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“What are we going to do?” Kaitlin asked Adelina. She cried while she placed the bags of ice on Adelina’s back. The sight of the bruised red lines made her feel sick. She was responsible for this mess. If she had never gotten involved with Margliado. Scratch that. If she had never fallen for fucking Chester, her sister wouldn’t be lying here in pain on the bed.

“What choice do I have? We know how men like this operate. They’ll kill you and Bryer. I have no choice.”

“But you can’t help them. You care so much for Flynn and Jett.”

“I’m not worried about me. I’m worried about you and Bryer. You’re both my responsibility. Let me rest a while. I have work tomorrow and I don’t know what Raymond expects me to do. Just leave me be. Please,” Adelina whispered, and Kaitlin felt her sister’s defeat. She slowly walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

As she watched Bryer play with his toy cars on the rug in the living room, she thought about the situation. Her sister, Adelina, wasn’t thinking with a clear head. Although Kaitlin had never met Flynn and Jett, she could tell by the way Adelina described them and talked about them, that they were tough, resourceful ex-federal agents who knew a lot of people. Adelina was going to sacrifice her body and her life, and give up everything she wanted for Bryer and Kaitlin.

There had to be another way. Together, they would figure it out. After all, this was her mess she created. Adelina was just being a big sister, and taking care of her as usual. But Adelina had friends she could count on. Women who were strong-willed just like Adelina, and had been successful by staying determined and fighting for what they had. She walked over to the couch and picked up Adelina’s purse. She glanced toward the bedroom door but knew Adelina wouldn’t be getting up any time soon. She glanced at her contacts, and then began a group message to Chastity, Toni, Tia Rose, and Chiara. Kaitlin had to help her.

She started the text. My sister needs your help. Please don’t tell your men. She doesn’t know I am texting you, but it is that bad. Can you meet me here at our apartment tomorrow morning? 11:00 a.m.

Kaitlin pressed send and then sat there staring at the phone. She felt as if she were going to be sick as she waited for their responses. She feared that they might not help. Maybe they would tell their men anyway. She wasn’t certain. As the seconds passed, which felt more like minutes, she started tapping her foot and then biting her nail. Maybe they’re not as good friends as Adelina thinks?

Suddenly the phone began to buzz indicating that the first reply came in, and then the next and the next. Chastity said yes. Then Toni replied immediately after asking if Adelina was hurt. Kaitlin immediately texted back, telling her no questions, please just be here tomorrow. Then Tia Rose and Chiara replied yes and Kaitlin sighed in relief. They would come here. They cared so much about Adelina. Kaitlin smiled. The tears filled her eyes. Her sister had a huge heart, and had been there for these women, now they could be here for her.

* * * *

Adelina was moving so slowly. She showered, dried her hair, and then looked at her back in the mirror. She felt the bruises and achiness. But when she looked into the mirror, as she stood sideways, she was shocked that the injuries didn’t look worse. Long, narrow streaks of red, surrounded by lightly black and blue marks crisscrossed over her entire back. But the skin wasn’t broken. She hadn’t bled at all, which is what it felt like as he struck her body. She cringed, just remembering Raymond’s words, his harsh treatment of her, and his threats. Her hands shook, and there was no control over her body’s reaction. She was scared. She was beyond scared.

She pulled the light T-shirt up and over her shoulders. She stretched her arms through the short sleeves, and even that caused pain.


ages of her spread over the desk with Raymond in total control, her hands gripping the sides of the desk, made her feel sick. He could have raped me right there. Why hadn’t he? Does he really think that I’m going to stay with him? Is he Sergio’s boss? Sergio totally didn’t even question his presence. Is Raymond the infamous Margliado? Oh, God, I’m dead. My life is over. She swallowed the rise of bile in her throat and turned away. The tear rolled down her cheek, and she shoved it away with the back of her hand.

Stepping into a pair of relaxed-fit jeans, she took a deep breath and prepared to face Kaitlin. She wished she hadn’t been up last night when she got home. But it was early. Once Raymond completed his forceful act upon her body, he set her free to go home and plan her actions. She would need to start messing with the deliveries, and setting up things in the kitchen and around the club to help the health department close down the place.

She thought about Flynn and Jett. How was she going to hurt them like this? They meant so much to her, despite their refusal to see her as anything more than their club manager. She wouldn’t be the manager much longer. Raymond said he had plans for her that went beyond Jett and Flynn and The Phantom. He kept telling her that she was his, and that very soon they would share his bed, and that she would be part of a world few had the opportunity or the qualities to be part of. She didn’t know what he meant, but as long as Bryer and Kaitlin were safe and set for life, then she would have no choice. Nothing in life had ever truly scared her like this. But if conceding to Raymond’s threats and demands meant keeping Kaitlin and Bryer alive and safe, then God damn it, she would do it.

* * * *

Chiara leaned against the counter in the kitchen along with Toni. Chastity, Kaitlin, and Tia Rose sat at the table. The moment Adelina walked into the kitchen, her expression of shock made Kaitlin feel crushed with guilt. Adelina looked at Kaitlin and then the others.

“Kaitlin, what have you done?” she asked. Adelina gripped the wall. She appeared as if she might faint or something, and Chiara moved to help, but Adelina stopped her.

“No, please, I’m okay. I’ll be okay.”

“Listen, don’t be upset with your sister,” Chiara began to say. “She did the right thing in calling us. We’ve each been through some shit ourselves. We get it. We understand the need to be strong and to feel like facing it alone is the best option.” Adelina held up her hand as she shook her head.

“This is different. She shouldn’t have called you. By doing so, Kaitlin has placed you all in danger.”

“What? How so?” Kaitlin asked.

Adelina gave her a look of disappointment. Had she screwed up again? She thought this was the best way to get Adelina to ask for help. She couldn’t take this guy on alone.

“Yes, Kaitlin. The people involved in this have killed people for probably less. There is nothing they can do to help.”

“That’s not true. She did the right thing. She told us what happened,” Tia Rose whispered as she held her cup of coffee between her hands and stared at Adelina.

“How bad are the bruises?” Chastity asked, and then took Adelina’s hand into her own. Kaitlin knew that Chastity had been abused by her boyfriend before meeting Nash and Riker. Then her ex-boyfriend had attacked her and threatened to kill Nash and Riker.

“Oh, God, Chastity, this is different.”

“How so?” Toni asked, with her arms crossed in front of her chest. She, too, had experienced abuse by the hands of a man. She was tough, despite nearly getting killed by her boyfriend’s stalking ex-girlfriend.

“It just is.” Adelina whispered, then slowly walked toward the chair. She gripped the top of the seat.

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