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“How about tomorrow?” I asked, looking at my brother questioningly. He only shrugged.

“Baby, there really is no rush,” Jane said, laying a hand on my arm.

“I know,” I smiled. “I just can’t sit still for long.”

Jane squeezed my arm. “Then tomorrow it is. I’m going to look forward to having someone with half a brain in their head to talk to. These college kids, it’s almost as if I’m babysitting them. All they want to do is sit around and get paid.”


“That went well,” Bobby said, leading me back to the truck. His eyes were darting everywhere at once, as if he were looking for something.

“Better than I expected,” I agreed. “Will you stop that?”

“What?” The question was directed to me, but Bobby wasn’t looking at me. His eyes were scanning the entire street.

“He’s not here,” I said.

“Who’s not here?”

I turned around quickly, Andy’s smile catching me off guard. Dressed in a casual shirt and jeans, he looked every bit as attractive as the other day. I was glad we had been talking in the dim light of the living room where he couldn’t see me eyeing his muscular body and tracing his jaw line with my eyes. He had been a scrawny kid when we were growing up. I had never imagined he’d ever look like this.

“Hi,” I greeted. “Didn’t notice you were inside.” I gestured towards the grocery bag in his hand with Jane’s logo on it.

“I was paying when I caught you two talking to Jane,” he said. “I was hoping I’d catch you out here.”

He reached out and clamped Bobby’s hand, then looked around him as well, trying to figure out what Bobby was searching for. “You okay, man?”

“He’s looking for Dennis,” I said.

“I’m keeping an eye out for Dennis,” Bobby said. “There’s a difference.”

“Oh,” Andy said, flashing me a smile. “So, is the coast clear, 007?”

“Shut up, Andy,” Bobby replied, glaring at his friend before continuing his perimeter scan. I held back a laugh, the seriousness with which my brother was going about his task making him look like a lousy bodyguard in a B movie.

“So how about we head out for some drinks?” Andy suggested. “You know, stay out of the public eye and all, Mr. President.”

I couldn’t hold it back any longer and burst into laughter. Bobby glared at the both of us, eyeing us as if we were two children who had just broken playground rules. He couldn’t keep up the bravado, though, and a smile crept onto his face.

“I have to be at the station,” he said. “Night shift.”

“Well, I just finished my shift, so I’m free,” Andy said. “Andrea?”

“Absolutely not,” Bobby cut in before I could reply.

I looked at him as if he had just said the most ridiculous thing ever. “Excuse me.”

“I’d rather prefer you stay at home,” Bobby said. “Stay low, until we’re absolutely sure Dennis isn’t going to do something stupid.”

“You mean, you want to lock me up, is that it?”

“No,” Bobby sighed. “I want you to be safe.”

“You’re being silly.”

“And frankly, you’re being naïve,” he shot back. “You’re the one who was terrified he’d come after you. Now, all of a sudden, you think you’re clear?”

“I didn’t say that,” I shot back. “Of course, I’m terrified.”

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