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“Sergio, Jett and Flynn are very loyal to their family, despite their capabilities of keeping ties to their illegal activities well covered. Just as they were loyal to their positions as federal agents. They will go to their uncle when his life is on the line. They will leave Adelina vulnerable and weak. You’ll bring her to me, and it will all play out. Kind of like the final act of a play on Broadway.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? A play?”

Raymond stood up and poured himself a snifter or brandy. He smiled before he took a sip. “The last act of the play. The lovers will sacrifice themselves to save one another, but the villain will kill them all. They’ll die either alone knowing that their lovers died, too, or they will die watching their lovers suffer.”

He tossed his free hand in the air in a circular motion. “I have not decided the final outcome just yet, but it will end well. I will get my revenge on Jett and Flynn Greyson for destroying the drug cartel in Columbia and forcing me to withstand months of torture. Just as I killed their friends. And I will possess their woman, take her in my arms, perhaps even make love to her while they watch before I slit her throat and end their happiness, as they ended mine. It’s all up in the air right now. But either way, they’re dead.”

“You really think this is going to go down like that?”

“Sergio, I have gotten away with so much more than this. This situation is just for fun. The fact that Jett and Flynn’s uncle turned out to be the man who tried to take over my importing route was more than coincidental. It was destiny. Now, prepare the men for taking Kaitlin and Bryer. On my call, the events will begin.”

“Any idea of when?”

He thought about it a moment as he looked out the window and the gorgeous sun set over the city skyline.

“Patience, my friend. Let them think that they have the upper hand. Let them get comfortable and enjoy Adelina in their bed. It will make tearing them apart and ripping their hearts out even more powerful and fulfilling.”

* * * *

Adelina was moaning in her sleep. Flynn woke up, along with Jett, and watched her. She kept her hands folded in front of her chest, under her chin. Her large breasts peaked out from beneath her arms, and her leg was slightly pressed upward in a guarded position.

“She’s in pain,” Jett whispered.

“That cream is supposed to ease the ache. It has some natural minerals and herbs to enhance a numbing sensation. Kind of like a sore muscle cream, but penetrates deeply. Should we wake her?” Flynn asked. He never felt so compelled to care for someone. Usually by now, after having sex with a woman, she was out of the bed, out of the building, and on her way. They both didn’t want Adelina to leave.

Flynn looked at Jett as Jett caressed her hair from her cheeks.

“She’s so beautiful.”

“I know. We’ve admired her from afar for so long. It’s almost surreal to have her lying here between us now.”

Jett gently rubbed his thumb across her lower lip. She crunched her eyebrows together and moaned softly, then snuggled closer to his chest. Jett smiled. When he looked at Flynn, Flynn could see the admiration and excitement in his brother’s eyes. Flynn felt that excitement in his own body.

“We failed her, Jett. We can’t ever fail her again.”

Jett looked at Flynn, a much more serious expression on his brother’s face now.

“We won’t. As long as we put her first, she’ll always be protected.”

Flynn glanced toward the bedside table. The room was dark, the way they liked it after a long night at the club. It wasn’t uncommon for them to sleep until noontime after a late night. The blinds were special made to almost entirely block out the sun, and even the furniture was black. Flynn saw that it was nearly 11:00 a.m.

“We should let her rest.” He trailed his finger along her shoulder. When she rolled deeper against Jett’s chest, despite the low light in the room, her injuries came into view. Like a strike to his chest, Flynn felt the anger encompass him. Jett looked up as he caressed Adelina’s hair, while holding her snuggly to his chest.

“What is it?”

Flynn just stared at the bruising. He thought about how they made love last night, and how they both claimed her together. It was like nothing they ever felt before. He had tried his hardest to not focus on the sight of her injuries while he made love to her. But now, the feelings of anger and of guilt for not protecting her were clogging his throat. He couldn’t speak. If he did, he may show the weakness that was becoming unbearable to hide.

Then Jett spoke to him.

“I know,” he whispered. Flynn locked gazes with Jett. Their bond as twins was brought to another level last night while they made love to their woman together.

Flynn bit the inside of his cheek as he shook his head and tried to force his emotions away.

“I feel it, too. It’s powerful enough to break me down. That in itself is fucking frightening.”

“We’re not supposed to break. We’ve conditioned ourselves to always remain in control. I don’t like these feelings of failure and guilt. She never should have been placed in this position.”

“I know. But we can’t focus on the past. We have to focus on the future and what we want with Adelina. I want it all, Flynn. I want more of what we felt last night. That intense connection and energy. It was like, I don’t know what. Like nothing I ever felt before.”

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