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He moved closer to the desk. Jett watched him pick up the small ceramic bat, with the bulging white eyeballs that moved when you touched the bat. Adelina had placed it on their desk. It was after a bat somehow got into the club and scared the hell out of the staff before the doors opened one night. Flynn wasn’t too keen on having the creepy critter around and called an expert in to catch the thing. But somehow it wound up in the bedroom one night while Flynn was sleeping and the bat flapped around the room, freaking Flynn out. The following day, after the expert caught the bat, Adelina had placed the goofy ceramic one on his desk. It made them both laugh.

“I knew she was taking care of me.”

“What?” Jett asked him whispering.

He looked up at his brother, while he still held the ceramic bat.

“I knew she was there, Jett. I knew she would take care of me and be sure that I went to bed alone. But I didn’t want to be alone. I wanted her. The moment I pressed my lips to her neck and held her in my arms at the bar, I knew I was taking advantage of the situation. I didn’t fucking care. She smelled so good, and she felt amazing.”

Jett inhaled and then exhaled. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Flynn placed the bat back onto the desk.

“I didn’t want to admit that I took advantage of the situation, just to feel her that close to me. But just now, while she stood here and told me off, and explained what Tess had planned, so many things ran through my head. They still are now.”

“Like what?” Jett asked him.

He locked gazes with Jett.

“Like how badly I want to feel her again. How delicious her lips would taste, how fucking sexy and resistant she would be if we drew out her submissive side.”

“I know exactly what you’re saying. Hell, I’ve been unable to have sex with anyone for months because m

y feelings for Adelina have grown stronger. I get just as pissed as you do when other guys flirt with her. But what do we have to offer her? We’ve never given in to trusting anyone but each other. I know we trust the guys to an extent. But I’m talking about the deep connection. That bond that is so powerful nothing can kill it. It just seems unreachable.”

Suddenly the buzzer sounded.

Jett pressed the button.


“Boss, we’ve got a potential situation down here,” Murph stated, and they could hear all the loud music and laughter.

“What is it, Murph?” Jett asked.

“Tess showed up with her entourage. They’re looking for Adelina.”

“Fuck.” Jett released the button and Jett opened the door.

“We have to make sure that Adelina doesn’t get hurt. You need to get rid of Tess.”

“Adelina get hurt? You saw the video and her right hook. I’d say that Tess is in for it.”

“She already hurt her hand and needs it in a sling which she isn’t wearing.”

“Right. Let’s go break this up before it gets out of hand.”

* * * *

“Listen Tess, I’m not sorry that I broke your nose. You had it coming.”

“What?” Tess yelled out, with her four girlfriends in a stance, ready to fight Adelina. Adelina was wearing a designer dress, her high heels, and looked too sophisticated to even give the time of day to these women, but she was still the manager of the club. Besides, she had Murph and the bouncers next to her.

“I think you should just leave before you make a scene.”

“Oh, we’re going to make a scene, when we wipe up this floor with your face and skanky hair,” one of the women stated.

Adelina laughed.

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