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“Oh God, no. No, I can’t let all that make me forget about Devlon. I’m not over him.”

“He’s the boy you were involved with in Tennessee that died?”

Elise nodded her head.

“Honey, I’m sure he loved you and you loved him, but life goes on.”

“I can’t go on with that part of my life. He was killed, Ava. I saw his body. I nearly died myself from the sadness and pain.”

Elise felt the tears roll down her cheeks. Ava walked closer and gave her a hug.

“I’m going to share something with you, Elise. I was married once.”

Elise looked up, shocked to hear this information about Ava. They all knew very little about one another’s pasts, just that they struggled and needed to survive.

“I was, to a wonderful, loving, hard-working man. He was in the military. We waited until he was discharged to get married. We were married for two months when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer.”

“Oh Jesus, Ava. I’m so sorry.”

“It was a terrible time. Not only because I was losing my husband, but also because I was with child. I found out the week before he died.”

“A child? What happened?”

“I lost the baby. I had a miscarriage four months into my pregnancy. They said it was sick and that the baby wasn’t growing correctly and that I should abort. I wanted that baby so badly, because it would have been a reminder of Jonathan and a part of him that I would always have. It wasn’t meant to be. I lost everything and felt like I shouldn’t even be alive. I didn’t want to live. I sold all my stuff, including the house, the baby things, and everything that reminded me of my life and I packed one bag and took the bus out of Georgia. That’s when I met Susanna. She was working at the bar in this place and we started talking about making money. Meeting people and not looking back at the past but starting over. Anyway, what I mean to tell you in all of this is that you can find love again. The heart heals with time and just because you find another man or two attractive and sexy men doesn’t mean that you’ll ever forget the love and relationship you had with Devlon. It’s time to move on. It’s time to give love another try.”

Elise began to cry and Ava held her tight.

“It will be okay, sweetie. I promise, it will be okay.”

Chapter 5

Ava was speaking with Tagart and Carver about the promotional items they brought along with them to hype up the event.

“We brought a photographer with us. The boss wants to get some pictures of the place and some of the guys entering the contest,” Tagart stated.

“Yeah, we’ll need Elise for some photos, too. We discussed how awesome it would be if Elise did a little routine like she did the other night on the electric bull, before each event.

Then maybe she could be like a cover girl for the whole event. The winner of each round that moves on to the final round will take photos with her,” Tagart stated.

“Oh jeez. I don’t know about that, guys. Sure, Elise is pretty crazy sometimes, but I can’t make that decision for her. You’ll have to talk to her about it, and I’ll have to run your ideas by Susanna.”

“That’s not a problem, Ava. I personally think that Elise would do fantastic, but I guess I’m biased.” Tagart looked toward where Elise was tending bar and talking with some guys.

“Well, let me call upstairs to Susanna and see if she has some time to go over this now. I’ll come get you in a little bit.”

“No problem, we’ll be at the bar,” Carver said then winked at Ava.

“That is one gorgeous woman.” Carver watched Ava walk away. Tagart chuckled.

“She is out of your league. Plus, I may need some help with Elise. Let’s go make nice.”

Tagart walked up to the bar and some guys made room for him and Carver.

“Hey, gorgeous, I missed you last night. Your phone ain’t working?” he asked and winked. She raised her pretty little eyebrows at him and placed her hands on those sexy hips of hers. The woman had a body on her. He was disappointed that her tight red top landed at her waist instead of her midriff so he could see those tight abs.

“No, my phone is fine. I’m not some booty call, Tagart. Plus I hardly even know you.”

Carver laughed. “Oh shit, you gave her one of your lines?”

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