Page 14 of Her Love

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Just then, the car came to a stop and opened into the room I’d been waiting on. “I wanted this to be done before I brought you home,” I confessed quietly as she walked into the room.

I’d built her a studio. A big, open room with a lot of windows and natural light. But I’d also had a wall knocked down to create a small room with walls of glass, with French doors connecting it to the rest of the room, that the construction crew was still working on.

The studio was stocked with everything the owner of the art store had told me it needed. I was sure there were things he’d insisted on that were unnecessary, but I’d bought everything, just in case. I wanted Imogene to have anything and everything she desired.

“I can’t believe you did this for me,” she breathed as she did a slow turn in the center of the room.

I went to her and pulled her into my arms. “Haven’t you realized it yet, sugar? I’d do anything for you.”

Imogene beamed at me, then ducked her head as her smile turned shy. “And you want a baby momma in return?” Her tone was teasing, but I heard the undercurrent in her tone, afraid I would confirm what she feared.

“If your definition of baby momma means my wife, lover, and the mother of my children, then sure,” I replied dryly. “But really, those are just perks since there’s really only one thing I want.”

She looked up at me, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. “What’s the one thing?”

“Your love.” Being so honest made me terrifyingly vulnerable, but I didn’t want to play games.

Imogene suddenly threw herself into my arms. “You’ve had my love since the moment I first drew your picture,” she admitted in my ear as she squeezed the air out of my chest.

I cough-laughed as I loosened her arms and dragged in some oxygen. My face must have expressed the level of my joy because she smiled so brightly that it rivaled the sun. I was sure it would cause the storm outside to clear any minute.

“I used to dream that you would notice me, and we would have a fairy-tale, happily ever after. But I thought it was a stupid fantasy, I never thought it could really happen. And yet, I couldn’t stop myself from falling in love with the beautiful soul I glimpsed in your eyes.”

I crushed my lips down over hers and poured my love into the kiss. “I promise,” I murmured against her mouth a few minutes later. “We’re going to have our happily ever after, sugar.”



6-ish months later

All the whispering I heard going on in the kitchen stopped the second I walked into the room. I was surprised to see my wife sitting at the island with my sister-in-law, Blair. Justice hadn’t said anything about coming by, and I hadn’t seen Blair’s shadow—her personal bodyguard, Benjamin—anywhere.

Kyla, Imogene’s bodyguard, was standing just outside the back door, keeping an eye on the perimeter. Justice and I didn’t fuck around when it came to our women. Being billionaires put you in the spotlight, and we were determined to do whatever it took to protect our families.

“Blair,” I greeted. She and Imogene smiled innocently, and I immediately knew I was going to be forced to make an impossible decision. “Justice know you’re here?” Both women immediately frowned and glanced at each other guiltily. I sighed. Either I pissed off my wife by “tattling” as she put it, or I got my ass kicked by my brother for not letting him know his wife had slipped her security and was at my house. It wouldn’t matter to him that our place was as well protected as his. If Justice didn’t have his or Benjamin’s eyes on Blair at all times, he went ballistic. And, it had only gotten worse since she got pregnant.

“That’s a no, right?”

Blair flushed, and her eyes darted away. “Um…”

If he didn’t know she was here… “You turned off your GPS?” I guessed incredulously.

Her blush deepened, and she shrugged. “Just for a little while.”

Son of a bitch. If I didn’t diffuse this situation fast, I’d be bailing my brother out of jail for beating the shit out of someone.

Since I wasn’t any better when it came to my wife…I had to go with door number two. Imogene would forgive me once I’d eaten her pussy to a couple of orgasms.

“Don’t even think about it, Thatcher Kendall,” Imogene snapped. “If you tattle, you will not get out of it by distracting me with…you know.”

Blair giggled, and Imogene blushed adorably, making me grin. My smile turned into a wicked smirk as I walked over to the back of her stool and rested my hands on her swollen belly. “I bet I will,” I murmured, my hot breath bathing the shell of her ear. Then I kissed her neck, which was easily done with her hair up in a ponytail. She shivered, and I chuckled. It was already a sensitive spot for her, but Imogene’s pregnancy hormones were out of control. She was horny pretty much all the time. Not that I minded. “And, I’ll prove it to you.” Imogene squirmed, probably remembering all the ways I use to prove my point when necessary.

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