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“She went out on a date Sunday night with Garret Walters.” Mason’s stomach churned with anger. He knew that guy. He was slick and a real charmer with the ladies. He and Steven noticed him watching Sally often.


“And, he had other plans for her that weren’t so gentleman-like. He basically admitted to watching her for months. He told her that he wanted her and while he made his move, his buddy Keiffer Reynolds moved in behind her. They had her sandwiched between them in the place in Cellar County,” BJ explained.

Mason’s gut clenched. She must have been scared out of her mind. That explained her fear back in the kitchen the other day when he and Steven had her between them. She freaked out.

BJ explained the rest and how they both tried to get her to leave in Garret’s truck, about her breaking Keiffer’s nose, and about the other allegations of date rape against Garret and Keiffer, and that he got the other victims to drop charges.

“How the hell could he get away with that? I mean what was the fucking sheriff doing in Cellar County not protecting those women?”

“It was beyond his jurisdiction. The date rapes occurred in the city. These men are really fucking smart, Mason. Like tonight. We pretty much know that it was Garret that took that shot at her, but we won’t be able to prove it. He knows it. Susanna said that Garret went to Dixie Chix tonight. He confronted Sally, grabbed her, and said something to her. She wouldn’t tell Susanna what he said. This is the game he’s going to play. Since she survived and escaped their attack, it seems they really want her. She’s scared and she doesn’t want any trouble coming near the other women. I’m afraid that Sally is already intimidated by Garret.”

“What if we get a hold of them? You know, find them first. What will happen?” he asked very seriously. He was a hunter of an entirely different kind.

“I understand what you’re saying. Hell, Monte and I discussed this last night, after Susanna said Sally woke up screaming in her sleep. This kills me to see her injured and bruised. She’s a beautiful woman and she’s been through enough.”

“Steven and I think so, too. But this shit has to stop. How can he get away with doing this when we all know he’s responsible?”

“We have to follow the law. We’re playing this by the book, but obviously, we need to put some pressure on Garret and Keiffer while keeping Sally and the women safe. We have some planning to do.”

“I really could care less about the rules or the law. I can find them, take care if this situation, and if you want them back alive, then so be it. I will do anything for Sally and so will Steven.”

Monte stared at Mason.

“There’s no vigilante shit going to happen under my patrol, Mason. Calm the fuck down,” BJ stated firmly.

“Now suddenly you want to be her protector and be involved in Sally’s life?” Monte asked. “You’re a hard-ass. It’s always your way or else. You’ve avoided your feelings for her for months. Steven is guilty of it, too. What’s changed? Is it that she’s in danger and the thrill of a chase is leading you here?”

“Fuck no. How could you even think that, Monte?”

“How can I not? You’re having a hard time dealing with retiring. Steven never got over what Jess did to him. Together, you’ve blocked off your compassion and your trust. What Sally needs right now is consistency, compassion, and trust. Are you both capable of giving that to her? Or is this just an excuse to tackle another mission? You know guts, glory, and shit like that.”

“Where the hell is this coming from? When did you become the wealth of information on relationships? You had your difficulties and reasons for holding off with Susanna, too. This is no different. I didn’t think I could feel something for another human being, Monte. But the moment Virgo and Dale came by our house and told Steven and me what happened, I lost it. I wanted to get to her right away. I needed to see her, hold her, and make sure that she was safe. That was a fucking shock to me, especially since I’m usually trying to drink her off my mind. I can normally push her right out of my heart, but I’m too tired to fight. It scares me to have such strong feelings for her, when we haven’t even dated. She may not really want me, but damn it, I want her and so does Steven. I’m in, Monte. I’m all the way fucking in on this. I won’t rest until these fuckers are behind bars, or dead.”

Chapter 3

Steven sat beside Sally at the island in the kitchen. Virgo had made her some tea, and she was trying to lift it to her mouth, but her hands were shaking.

“Easy, baby, don’t burn yourself,” Steven whispered and she looked around at them. Virgo, Dale, Monte, BJ, Mason, Tommy, and Vic Ollsen all stood around the kitchen.

“Matt is boarding up the window. He can have a crew over here first thing in the morning to replace it. Then Monte will fix the security system,” BJ stated.

“The place is secure and we’ve cased out the perimeter in a three-block radius of the house,” Vic Ollsen stated firmly. Sally noted that Vic and Tommy always seemed to come around when the women were in trouble. They paid special concern over Elise. She took a deep breath as the tears hit her eyes. She found herself snuggling closer to Steven. He placed an arm around her shoulders.

She didn’t want to place her friends in danger. She was worried about that and about Garret’s threats.

“We need to make out a schedule to secure this location and the ladies as they go about their business,” Monte said.

“We have to make them understand that they need to take precautions. I, for one, am not willing to take a chance that Garret or Keiffer might try to do something like this again,” Vic stated.

She thought about Elise and her car trouble.

“I don’t think he will go after them. He really wants to scare Sally, and right now everything he’s doing up to shooting out the window is initiating fear in her. I know as well as the rest of you that if he wanted to kill Sally, he could have with that one shot. He’s a hunter, you know,” BJ added then looked at Sally.

She cleared her throat.

“Garret and Keiffer will try to hurt them. He warned me that he would and that…accidents might happen,” she whispered.

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