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She felt Steven clutch her shoulder.

“What are you talking about? Is this what he whispered to you at the club?” BJ asked.

She shook her head.

“The other day, when he got out of jail, I was sitting here, at the table, and he called my cell phone.”

She saw Mason glaring at her and Steven took her hand and held it.

“What did he say?”

“He said that Keiffer and him aren’t finished with me. He…threatened my friends’ lives. Said that some bad luck may come upon them.”

“Bastards,” Steven whispered then squeezed her hand.

“The women will be safe, Sally. We’re all on board with this. We will ensure their safety,” BJ stated firmly.

Sally shook her head as the tears filled her eyes.

“Elise had a flat tire and was stranded on Farmer’s Pass. She just purchased new tires weeks ago and the mechanic in town said he couldn’t figure out what happened. Plus, the jack she never used before was broken.”

“I helped Elise. I was driving when I saw her on the side of the road. The jack was broken, and it’s true, she never used it before,” Mason stated firmly as he remained staring at Sally. He was angry with her. Did he think she was stupid and immature? Her head was beginning to pound as she slowly pushed the teacup forward and pulled her hand from Steven’s.

She stood up on shaky legs and gripped the table for support.

“Honey, slow down. You shouldn’t be standing,” Steven told her as he stood up and reached for her.

“Please, I need to go pack,” she whispered, feeling the determination to leave this town, this place, and keep her friends safe.

“Pack for what? You’re not going anywhere,” BJ said in a firm voice.

She turned to look at him, the tears in her eyes as she held her temples. Her head was pounding and her body ached from Steven tackling her to the ground.

“BJ, I won’t put my friends in harm’s way. His messages are clear and he could have hurt Elise already. He’s warning me and I won’t ignore it.”

“No one is saying to ignore it. We’re aware of the situation, and we’re going to take the extra precautions. The women will not be allowed out alone. Not until we catch Keiffer and Garret.”

“Catch them? Catch them doing what? Shooting at the window, trying to blow my head off? Perhaps when they injure or kill someone I care deeply about? Catch them when, BJ? When? They’re getting away with everything. The law isn’t helping with shit. I have to leave here. I don’t have any other choice. This is my life and my decision and I think it would be best if I left town. That’s final.” She slowly walked away and could hear the mumbled curses behind her.

* * * *

“She’s upset. She’ll calm down in a little while and be more rational,” BJ told everyone.

“I don’t think so. I know only a little bit about her and Alexa’s past, but enough to know that they were abused and treated very badly. They both dealt with men trying to force themselves on them or use it as a threat of intimidation. She looks worn out and defeated. How can she fight against another man wanting to take her in such a way? She’s giving up and I can see it in her eyes,” Monte said.

“This is bullshit. We’re acting like a bunch of fucking civilians instead of soldiers.” Mason raised his voice as he placed his hands on the island and looked around the room.

“We are a bunch of civilians, Mason,” Steven replied then ran his hand through his hair as he paced the kitchen.

“That’s not what I mean. I have an idea, and whether Miss Independent likes it or not, it’s the plan of action. It will help to ensure the protection of her friends with the rest of you around.”

“Go ahead, we’re listening,” Virgo stated.

Mason shot him a look. Virgo was very concerned over Sally. It kind of made him jealous how easily she accepted Virgo’s hugs and how easily the big g

uy offered them to only her. He swallowed hard as he began to explain about taking Sally into his own version of protective custody.

Chapter 4

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