Page 7 of Their Love

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Eventually, I dragged her cute little ass out of bed so we could shower together. I scrubbed her from head to toe, paying special attention to my favorite parts, including her slightly rounded belly.

When she was thoroughly cleaned and satisfied from two more orgasms, I quickly washed, then hopped out and grabbed a couple of towels. After wrapping Hazel up in the warm, fluffy material, I carried her into our massive walk-in closet. I dried us both and tossed the towels into a laundry bin. Then I rummaged through a couple of drawers in the dresser built into the center of the room until I found what I was looking for. After handing her the scraps of peach lace, I looked through her hanging clothes and selected a pretty, green sweater dress that matched her eyes.

Hazel watched me with amusement playing at the corners of her mouth. It was times like these, when I let myself get carried away in my obsession to control everything about her, that I worried she’d begin to see through my façade. So far, she’d either found my slips cute or hot. I definitely preferred when a show of my possession had her jumping my bones as soon as we were alone.

An hour later, I gave her a deep, passionate kiss before leaving her in the company of Blair and Imogene and heading up to my office on the forty-seventh floor.

Thatcher was already waiting for me, sprawled on one of the leather armchairs facing my desk. He was staring at his phone and barely acknowledged my presence. As I walked around him to sit at my desk, I glimpsed his screen and was unsurprised to see him glued to a video feed of his wife.

Since I pulled up the daycare security feed as soon as my computer booted up, I didn’t comment. I started clearing through my emails until Justice joined us around ten minutes later.

Wordlessly, I swiveled my laptop to the side so that we all had at least a partial view of the split screen showing the feed from four different cameras. We’d never get any work done if we were all constantly checking our phones.

Justice grunted. “I don’t like the way those three have their heads together,” he muttered.

I was in complete agreement but had no solution, so I just shrugged. At that moment, Hazel threw back her head and laughed, bringing a smile to my face.

We jumped into company business for the next few hours; only stopping when it was time for lunch. “Let’s take our girls out,” Thatcher suggested, though from the look on his face, it was clear that he would rather grab his wife and hole up alone at home.

Once we’d collected our wives, I mentioned an upscale restaurant a few blocks away. Imogene’s face wrinkled, and she pointed to a street vendor. “How about some hot dogs instead?”

Thatcher rolled his eyes and tugged his wife into his side. “No more street hot dogs, sugar. It’s not good for you, but especially while you’re pregnant.”

Blair and Hazel screeched and started clapping and jumping up and down. They hugged Imogene who was blushing to the roots of her brown curls. “Our babies will be so close together!” gushed Blair. Hazel glanced at me with a question in her leafy green eyes. It was technically a little early, but I was as excited to share our news as she was. I smiled and gave her an encouraging nod.

Just then, Blair turned and grabbed my wife’s hands. “Your turn, Hazel! Let’s have our babies together!” Justice shook his head with an expression of exasperation, but he was chuckling.

“Perhaps we should let Jamison and Hazel decide when they want to have babies, bunny.”

I couldn’t help the huge grin that split my face when Hazel flushed and matched my expression.

“She’s pregnant!” Imogene shrieked, and then the dance happened all over again.

We stood there a little awkwardly, but the proud puff of our chests didn’t escape the girls’ notice. Hazel smirked and cocked her head to the side. “Look at them,” she jibed with a teasing tone that brought back the musical lilt from her country upbringing. “I’m surprised they don’t float away with all those puffed chests and planet-sized egos.”

I stuck my hands in my pockets and grinned unapologetically. Hell yeah, I was preening like a fucking peacock. My woman had a ring on her finger that could be seen from space and my baby in her belly. And right at that moment, she was glowing with happiness. I took a deep breath. For the first time in weeks, I felt easy and relaxed.

“It’s on Wednesday. You guys are going to come, right?” Imogene was wringing her hands nervously as she voiced her question. It seemed she’d finally agreed to let Thatcher set up a showcase for her at a small, local gallery.

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