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It’s why I couldn’t fold on the bird. I can’t give her all my power, and it’s the last ace I had to play. She gave in a little more reluctantly than I expected, but it also leads me to believe she legitimately doesn’t have anywhere else to go. If she did, she would’ve insisted on my moving her things somewhere else. Standing my ground still leaves me feeling like an asshole. I didn’t have pets growing up, but I can’t imagine her kids are going to be very happy about their family pet getting her own eviction notice.

Kendall grabs the handle to the bird cage faster than I can, glaring at me as if I’m continuing to ruin her life when she pulls the thing from the back seat.

Evie flaps her wings, appalled that she’s being rattled, but Kendall isn’t letting her height, or lack of, keep her from doing things.

“Heaven’s sake,” the bird mutters. “How about a little finesse?”

I bite my lip to keep from laughing, wondering just how things will go between this old-lady-like, proper bird and Wren’s foul-mouthed parrot.

I’m honestly near giddy on the ride up in the elevator, filled with eager anticipation at watching it all play out.

Kendall tries to hide on my right side as we enter the front office of Blackbridge, so I step around her, putting her face-to-face with Pam, our office manager.

“Hello again, dear,” Pam says with a welcoming smile.

I might have known Pam would react this way, but Kendall had no idea that what she did yesterday would not make the people in the office dislike her. If anything, it endeared her to them.

“Please, let me apologize for my behavior yesterday.”

Pam waves off her apology. “It was quite entertaining, dear.”

“It was irresponsible. Thank you for not calling the cops.”

“We only call the cops for real bombs,” Pam says before giving a quick smile and answering her ringing phone.

“Real bombs?” Kendall asks as we step away from Pam’s desk and head deeper into the office.

“She was joking,” I lie.

Kendall doesn’t need to worry about actual bombs. Besides, it’s been nearly a year since we had a real bomb threat that carried any weight.

“Right this way,” I say, pointing toward Wren’s office.

“Hi,” Jude says as he approaches. “Who do we have here?”

“This is Kendall,” I say at the same time Kendall lifts the cage so Jude can see better and says, “This is Evie.”

Jude smiles at Kendall before bending in the middle to get a closer look at the bird.

“Be careful,” I warn.

“Hello there, young man,” Evie says, manners out in full force.

I glower down at the bird. I get attacked and Jude gets this type of greeting?

Kendall chuckles. “She likes you.”

“I’m a likable guy.” Jude holds out his hand.

“Kendall Stewart,” she says, taking his hand.

I want to growl at him but not because I think he’s flirting. Jude is so in love with Parker, other women don’t even exist to him in that way. What makes me want to lash out is that the attitude I’ve gotten from this woman seems to fade away when she’s speaking to my friend. It tells me she has a problem with me instead of just being a little angry at the world.

“I know,” Jude says with an easy smile. “I heard about your visit yesterday.”

I grin, feeling a little vindicated for the embarrassment she’s going to feel.

“Yesterday was a little out of character,” she says, a wide smile on her face. “It’ll never happen again.”

“That’s a shame,” he responds, glancing up at me. “But you wouldn’t be the first woman he drove to do insane things.”

“You’ll have to tell me about that sometime,” she says, winking at him.

She fucking winks at him. I can’t recall a time when the woman winked at me.

“You should introduce her to Parker,” I say, reminding him he has a significant other.

“Your wife?” Kendall asks.

“Not quite yet, but hopefully soon.”

“I’d love to meet her.”

“I’ll set it up,” Jude says. “It was nice to meet you, Kendall.”

“You as well, Jude.”

My head shifts back and forth through their conversation until Jude nods before walking away.

“Lovely boy,” Evie says.

“This way,” I growl, annoyed that I’m annoyed.

“Such a brute,” the bird snaps, but it’s Kendall’s hummed agreement that bothers me the most.

I knock on Wren’s door because the last thing Kendall needs is to interrupt anything inappropriate, and the man isn’t exactly known for keeping private things private.

He doesn’t answer so I knock again.

“Is he in here?” I ask Jude who has settled on the sofa with a book.

“He’s in there,” Jude confirms.

I knock again.

“Just a second!” Wren calls, and I swear I’m going to lose my shit if I walk in and he’s doing something like wiping off his hands or zipping his pants.

The man went from hooking up with girls he met online on occasion to full-blown sex addict with the introduction of his girlfriend Whitney. Those two are horny all the damn time.
