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Cash took the envelope with him and Zane stopped in the doorway. He leaned very close to her, staring down into her eyes. He was so tall and intimidating, she felt her heart race.

“I’m looking forward to tomorrow. Be sure to lock up,” he said. But he didn’t immediately walk away. Instead he held her gaze then slowly turned to walk down the hallway.

Chiara closed the door and leaned against it.

My God, this can’t be happening.

Chapter 4

Two hours into a tour of Costiano’s and Cash was more interested in Chiara than the company. The woman was assertive, intelligent, bright, dynamic, and so damn sexy, but didn’t seem to know it. At first Cash thought it was all an act. The designer dress she wore, the reading glasses she put on when she looked over documents trying to find specific accounts and information Zane was asking about. He realized very quickly that he didn’t care for Marvin McShay one bit, and especially when the man kept trying to touch Chiara as if he owned her.

It would be one thing if Chiara liked it, but by her body language, facial expressions, and continuous ducks and dodges from Marvin’s advances, she disliked Marvin very much.

Cash was standing next to her desk. A quaint, medium-sized office, decorated beautifully. Zane was looking at some family pictures and awards on her shelf.

“How long have you needed glasses?” Cash found himself asking as he stood right next to her while she fingered through the files. He imagined what those fingers might feel like touching his cheek, his chest, or even his cock. He adjusted his position, suddenly consumed by a need he’d never felt before. He wanted to touch Chiara. He wanted to kiss her, or even hold her in his arms. But she was reserved, and almost distant. It was like she placed a wall up around her, and he wondered why. He didn’t notice that she got along with her father well, but they weren’t close. Perhaps he was demanding, like most parents were.

She glanced up, her cheeks a little pinker from his question. Was she embarrassed about wearing glasses? She was a grown woman. She was stunning.

“A while.” She looked back down, found the forms she was searching for and opened up the file. She trailed a manicured finger down the list of tiny numbers. No wonder she needed reading glasses. The damn numbers weren’t much larger than periods at the end of sentences.

“Here are the latest figures in sales from our main distributors and storefronts to the smallest.”

He leaned very close to her, admired her perfume, the smell of her shampoo, and how the file shook slightly. He was making her nervous. She was attracted to them.

“For the record, you look incredibly brilliant and sexy wearing glasses, Chiara.”

Her chin was tilted up toward him and then the reading glasses moved down to the bridge of her nose. She stared up at him. Despite the high heels, she was still shorter.

“I appreciate the compliment. I read a lot. Not just here at work, but at home, too.”

She pulled off her glasses and handed him the folder.

He smiled at her and she just stared at him as if waiting for something else. Perhaps a request? He wasn’t certain.

“You do amazing work here, Chiara. Where do you get your ideas from?” Zane asked as he stood by the other side of the desk.

“I don’t know. I just seem to have a knack for this type of thing. I get excited about advertising and creating campaigns to promote Costiano’s. I have a lot of great ideas.” She lowered her eyes and carelessly organized the very few items on her desk.

Cash placed his hand over hers as he stood right next to her. Her hand was so delicate and small beneath his much larger one. When she looked up into his eyes, he noticed the concerned expression, but also the sparkle in her gorgeous green eyes.

“I bet you have a lot of great ideas. Where do you see the company headed in the next six months?” He slowly trailed his fingers from her hand up her arm. She held his gaze the entire time. Her hand remained flat on the desk and he was certain that was for balance. He could hear her shaky breath.

“I don’t know. The same, I guess.”

He gave a small smile. “Not from a glance at those numbers. Great things could happen to this company with the right leaders,” he told her then brought his hand to her chin. He clutched it gently. She gave a small gasp but didn’t pull away. He knew she felt the attraction.

“God, Chiara, your eyes are stunning.”

He gently brushed his index finger back and forth over the delicate skin of her throat.

“Are you planning on taking over the company?” she asked him. That question brought reality back to the forefront.

He slowly released her chin.

“Honestly?” he asked her.

She slowly nodded her head.

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