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“Where are you, Chiara? We’re pulling into the underground parking garage now.”

Just as he asked her that question, he heard Chiara scream. “Chiara? Chiara?”

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

“Fuck, she’s screaming. Roll down the windows. She has to be down here.”

“I’ll call security. Where the hell is the security guard anyway?” Cash asked. “He’s not at his post.”

They could hear more screaming.

Zane stopped the car and he and Cash got out.

“Listen. Listen for the direction it’s coming from,” Zane said to Cash as they kept the car running. The doors were open and they were walking deeper into the garage.

“There. Oh my God, some guy has her. He’s trying to get her into his car.” Zane began to run toward her. He ran as fast as he could. He could see her struggling, and then the guy struck her. Once, twice, and then he threw her into the car.

“Cash!” he yelled back to his brother who was calling 911.

The guy jumped into the driver side and reversed then turned around, just as Zane and Cash reached the car.

r /> Zane saw the guy’s face. He banged his fist on the back of the trunk, as the guy sped past them.

“Stop. I’ll fucking kill you!” Zane yelled. They turned and began chasing the car, as security appeared from the stairwell. The garage entry door was beginning to close. They needed to stop that car. Chiara was in that car.

“Close, Goddamn it. Fucking close now. Don’t let that asshole out of here,” Cash was yelling. Then suddenly, as the gate began to close, and the car pulled over the edge, the side door swung open and Chiara tumbled out, slamming the side of her body against a cement column.

“Chiara!” both Zane and Cash yelled. The security guys were at her side, just as they reached her.

“Step back. Don’t move her!” Cash yelled as Zane fell to his knees. She was bleeding from the side of her head. There was a gash there and her shoulder and arm were scraped up good.

“Chiara, help is on the way. Lie still, baby. Lie still,” Zane whispered, as Cash checked her pulse. She was completely out cold.

They could hear the siren in the distance.

“Where was everyone? What happened to the security guards that are posted here?” Cash demanded. He was the calmer one right now. Zane just saw red, and when he got his hands on the man who hurt Chiara, that guy was going to suffer terribly.

* * * *

“I want to know what the hell went down, and I want to know who this asshole is, who he works for, and what he wanted with Chiara,” Zane said. “I need you all on top of this. Cash and I are here at the hospital and time is of the essence. I already gave a description to the detectives and the police. If you need their help, contact my friend, Detective Billy Marino. But right now, this is government level priority. This is my and Cash’s woman, and no one gets away with hurting her. No one,” Zane told his security team and investigators as Stacy gathered them all in the main meeting room at their office.

“Zane, is Chiara going to be okay?” Stacy asked him.

“I think so. She’s pretty banged up, and she has a concussion, maybe bruised ribs. The doctors haven’t given us an update, they just let us know that she was in and out of consciousness.”

“Give her my love. Let her know we are all pulling for her.”

“I will, Stacy, everyone. And thank you. Cash and I really need all of your help with this.”

“Yes, sir,” Zane heard his main security guy, Al, stated and then Zane disconnected the call.

“You should get that looked at,” Cash said to Zane as he placed his hand on his shoulder. Zane was stretching his hand out. Zane had hurt his hand when he slammed it down on the trunk of the car. God, he had never been so scared. What if they hadn’t shown up when they had? That guy could have taken her and then what?

“Hey, we need to be strong for Chiara. She needs our help here. Something fucking crazy is going on.”

Zane turned to look at Cash. They faced one another and Zane held Cash’s gaze.

“That was crazy. I want to see her so badly, and just hold her.”

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