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In a flash he pulled her from the pole and began to whack her with the stick he brought with him. Over and over again he struck her arm, her shoulder, and then shoved her down onto the bed.

“You will submit. You hear me? You will submit to me.”

He covered her mouth and forcibly kissed her. She tried to push away but she couldn’t. She grabbed his sides and began to strike him when she felt the knife. As the sun was setting and night was slowly moving in, she decided that tonight she would end it all. She would take his knife and she would kill herself, before Raymond had the chance to have her.

He continued to grab at her, everywhere he could, she managed to dislodge the knife, and as it fell to the bed, she reached for it, but he won and grabbed her arms. He shoved them upward, nearly tearing them from their sockets. Holding both wrists in one hand, he glided his other hand up to her neck.

“I can kill you whenever I want. I can end your life.”

“Do it then. Do it!” she screamed at him. He released her throat and backhanded her across the face. She spat at him again and he smacked her again and again. Then he released her wrists, reached into his pocket, and pulled out the syringe. She tried to get up but he straddled her higher, placing her arms underneath his thighs and knees. She couldn’t move. She screamed until her voice was raw, and cracking. She felt as if her vocal chords snapped, and then she felt the pocketknife. She gripped it as he flicked the needle and then stared down into her eyes. She hated him. She wanted him dead.

“Tonight I take you. I’ve waited long enough.”

He slowly brought the syringe to her neck as she tried turning her head side to side. He didn’t care or budge. He stuck her between the collar bone and neck.

The door burst open. She looked and so did he. She blinked as she cried out. Jett and Flynn along with three other men entered the room. Raymond reached for a gun on his ankle, and raised it, prepared to shoot at Jett and Flynn as he maneuvered off of her. He was so heavy that she gasped when he used her body as leverage to take his aim.

“No!” she screamed as she pulled back and used all her last might to shove the blade into Raymond’s chest. He moved and she got him in the throat, as Flynn tackled him to the ground, and the sound of two bullets going off filled the room.

“We need to move. Grab her and let’s go. We have two minutes and counting,” one of the men stated.

She couldn’t stop crying. Was it the drugs? Was she really seeing them? They were alive all this time?

“Oh, God, baby. Oh God, what did he do to you?” Jett asked as he placed a jacket over her body and lifted her up into his arms. Flynn placed a hat over her head. They were dressed in camo, as they headed out of the building. There were dead bodies everywhere. She hadn’t heard any of it. As she tried to focus on where they were headed and whether or not they’d make it out alive, she began to lose focus.

“Drugs,” she whispered against Jett’s neck.

“Shh, baby. Just close your eyes. I’ve got you. We’re bringing you home.”

“Home.” She felt as if her lids were too heavy to open. She heard a few more gunshots. Jett jerked at the sound and the men mumbled something, but they kept going. She didn’t care anymore. She could die right now and it wouldn’t matter. She had gotten to see her men one last time.

“Jett, Flynn, I love you.”

Chapter 12

Jett and Flynn hadn’t slept in days. They remained in the hospital in the private room set up by their friends in the federal government. Adelina would slowly awaken and start to convulse. They strapped her down to the bed as they tried to help cleanse her body from the drugs. Raymond had apparently kept her drugged up since he brought her there seven days ago. It had been the longest seven days of their lives and they nearly gave up hope of getting in and out of Venezuela undetected and without being caught. But they did it. They called in some military friends, who did this type of shit for a living, and they helped make the rescue and recovery mission a success.

“How much longer will it take?” Flynn asked as he caressed her hand and her skin. “I don’t want them to strap her down again.”

“Maybe another day. Her blood work still shows some signs of bad shit in it.”

“But the doctor said he was flushing her system with saline and hydrating her, too. How long does she have to suffer like this?” Flynn asked and then stood up as he ran his fingers through his hair.

Jett stood up, too.

“It won’t be much longer. It has to be like this. She needs to recover from all the injuries, and the drugs probably helped her to deal with it, even though she wasn’t in charge of it. That fucker used it as a form of control and he made her addicted to it.”

“Like it wasn’t enough what she went through, now this, too?”

“I know, Flynn. It’s not fair, but she’s alive, and we’ll be here to help her get through this.”

Flynn looked at Jett and his brother had tears in his eyes. He never saw Flynn like this before, but he was feeling the exact same way. Lack of sleep, the adrenaline rush all gone, hearing her screams while Raymond beat her, was enough to break them.

“You saw her face, when she looked up, and knew we were there? She killed him so that he couldn’t kill us. She put herself in harm’s way and sacrificed everything for us.”

“I know. She was strong and brave even in that situation. When this is all over, we’ll take care of her. You and I will be catering to her instead of her catering to us.”

“Jett? Flynn?” They heard her voice and then she began to cough.

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