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“We’re having a private conversation,” Elise stated.

“Not anymore. He’s got plans and so do you.”

Elise heard the footsteps then saw Tagart by the back door. She immediately got a funny feeling in her gut and looked up toward the security cameras hoping that someone saw what was happening here. But, they were covered with something.

“Elise, come with me now and don’t give a hard time.” Tagart held out his hand.

“I’m not going anywhere with you. What in the hell is going on?” she demanded to know.

“Yeah, this doesn’t have anything to do with Elise.” Keith tried to place Elise behind him, but Carver and the big guy blocked him.

“Come on, Elise, we need to go.”

“Tommy and Vic are heading here. They’ll be here any minute,” she stated then wondered why she even brought them up.

“No they won’t. They’re dealing with a potential break-in all the way on the other side of town,” Carver stated confidently.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“Unless you want your boyfriends to end up like Devlon, I suggest you hurry along now. Carver, you get Keith and grab Corey and head out in the second car,” Tagart stated.

“I thought we were leaving together.”

“I want some alone time with Elise. You know, to explain things.”

“I’m not going. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Elise tried to turn to leave. Tagart grabbed her by her arm and threw her up against the wall. Her head hit the hard surface and Carver had to grab Keith before he reached for Tagart.

Tagart was in her face, looking down at her as he held her throat.

“I killed Devlon for Mr. Cobbs. I beat that little weasel and shot him three times so that he’d suffer for his scam. I’ll do the same thing to your two deputies if you don’t cooperate.”

The tears hit her eyes and her chest tightened. Tagart killed Devlon. Tommy and Vic could suffer the same fate as him if she didn’t go with Tagart.

“Mr. Cobbs?” she whispered.

Tagart smiled as he slowly released her throat and took her hand.

“Is waiting for you in Tennessee. I sent him your picture for the contest we’re doing and he recognized you immediately.”

She shook her head and tried to pull away.

“No, I’m not going. I won’t go with you. You can kill me. I don’t care.”

He backhanded her across the mouth. She fell against the wall and he grabbed her hard.

“Move the plan along, Carver. We’re headed out,” Tagart ordered as he exited the building with Elise. She had no choice. She had to go or Tommy and Vic would die. But she didn’t want to leave. She loved them, and she could be carrying their baby. Life was supposed to be perfect now. How could this be happening? She dragged her feet and tried to stop him from putting her into the limo.

He wrapped his arm around her waist as the driver hurried to open the door. She screamed as Tagart tossed her into the limo as if she were nothing but a rag doll. He followed immediately and she scurried to the other side to grab the door to open it. He practically tackled her. She felt the pain of his weight, and then she heard the door close and felt the car moving.

Tagart pulled her by her hair.

“Get up, Elise. It’s over and you have no choice.”

There was always a choice. She wasn’t nineteen, alone, and stupid. She was older now and had fought and worked hard for everything she had without a man’s help or spreading her legs. She wasn’t giving up hope. She wasn’t going to Tennessee. She would rather die.

* * * *

Keith waited to make a move as he wondered what the hell he was going to do to save Elise. He had to get to BJ and the twins.

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