Page 10 of Her Love

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“Why?” she squeaked. I wasn’t ready to explain, so I just shook my head and held out my hand.

“Let me show you something.”

Imogene slowly put her delicate hand in mine, and I engulfed it in my own as I helped her off the bed. She glanced down at her outfit and gasped. “Wh—where are my clothes? How did I get undressed? I’m not wearing any freaking underwear! Whose—”

I’d had enough of the wait and stopped the stream of words by yanking her into my arms and kissing the fuck out of her. She melted into me like I knew she would, her mouth opening to give me access. Her velvety tongue slid along mine as she tentatively kissed me back. I sighed and used every ounce of my self-control to pull back.

“Don’t worry about your old clothes. I undressed you. Hell yes, I looked my fill. But no, I didn’t give in to the desire to cop a feel. You’re wearing my shirt because I needed to know I was as close to you as possible, even if it was just my clothes,”—I turned her so that our sides were facing a tall mirror standing in the corner by the dresser. Then I angled her a little more so she could see the back. “And, I fucking love seeing you marked with my name.”

Before she could ask any more questions, I took her hand again and led her downstairs to the kitchen. Imogene was silent, her eyes bouncing around, taking in everything around her. I sat her at the island and made her some toast—with cinnamon and sugar of course—and orange juice.

“You’re going to need your strength,” I told her as I slid the food in front of her. She looked as though she wanted to ask more questions, but I just shook my head and lifted the bread to her mouth. “I promise to answer all of your questions soon, sugar. Eat first.”

She narrowed her eyes suspiciously but chomped down, taking a big bite of her snack. A little moan of delight slipped from between her lips, and I had to turn away and take several deep breaths while running baseball stats in my head to keep from throwing her down on the island and taking her right then.

When I felt a little more stable, I turned back around to see she was just finishing her toast. I scooted her untouched orange juice towards her. “Drink. The vitamins are good for you.” I didn’t know how malnourished she was from living on the streets, but I’d also read that the vitamins in orange juice were good for pregnant women.

I was satisfied to see her drain the glass without argument. “Good girl,” I praised her softly before taking her glass and dish to the sink. Then I returned to her side and laced our fingers together. I guided her on a short tour of the house, and she continued to take it all in with awe. Every time her lips tipped up, I felt a zing of happiness that she was pleased with our home. If she didn’t like it, I would have moved in a heartbeat, but it seemed that wouldn’t be necessary.

Finally, we ended up at the closed door across from the master bedroom. We’d seen everything else except the fourth floor, which I was saving for later.

I positioned Imogene in front of me, her back to my front. I put one hand on her currently flat stomach and used the other to pull her hair to one side so I could kiss her neck. When she shivered, it confirmed what I’d been starting to realize; this was a sensitive spot for her. I filed that information away for future use.

“I told you I’ve been preparing for you since the moment I saw you,” I whispered in her ear. Imogene nodded, causing her head to bump mine and making me chuckle. Keeping her snug against me, I moved my free hand to the silver handle on the door. “Not just you, sugar,” I informed her as I nudged it open. “I’ve been getting ready for our family.”

Imogene gasped when the door swung open fully and she got her first look at the nursery. I nudged her forward but kept her locked in my embrace, so we stepped in together. “Do you like it?”

Her eyes swept from side to side, and she sighed, “It’s gorgeous.” Her head twisted and tipped back so she could look up at me. “Our family?” she asked softly.

I nodded and tipped my face down to brush a tender kiss across her lips. The hand on her stomach fisted the fabric, and I glided the other up her thigh and under the hem of my shirt to cup her pussy. “I’m going to put a baby in your belly as soon as I pop this sweet cherry, sugar. I intend to fill this room as many times as you’ll let me.” Her pussy was already slippery and wet but as I spoke, she soaked my fingers.

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