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“Tell him, Mommy. Tell him what the guy in the van said on the phone.” Bryer’s little voice broke through the anger Jett was feeling. He turned around to face his friends, his brother, and the little boy he had only just begun to know. A child who endured one of life’s most challenging fights and succeeded. He was strong. Bryer was a fighter.

“What is he talking about, Kaitlin?” Flynn asked her.

“In the van, Sergio was talking to Raymond on the phone. He was supposed to meet him at a heliport somewhere. They were taking a helicopter to a ship, and then taking Adelina with him to Venezuela.”

“Venezuela? Holy fuck. Get on that, Al. Find out where every nearby heliport is from here. See how many copters took off, and at what times. Have the feds look into the coast guard finding that ship. I need everyone on this pronto,” Cash stated firmly.

“Holy shit,” Flynn said to Jett.

Jett felt someone tugging on his jeans. He looked down and into the big brown eyes of Bryer.

“Yes?” he asked, as he lowered to one knee. The little boy was absolutely adorable. He had big brown eyes, dirty-blond hair cut very short, and a very serious expression.

“My aunt loves you two. You’re going to find her and bring her home, right?”

Jett looked up at Flynn who was already nodding his head. Jett looked at Kaitlin, whose palms were pressed together under her chin as if she were praying, and then he looked around at his friends, and Al who had his men already in search-and-rescue mode.

Jett looked back at Bryer and placed his hand on his shoulder.

“We’re going to find Adelina, son, and we’re going to bring her home where she belongs.”

“Looks like two federal agents just came out of retirement for one final mission,” Cash said, and they chuckled as they gave handshakes and smacks on the back as they discussed the next steps and who would go with them. Jett looked at Flynn.

“You ready to go get our woman, and kill one more piece of shit drug lord?”

“Hell, yeah, partner. Let’s do this.”

Chapter 11

Adelina wasn’t sure how long she had been Raymond’s prisoner here. She wasn’t allowed out of the bedroom, and he kept her sedated most of the time. Today, the windows were open, and as she crawled from the bed, in a tank top and panties, her only clothing, she felt the bruises and the aches. She refused his advances and attempts at having sex. She knew that Raymond could make her do it. She knew he was strong enough, sick enough, and uncaring enough.

Venezuela was known for its magnified crime rates. Caracas had one of the top five highest murder rates in the entire world. The US Embassy was in Caracas. But getting there was never going to happen. Raymond had her watched all the time. He wanted to break her down. He wanted her to fold, give up, and give in to to his demands, allowing him to own her body and soul. She’d rather die. If there were some kind of weapon around, she’d do the deed herself before submitting to him.

She looked down at the bruises on her thighs and cringed. She was black and blue everywhere. His methods of torture seemed to turn him on even more then the idea of finally having sex with her. She wondered what day it was. How long had she been here? The drugs still flowed through her veins. She felt them now that she was up and trying to move around. She didn’t like the sensations, yet she found herself giving in to to them more and more. Surely the drugs would make her hallucinate, and maybe she could pretend that Raymond was really Jett and Flynn.

She shook those thoughts from her head as she moved closer to the window. Her breasts ached, and her ribs, too. Raymond had struck her, trying to get her to give in. He was obsessed with the need to have her beg for him to make love to her. He wanted that. Son of a bitch. I’m going to kill you, just like you killed the ones I loved.

She felt the warm late-day air caress against her sensitive skin. She hugged herself and then swayed, nearly falling into the column by the window. She looked down at the people below. None of them would help her. Some of those women were probably kidnapped as well. Another honor the country of Venezuela had to show for themselves. One of the highest kidnapping rates in the word, too.

She leaned her head back against the pole. She held on as she looked down, barely noticing the faces in the crowds, the market down below, or items they sold. Was she willing to give in to Raymond’s desires and demands just so she could live a life here? A life she would surely hate. How could she ever forget what he had done to her and to her family? No, she would kill him. Perhaps getting him to believe she accepted him would get him to lower his guard enough for her to make her move.

Her eyes began to roll and as she glanced through the crowd below, her stare zeroed in on one particular man. He wore a large hat, his sunglasses thick, and he appeared as if he were watching her. At first she thought him to be a threat. Another man who would take what he wanted from any woman he deemed fit in this godforsaken country. But then her heart began to race. Something sparked deep inside of her.


She heard the door to the bedroom open. She had only looked away a moment, but when her eyes returned to see the man, he was gone. A feeling of disappointment and discouragement filled her. Jett and Flynn are dead. There is no one who can save me now.

“Ah, Adelina, you should be resting. Are you still disobeying my orders?” Raymond asked as he approached. She didn’t even move. She remained against the pole, her hands by her side and behind her trying to remain upright even though her legs and ribs ached.

He grabbed her face and forced her to look at him. She could hardly focus on his fac

e, but she did see that his shirt was undone, and he held something in his hand.

She tried to look down but his hold was firm, and his fingers dug into her cheeks.

“I had the feeling that you would disobey me. I think you like your little beatings. Very soon I’m going to restrain you to that bed and show you how a real man takes his woman. You’ll be begging me for more.”

She didn’t know why she did it, but she gathered the saliva in her throat and spat at him.

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