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Then my fingers slowly trace down my neck and I loll my head to one side, imagining Logan’s incredible lips brushing all over me. My hips buck off the bed as the intensity gets the better of me. I can barely stand it any longer. I cannot believe that I’ve gone all this time without ever doing this before. My hand moves lower down and I grab onto my breast. I feel a little bit like a freak doing that, but it feels so good. My hard nipple bursts hard against my hand, and every time I scrape past it I can’t help but shudder. It’s crazy, I’m like a sex fiend, an animalistic freak and I love it. I slide my eyes closed and I cave into the feelings completely. I’m a slave to how Logan has me feeling.

“Oh God,” I mutter quietly to myself, my breaths gasping desperately. “Oh, Logan.”

There isn’t any other man I would like to do this with. I don’t feel desire for anyone else, it’s only him that makes me feel this way and that’s special. I dive my hand lower, towards my panties where I’m now feeling aggravated. I’m frustrated I’m so needy, I can’t hold back any longer.

“Oh yeah, touch me there,” I murmur, pretending to talk to Logan. “Right there.”

I brush my fingers along the edge of my panties, lightly touching the wisp of hair in there. It isn’t an area of my body that I usually pay any attention to so it feels even more incredible. I crawl down slowly, moving in a tantalizingly slow manner. I can’t wait, but at the same time I’m taking my time, dragging out the sensation for as long as humanly possible. I don’t want it to be over.

“Oh fuck.” Finally, I feel something wet and hot down there, and it makes my hips flip off the bed again. I run my finger up and down my slit loving the feel of it. “Oh, fucking hell, Logan.”

I picture his hand pushing into me as he props himself above me. He stares deeply into my eyes, looking like he wants to roughly fuck me but he’s trying to be gentle. I don’t know what I want myself, I know that I need to be treated kindly but at the same time I want him to lose control.

I push two fingers into me, imagining that it’s him doing that to me, and almost instantly my heart races violently against my rig cage. Butterflies flap in my stomach, I’m shivering and shaking, it feels so amazingly good. I massage my insides for a while, loving the sensations. God, I wish that it really was him. I really wish that Logan would burst through that door in a frenzy himself and he’d jump on the bed with me. I wish he would kiss me everywhere, all over my thighs, between my legs, the most special place where I would love to experience his lips and tongue right now.

“Oh my God, Logan.” In my imagination, my mouth consumes me. “That feels so… so…”

All of a sudden, an instinct takes control of my hands and I pull my fingers out of me. I rub slightly higher, finding a place that feels even better. I didn’t know it was possible but it’s wonderful. I feel like I’m a flower, opening up to this man who I want more than anything else in the world. My body is on fire, it’s exploding, it’s wonderful, it makes me feel like I’m actually in love.

“Logan, I… I love you…” I murmur as a pressure builds up in my chest. A heat burns in my toes and it creeps up through my legs and up to my stomach. “I love you, please love me back.”

In my mind, he leans down and he kisses my lips tenderly. He tells me that he has always loved me and that he intends to take care of me no matter what. That makes me feel amazing, all I’ve ever wanted is to be loved and now I finally have that. It’s absolutely everything to me. I’m so glad that I’m here with him rather than all by myself in that home where I don’t feel ready to grow up. Here, I’m exactly the adult that I need to be. He makes me the person I have always wanted to be.

All of a sudden, I feel like I’ve been pushed over an edge and the pressure explodes and rolls over me in waves. It comes harder and faster, it doesn’t stop and I don’t want it to end. My fingers keep moving all over me, I can hear rasping moans coming out of my mouth. I have no idea how loud I’m being and to be honest I don’t care. There’s a big part of me that wants to be caught out. I want Logan to see me right now while I’m at my most vulnerable. After what happened in the kitchen before, after that amazing kiss, I want him to see what he’s done to me. I wish that he would stand in the corner of the room and watch me as I orgasm hard and fast because of him.

Finally, the feelings subside and my breaths calm themselves down. My heart still pounds and my brain doesn’t get rid of the sexy images of me and Logan, but I become more myself. The animal inside of me is tamed for the time being, and all I have left is a smile on my face.

I do love Logan, I think to myself with utter clarity. I really do, I want him to be mine.

I slide my eyes closed again and I imagine his arms wrapping around me, holding me close to him while we lie down to sleep. That actually feels even better than what we just did which proves to me that I want it all. I want him to love me with absolutely everything that he has. I think he wants that too, but it might take him a little bit longer to admit it to himself.

Still, I’m here now with him, far away from the center. We’re together in his house, just one step away from becoming a couple if he allows that to happen. I really hope that he does.


The morning light streams through the window, alerting me to the morning. I must have forgotten to shut the curtains last night as I fell into bed in a hurry. I was so desperate to get some much needed relief, that nothing else mattered. It doesn’t bother me now though, I’m happy to be awake. I’m simply dragging myself away from dream Logan to be with the real him.

I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and stand in a much more rapid motion than usual. When I woke up at the center, I would lie still for a while and wait for everyone else to start being loud because it was the only moment of peace that I was ever offered in my life. Now though, I have all the peace I want in the world, and I don’t want any of it. I just want to see Logan.

I move towards the small mirror hanging on the wall and I stare at my reflection. My hair is manic, sticking

all over the place, and my face is all imprinted with prints from the pillow case, but my expression is so damn happy that none of that matters. I look shiny and new. I don’t even mind going to see Logan while I look this way. I want him to know that this smile is all for him.

I tiptoe towards the bedroom door and press my ear up against it to see if I can hear noises. At first, it’s really silent, I think that Logan might still be asleep… or maybe he’s gone to work already, leaving me here all by myself. I don’t know if that’s better actually because it gives me some time to get adjusted, to make sure I’m actually acting like a normal person before I speak with him…

But as I swing the door open, I’m stunned by the image of him sitting at his kitchen counter staring at the laptop screen intently as if he’s looking for the answer to life in there. He doesn’t notice me at first which gives me a moment to lean against the door frame while I drink every inch of him in. He’s so damn gorgeous it hurts. It kills me that I can’t simply cross the room and put my arms around him.

“Oh.” All of a sudden, he senses me. “Pru, you’re up. Did you sleep well?”

“Yeah, I did,” I smile. “Your bed is really comfortable. Thank you for letting me stay here. I never would have been able to get any rest while sleeping in my bed at the apartment.”

He doesn’t say anything at first, he just stares back at the screen. I can’t help feeling disappointed that whatever he’s looking at seems to be so much more interesting than me. How is that fair? I’m standing here all flushed and excitable, happy for him, but he doesn’t even notice.

“Can I have some coffee, please?” I ask while striding into the kitchen. I’ll make my presence known in one way or another. “Is that okay?”

“Yeah sure,” he replied distractedly. “Then I want you to come and look at this. I think I might have found a new apartment for you.”

Chapter Seventeen – Logan

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