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“Well, let’s just say that the Ollsen twins have finally decided to embrace their attraction to Elise.”

Susanna widened her eyes in shock.

“No way? Big Tommy and Big Vic Ollsen, the deputies?”

“That’s them.

“Damn, those two are good-looking.”

“Yeah, and they have that wild, untamed look to them, too. I guess it has something to do with their heritage.”

Susanna sighed then nibbled on her bottom lip.

“What’s wrong?”

“Now I’m really worried about her. If she’s seeing them, they’re going to flip out about the photo shoot and the exposure she’ll get.”

“She’s not seeing them yet. They just made a move at Thanksgiving and she’s not biting. She’s scared and not quite sure she’s ready to date.”

“I know she’s still not over Devlon and how he died. She never gave all the details, but she did mention some bad people and not being able to prove that they killed him.”

“I know. She didn’t sleep well last night either. I think she’s drinking Red Bulls behind the bar,” Ava told her.

“I’ll maybe have a talk with her about all this stuff first, before we say yes or no to Tagart. If he doesn’t want to do the promo stuff then so be it. I think we’ll be fine either way.”

“Okay, that sounds good to me. I’ll get someone to cover her.”

“Thanks and do me a favor and help Sally check over the stage for tonight’s performance? Now that she’s pregnant, I’m going to worry about her tripping or falling or who knows what.”

“You? What about Mason and Steven? They’re going to scare everyone away from that front table by the stage.”

Susanna laughed. “We might as well put a reserved sign on it, or they’re liable to toss people out of the seats.”

Ava chuckled as she shook her head and closed the door behind her.

* * * *

Ava was heading down the hallway when she saw Tommy and Vic coming through the back emergency door. G-Force was letting them in. She also noticed the box Vic carried and the smell of BBQ sauce that filled the hallway. She smiled, wondering what they were up to. They were very intense-looking men, but she had learned quickly how kind and respectful they were. If Elise could get over her past, they would make her very happy.

“What do you have there?” Ava asked as they walked closer. She inhaled as she closed her eyes.

“Is that BBQ chicken from Big Bob’s BBQ?” she asked, and Vic smiled.

“Yep.” Then Tommy looked at G-Force and smiled as he handed him a big bag. “That’s for hooking us up.”

G-Force smiled. “Any time, brother, and good luck with Elise.” G-Force headed back toward the front.

“What’s going on?” Ava asked with a smile.

“We told Elise we would discuss some things at dinner, then remembered that the three of us are working, so we took our break and are hoping that right around now she’ll take her break,” Tommy stated.

“She usually takes it now,” Vic added, and Ava smiled, thinking how sweet it was that they knew exactly when Elise took her breaks at night. They also went as far as driving to Cellar County to get food from her favorite place. But she wondered if they knew how much Elise liked the corn bread from Big Bob’s.

“If you really want to snag her heart, you better have brought some corn bread.”

“Oh, we did,” Vic stated then winked.

She chuckled. “So how are you planning on getting her to have dinner with you?”

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