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“Your punishment awaits. Now move it,” Vic stated firmly as Tommy turned her and gave her a smack on her ass. She jumped but walked quickly back toward the truck and peeking over her shoulder ever so often to see them following her. Vic felt about to combust and prayed that they made it to their place, or he was liable to pull over on the side of the road just to get inside of her. He was a lost cause, and Elise would forever be part of his heart. No one could ever take her away from them.

Chapter 11

“Do you have everything ready?” Tagart asked Carver.

“Yes. I have the limo parked out back. Depending on how difficult your passenger will be, I have sedatives on hand and the private jet on standby.”

Tagart smiled. “Good job, Carver. Although, I think she’ll come along willingly.”

Tagart watched Elise as she prepared for the first round of competition. She had done her little sexy number, and appeared to tone it down a bit, including her outfit. Her two men were nowhere to be found.

“How about the two deputies? Any sign of them?” Tagart asked Carver.

“They’re working the late shift. And I’ll be honest with ya. I am really relieved about that and so are the guys. Those two are big men and fierce looking. I sure as shit don’t want to find out what they’re capable of.”

“Not a worry. A bullet can take them down in a second, so size doesn’t matter.” Tagart lifted his button-down shirt up to reveal his revolver. Carver smiled.

Then they turned to see the first rider, Keith, begin the match as Gus announced him and his standing, in first-place position.

“I talked with Corey and Keith. I told them that they had a choice to make.”

“I thought they were considering going with us. We made the offer too sweet for them to give up.”

“Well, something spooked them, so I had to initiate plan B. Told them they could come along willingly, or we could kill their girlfriends. Either way, they were going to ride in Sunday’s event.”

“Well, keep a close eye on them. I noticed that the sheriff is here tonight and a few other security guys.”

“The only one who could screw this up is Elise and how you handle her. Keith and Corey are leaving with us first thing after the last round tonight. So my part is covered,” Carver stated and smiled, looking proud.

Tagart looked over at Elise. She was gorgeous and sexy as usual, and by tonight, she would be his to enjoy.

“I’ll take care of her, don’t you worry about a thing. Worst scenario, she dies before she makes it to Tennessee.”

* * * *

Elise was watching each rider and when it was Keith’s turn she smiled at his technique and noticed a bit of fierce determination on his face. She cheered him on as he beat his earlier event score and secured his position in first place. Now she wondered how Corey would do. He was slotted for second place, but some other cowboys from Cellar County were trying to beat him. Corey wasn’t up for another while.

As Keith exited the small corral, he didn’t look too pleased as he headed down the hallway. She wondered what was wrong as she followed him.

“Hey, Keith, are you okay?” When he looked up at her, she could tell he was angry.

“Fine. Good. Great.” He slammed his Stetson against his thigh.

“What’s going on then? You seem pissed off.”

“I am.” He looked up over her shoulder. She turned briefly to catch a glimpse of Carver. He tipped his hat then leaned against the wall.

“What’s up?” she pushed.

“Looks like I’m heading to Tennessee,” he whispered, but he didn’t seem happy.

“You made your decision?”

“Elise, let’s just say the decision was made for me.”

“What’s going on over here?”

They both turned to see Carver and another big guy standing behind Elise.

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