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“So, Bobby’s really keeping a tight leash on you,” Andy cut through my thoughts.

“He’s always been protective,” I said. “Makes me wonder where the hell he’s been these past couple of years.”

“Have you asked for his help before?”

I looked at him for a few seconds before dropping my eyes. No, I hadn’t. I had always thought I could handle my problems on my own. Besides, ever since my parents had practically disowned me, I hadn’t thought Bobby would have cared much anyway.

“Can I ask you something?” I looked up, meeting his gaze.


“Your dad,” I started. “How did you put up with it?”

“You mean how did I stay quiet while he beat my mom?”

I shook my head. “You were as much a victim as she was. How did you finally put an end to it?”

“I pushed him down the stairs.”

My jaw dropped, and my eyes grew wide. “You did what?”

He chuckled and looked away, and I could instantly see how uncomfortable he’d become. “I used to brag about it, but in all honesty, I think it was an accident,” he said. “I definitely meant to push him. But not down the stairs. I think I wouldn’t have done it if I had known that’s what would have happened.”

“Wow,” I mouthed. “Was that during the time you suddenly disappeared from our lives?”

Andy nodded, looking at me. The mirroring of pain in his eyes was enough to make me want to hug him. “My mom was taking it hard. He put her in the hospital a couple of times, and each time I thought she’d had enough. That this time, for sure, she’d leave him. But she always went back. So, I stayed home more. At least that way, he had two people to beat, and my mom wouldn’t take the whole heat.”

“You loved her a lot, didn’t you?”

“I loved the idea of her,” Andy replied. “I loved what she could have been for me if not for him. But the woman I knew had lost herself in the middle of all the abuse. Over time, I guess she just forgot how to be herself. It wasn’t a pretty sight.”

“I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

“It turned out pretty okay, all things considered,” Andy shrugged. “Unlike other people who aren’t so lucky.” He leaned in and held my hand, and I felt a bolt of electricity shoot up my arm. “It’s a good thing you got out.”

“I’m not out of the woods just yet,” I said, trying to force a smile.

“You’ll get there.” Andy winked. “You have a support team here cheering you on.”

“I think my support team’s already getting frustrated.”

“It’s been two days,” Andy smiled. “He’ll get used to it.”

The music was suddenly turned up, and a bunch of the college kids started to cheer and dance. I watched them as they moved to the beat, jealous of the carefree attitude and the college life I had missed. I felt Andy grab my hand again and pull me out of the booth.

“We got an hour before your curfew,” he said. “Come on, let’s see if we can turn this night around and get you to smile.”

“What are you doing?” I laughed as he dragged me to the center of the pub.

“We’re going to dance, Andrea Canfield,” Andy yelled.


Andy got me home at ten, as promised, with a quick hug goodbye that I partly wished could have included a kiss. He waited until I was at the door and opening it before he pulled away, and I stood there watching his car disappear down the road.

What the hell are you doing? You just ran away from a toxic relationship, and you’re doing what exactly?

I had no idea. The only thing I was sure of was that I felt safe around Andy. I hardly knew him, true, and there was still so much I was trying to figure out for myself. Let alone worrying about Dennis coming after me and the constant need to look over my shoulder just in case. Was this denial? Was this my sick way of trying to pretend that everything was normal, when nothing really was? I had no idea. All I knew was that I felt a strange attraction towards Andy, and it made butterflies flutter inside me.

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