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Chiara could run the business perfectly, if her father would have any confidence or real deep care for his only child. She was a hell of a lot more capable than Marvin McShay, the president of the company. That man was a conniving weasel, who actually thought he had a chance of landing Chiara. Like that would actually happen. He may be hot, but I’m not stupid.

“Are you all right?” she asked again. “The party is going on and guests continue to arrive.”

“Yes, of course I am. I just have a lot on my mind.”

She looked at him. He was such a handsome man. His dark hair and the light strands of gray by his ears made him appear wise, attractive, and sophisticated. He was an older bachelor now but wanted nothing to do with dating or even socializing alone with a woman. He loved his wife Patricia that much. Chiara looked exactly like her mother, and she wondered if that was why he seemed to distance himself even more.

“I know that you’re worried about the company, Daddy. You know that I would like the opportunity to try and run it. Look how well I’ve done campaigning and developing the advertising department.”

“Chiara, no. I think it is best that you stay in your management position for now. You make an excellent salary, you work very hard, and there will be other opportunities for you.”

“Daddy, it’s what I want to do. I can be the manager, the president of the company, and make some seriously needed changes. I’ve been through the system from the bottom up. I just need the title and the authority to make it happen.”

He stared at her a moment and seemed as though he was either contemplating her statement or thinking of a way to shoot her down.

“Honey, it’s not what I want for you. Besides, Marvin McShay is doing an excellent job. The company is doing very well. I want you safe. I don’t want you in the spotlight and exposed to all the negativity. Marvin can handle that better than you.”

She raised her eyebrows at him. “Because he’s a man? Please, he hardly has a spine,” she said with her hands on her hips. Her father almost smirked. It was quick, but he recovered and held a firm expression.

“Chiara, he has a spine. He has a reputation as a hard-ass. He’s a good man. He’s very personable and attractive. He wants to date you.”

“Daddy, really? Are you freaking serious? You want me to date some stuck-up, rich, conniving snob like Marvin McShay? The man is a jerk who sleeps around with every easy slut he can land.”


“Well, what? You want to know the truth or do you want me to sugarcoat it for you? For crying out loud, Daddy, the man sleeps with more women and throws his money around like he’s royalty. The private jets, the trips to the Southern states supposedly looking into our seaports about the quality of the seafood, it’s all a farce. He’s an asshole.”

“Chiara Costiano, I can’t believe your mouth. This is not what I expect from my only daughter. Your forwardness and your shoot-by-the-hip loose tongue is why you can’t be in charge. You can’t go around speaking your mind and saying everything that pops into your head.”

“Why the hell not? You’ve taught me everything I know about business, about being aggressive and thorough, and Mom taught me how to be empathetic and courteous. I think I’ve been doing a pretty damn good job at winning over most of the employees.”

“And in your personal life? Have you won any men over? Have you even been dating? I don’t want this business taking over your life. I want what’s best for my favorite daughter.”

“I’m your only daughter,” she replied with an attitude as she crossed her arms and huffed.

He stared at her with that stern expression of his. It still made her concede even in arguments where she knew she was right. Her daddy had such an influence on her. She loved him with all her heart, and would do anything he asked of her, despite the distance he placed between them. Or perhaps, she just wanted to love him in hopes that he would love her the same way.

“Chiara, please. You’re twenty-six years old. You have more than enough money to not work a day in your life for three lives. You need to live a little. You need to date, and not worry about me so much. If this company was sold off tomorrow, or went under, it shouldn’t mean the end for you. It should mean a new beginning. A time to live your life. It’s what I want for you.”

“But I do worry. I know how difficult it has been for you since Mommy died.”

Her father looked away from her and lowered his head. He was so in love with his wife Patricia. He adored her and had showered her with love and gifts and just the simple things in life. They vacationed together and spent time alone with weekend trips. She wanted to feel the love she’d witnessed between her mother and father. She wanted that bond, and that empowered connection. But had yet to find it.

Every man she met knew her as Chiara Costiano, a wealthy heiress, a sure thing for a secure future, so there was never any love. She wasn’t easily manipulated. Men she dated either automatically loved her or they pretended to, and then it fell apart. She never felt anything real for a man. Instead she saw them as conniving, manipulating fuck heads. When they saw her, they saw wealth and a ticket to a secure life. Because of that, she chose to not even get sexually involved with men. It wasn’t worth the headache, the fear that they would try to latch on. So maybe she was a little high-strung and needed some action? She had ways to ease the need. Even if they were lame and left her sometimes more aroused and needy than when she started. She swallowed hard. She should not have these thoughts right now. She didn’t need a man, a lover, someone else to not trust.

Thanks a lot, Heather, for putting this idea in my head.

There was nothing to focus on but her career, and now even that her father wouldn’t allow her to indulge and progress with.

“I do miss her. I always will, but you are my priority now, Chiara. You need to focus on the things you want in life. There are situations you know nothing about. My job is to protect you, and to ensure that you have a bright future and have the best things in life.”

“But, Daddy I do have those things, but I want to do more for the family company. I want to take it over. I know that I can do it.”

“No.” He raised his voice and she was surprised. “The company is my business, and I make the final decisions with it. If I decide to sell, or to break up stocks, then the decision is mine.”

“Sell? What the hell do you mean sell?”

He waved his hand at her as if indicating to say no more. This was the side of her father that frustrated the living shit out of her. She wanted to stomp her feet and growl in annoyance. She was a grown woman, and he still had the ability to make her want to throw a tantrum. But of course she wasn’t like that at all. She took a deep breath and st

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