living room.

“I think everything is ready. I asked for all their favorites for meals. It’s clean. Ella is beyond excited.” I watched as she brought a plate to the table, carrying Ella over and getting her in her seat. It was a sandwich and grapes and Riley gave Ella her milk. She smiled, but it was shaky, and I reached for her hand.

“It is going to be okay. Let’s get her down for a nap after lunch and I’ll relax you.” Riley blushed and laughed, and I grinned wickedly at her. We did just that, making love for the entire hour and a half that Ella slept. It only got better with is and I told her to take the first shower when Ella woke up.

I took the second and dressed in jeans and a t-shirt after I was dry. I let my hair go messy and looked at Riley as she walked downstairs with Ella wearing a long maxi dress in a dark purple. She looked so conservative and I shook my head as I joined them in the living room.

We drove to the airport in silence as Riley stared out of the window. I just held her hand to calm her, chatting with Ella about the plane bringing Grandma to us. She was excited and kept asking where they were. I parked the car and took her hand as Riley took the other one to guide her across the street. We walked inside and joined the throngs of people waiting for loved ones. I lifted Ella up in my arms to see them first. Riley wrapped an arm around my back and leaned against me as I took in her sweet citrus scent with a deep inhale, making her smile.

Ella saw Carli first and called her name, waving as my sister spotted us. My mom was right behind her and her face brightened when she saw us. I made my way through the crowd, allowing Ella to run to them as I grabbed Riley’s hand. Mom hugged her, looking like she was crying as Carli kissed her hair. They walked over, and I pulled Riley forward as Carli glared at me.

“You’re an asshole. You could have told me.” Her voice was low as she hugged Riley and I greeted Mom. She smiled at me and clutched Ella close to her, waiting for her turn to meet Riley.

I introduced them. Riley reached out her hand, but Mom hugged her, careful not to crush Ella in the process. Carli talked a lot. That much was clear. I got their bags as the girls talked and then we walked to the car, loading up the back before I got everyone settled.

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