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“We like it. Can I get you anything to drink? Wine or beer?”

“I’d like a beer. Wine for you, babe?” James asked Emery as he touched the small of her back gently. She gave him a loving smile and nodded as both Nathan and I walked into the kitchen to double each of the orders. The kids all got juice boxes and Nathan invited everyone to step outside to enjoy the beautiful evening.

The girls wanted to go down to the water and James and Nathan told me to take them while they cooked the meat. I could see the fear in Nathan’s eyes as he looked at me, making me smile at him. He stunned me by coming over to kiss me softly before we left. I saw the smile on Emery’s face as I stroked his cheek before grabbing Ella’s hand. We walked carefully down the stairs and let the girls run free as Emery looked around.

“You did good.” She smiled as I watched Ella like a hawk as she ran to her rock. “What’s wrong? I figured you’d be floating after that kiss.”

“I am. It was a surprise but the other day at the beach, a big wave got Ella and me. I managed to grab her, but it was close, Em.” My sister looked at me with wide eyes. “We were both so freaked out. I don’t want her by the water anymore.”

“You can’t keep them, away. You can just keep them safe and Ella doesn’t look too scared.” I saw her smiling as she ran around with Jada and Ally and nodded in agreement. I glanced up to the deck to see James and Nathan talking by the grill and met his eyes as he smiled down at me. I smiled back and moved with my sister towards the kids. They had a blast running around until we heard someone call our names. I looked up to see James and Nathan waving at us, touching Emery’s arm to let her know that dinner was ready.

We gathered the girls and headed up, finding the deck aromatic and empty. Emery took the girls inside to wash their hands and I headed to the kitchen to get the salad ready. I paused, watching Nathan toss is with the dressing with a beer beside him. I smiled as he glanced up at me, a crooked smile on his face. Emery told me that it was obvious he was crazy about me down at the beach, making me realize that I felt the same way.

“Thanks.” The meat was plated along with the veggies and I went to get plates for all of us. I got the kids new drinks, pouring Ella’s into a sippy cup for her. I topped off my wine along with Emery’s glancing over to see James gesture that he was fine. I asked if they wanted to eat outside and everyone thought that buffet style worked before we all sat out there.

James got the girls their plates while I fixed Ella some food. We got them settled at the table before I went back in to get myself some food, standing beside Nathan alone in the room. The others were already outside.

He pressed his body against mine as I laughed, reaching for a plate.

“This looks amazing,” I assured him as he leaned down for another kiss. “You’re incredible, Nathan.” I watched as something passed through his eyes for a moment.

“So are you,” he told me as our eyes locked for a long moment. We heaped food on our plates and joined everyone outside, laughing through dinner above the chatter of the girls. It was perfect. When we finished eating, we all went down to the beach in time for the sunset and just to walk around. When it was dark, we walked back upstairs and into the house, so Emery could cut her banana cream pie for us.

“Damn, that’s good. Does she know how to make it?” Nathan gestured to me and Emery smiled.

“We both know Mama’s recipes.” I smiled at my sister as he reached over to place his hand on my leg for a quick squeeze. Emery and I had another glass of wine while the kids watched a movie though James declined. He was driving home, and he knew how crazy it got during the day for my sister when he was at the office. We chatted for another couple hours and I could see that James and Nathan were forming a bond as they discussed sports.

I carried Ella to bed as they prepared to leave since she’d been asleep for about an hour. I hugged everyone goodbye and walked them to the car for more hugs. Emery told me that she loved me and Nathan together in my ear before helping Jada and Ally into the van. Nathan shook hands with James and told him to come over again soon.

We locked the house up and left the dishes for tomorrow at Nathan’s insistence. He pulled me up to his room, kissing me hungrily. I gave it right back to him, having missed his touch the entire evening. I let him carry me to bed, dropping me to my knees and slipping his tongue in my mouth. He found the hem of my shirt and lifted it over my head, tossing it aside before he released my bra.

“So beautiful,” Nathan murmured as he cupped me with his hand. I was aching for him and I reached for the button of his shorts, watching them fall before he stepped out of them. He leaned down to kiss me again before I moved to sit on my ass, leaning forward to take him in my mouth. I sucked him slow and tight, moving my mouth up and down as he moaned my name. I kept going, needing his taste in my mouth tonight. He gripped my hair before shooting his release down my throat as I swallowed it all.

I moved away and stood on trembling legs to drop my skirt. When I was naked, Nathan told me to lay back as he took off his clothes. He crawled between my legs, tasting me until I was coming, and he was hard again. Nathan pulled back and moved up to suck my nipples in his mouth slowly, teasing my sex with his cock. He took my feet, pressing them against his chest before he entered me. I gasped, arching my back as he traced his fingers over my chest. He took me slowly, burying himself inside of me with each thrust. I knew that it was partly the wine that was making me feel so good as well as his thick cock, but there was more.

I was falling for this man, helplessly and fast.

We fell asleep tangled together. I was exhausted and happy as I slipped my legs through his.

I woke up with Ella in the morning, needing some water and coffee. I made her some toast and got milk, setting it at the table before I poured a cup of coffee. She ate happily, looking refreshed after a good night of sleep. Nathan joined us and sipped his coffee as I checked my magazine.

“The zoo is tonight. Did you still want to go?” I asked as he nodded. He looked as happy as I felt and more than that; content. He went on his laptop to get tickets, so we’d get in and I went to make us some breakfast.

We enjoyed a leisurely afternoon in before dressing for the zoo. I picked some jeans and a fitted shirt that buttoned up over a sexy red lace camisole. Nathan wore his fitted jeans and a shirt that clung to his body as I stared at him. We dressed Ella in pretty purple leggings and think, long-sleeved shirt. He led us to the car, heading into San Diego and the zoo. We had an easy dinner of pasta nearby before going to will call to get our tickets.

The event was perfect. There was music, tons of food and a zoo that brought us around the entire place. Ella loved the animals, and we hit the gift shop to get her favorites before going home. She fell asleep on the way home and we repeated the night with my family, including the part where we made love.

I was so addicted to this man. I slept in his arms, bare and safe as he kissed my hair before I passed out from exhaustion.

Chapter 20: Nathan

I liked Riley’s family. Her sister and husband were just as she described, and it was great to talk to a man that understood my world. I hoped to spend more time with them, especially since the kids got along so well.

I knew that we’d have them over again soon, but I needed to deal with my family’s visit. We got the guest rooms ready and cleaned the bathroom that they’d be sharing since the maid came earlier in the week.

I sensed Riley’s growing worry with every day that passed. She knew Carli but not Mom. I tried to tell her that they were similar, and she’d be fine, holding her in bed the night before they arrived. The weeks were flying by now with work and home stuff, but I went to sleep happy every night.

“Should I sleep in my room?” Riley asked as she looked at me in the moonlight. I laughed at her and she frowned at me.

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