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“He’ll be here. It’s essential that he gets rid of all of them,” Raymond stated. He reached over and placed his fingers under Adelina’s chin. She turned her face away from him, but he gripped it hard, and forced her to look at him.

“You will learn to obey me, Adelina. There is nothing left for you here. They are all dead now.”

“No. No, they’re not. You’re lying, you sick bastard. You’re lying!” She screamed and he shoved her head with such force, she knocked it against the thick, hard, glass window. She huffed at the pain as she grabbed her head, the tears hit her eyes, and she could hardly focus on him. Raymond looked downright feral and wild. “Life as you knew it is officially over.” As his words sunk in, she felt the larger man grab her arm, just as Sergio jumped into the helicopter. As she tried to pull away, she heard his voice. “They’re as good as dead. The container should blow in about ten minutes.”

“They’re all in there, or close enough to die in the explosion?” Raymond asked.

“It should work out just fine. They took the bait, and a few of their friends will die with them,” Sergio added. The man holding Adelina’s arm stuck her with a needle.

“Hey, what are you doing?” she yelled, and Raymond caressed her cheeks, as he held her face between his hands. “Rest, my love. By the time you awake, you’ll be in my bed, and we’ll work on consummating this relationship.” She shook her head. “No. I don’t want you.”

Raymond squinted his eyes and held her gaze with one so intense, despite the weird way her body was suddenly feeling, she knew he was angry.

“I am your master now. Your lovers are dead, and so is the only family you’ve ever known. Defy me again, Adelina, and you will you die.”

She blinked her eyes, as his words sunk in, and then she closed them as the sound of the rotors moving faster echoed in her head. They were taking off. There was no one to save her. Thoughts of Bryer and Kaitlin dying in a fire brought tears to her eyes, and a pain to her heart despite the drugs they injected into her.

She closed her eyes, and pictured her men.

Jett, Flynn, I love you. I’m sorry.

* * * *

“What the hell are you all doing here?” Cash asked, as he, Zane, Jett, Flynn, Al, and the others arrived on the scene near a seaport filled with storage containers. There were federal agents asking witnesses if they had seen a woman and a child. The place was huge, and now their women showed up. Toni, Tia Rose, Chiara, Chastity, and Toni were standing there looking just as angry as all their men. Just then the men started trying to get them to leave, but they refused.

“Listen, this place is huge, and we don’t have a lot of time. Let us help you. We can explore and look around, too,” Chiara stated.

“But what if you get lost?” Zane asked.

“What if there are traps set up?” Nash added.

“What if we don’t get to them in time and those traps do them in?” Toni added.

“Fuck!” Jagger stated, and then he and Hudson took Tia Rose’s hand and led her toward an area to explore. Nash and Riker took Chastity’s hand and led her in the same direction.

“You guys, go that way, along with some of our security team. I don’t want a bunch of civilians alone snooping around. Our men are trained for this, just like the federal agents are,” Cash commanded. Emerson and Stone took Toni’s hand and walked with Cash, Zane, and Chiara.

* * * *

Jett and Flynn were walking with Cash and Zane. “We need to get to them. Where the hell could Raymond have taken Adelina?” Jett asked as they came across another set of storage containers.

“Hey, we just spoke to two dock hands. They said they thought they saw a van speeding out of here about twenty minutes ago. It came from these three set of containers,” one of the agents yelled to them. Flynn gave the thumbs-up.

“Let’s do this. Be careful to look for any traps,” Flynn stated.

“Chiara, you remain right here, at a good distance,” Cash told her.

“What? No, I want to help, too.”

Zane grabbed her around the waist and hoisted her up against his chest.

“Honey, you do as I say or tonight’s punishment will have lasting effects.

” He squeezed her ass and looked down into her eyes with a firm expression. Jett chuckled. He was going to give Adelina a hell of a spanking for running off trying to save her sister and nephew without a word or a phone call to them.

As he thought about that, he remembered that he hadn’t checked his phone in a while. They were in agent mode for the last two hours.

Al’s team moved in quietly and carefully. The moment one of the team raised his hand for everyone to stop, Jett felt his stomach harden into knots.

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