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“Hey,” Wren says, opening the door. “Sorry.”

“I called to let you know we were coming,” I complain.

“And I had a list of things to get done for Deacon,” he returns, a serious look on his face. “Things I had to deal with before having company.”

His tone tells me that he really was working, and once again, I feel like an asshole.

“Wren, this is Kendall.” I point to the cage in her hand. “And Evie.”

Wren backs away from the door, inviting us into his office.

Puff wolf whistles at Kendall, and when she notices the other bird, the smile I haven’t seen much today comes back full force.

“You have an African grey?”

“And, baby, you have the fattest ass I’ve ever seen!” Puff says, his wings flapping like crazy. “Jesus, woman! What are you feeding that thing?”

Kendall’s eyes go wide, and her mouth hangs open, and I can just see us now, heading right back to my condo with that damn bird tagging along.

“That’s hilarious,” Kendall says to Wren.

“Where are my pearls?” Evie screams from her cage. “I need to clutch my pearls!”

“What do we have here?” Puff says, flying from his perch and landing on the back of Wren’s office chair to get a better look.

Kendall holds the cage up, so it’s easier for the birds to see each other.

“Hey there, baby,” Puff says, whistling at Evie the same way he just did Kendall.

“Puff, this is Evie,” Wren says as if the damn bird honestly understands rather than just repeating inappropriate shit he overhears.

“Hey, Evie girl. Wanna come see Daddy?”

“Gross,” Evie snaps.

Kendall chuckles. “You’re going to be keeping her for me until I can find a place to live?”

Wren looks from Kendall to me. “I thought you were moving in with Finn?”

“I am, but I mean my permanent place.”

For some reason, hearing her say that hits me in the chest, and I rub at it as if it’s real. A couple of hours ago, I was regretting asking her to move in because she actually took me up on the offer. So why does the thought of her leaving make me hurt?

I shake my head before looking back at my friend. “The bird is violent and attacked me.”

Wren huffs, as if what I said is preposterous.

“Do you like pussy?” Puff asks.

Kendall gasps, covering her mouth with her free hand.

“Well, I never!” Evie says, doing her own little version of a bird gasp.

“Simon is Satan!” Puff continues.

“Simon is Wren’s girlfriend’s cat,” I explain, trying to take the sting out of the bird using the word pussy.

“Oh,” Kendall says, but her hand is still covering her mouth and it comes out a little muffled.

“Not all pussy is bad pussy,” Puff continues as if we’re not even in the room. He’s hunkered down so he can easily see Evie in her cage.

“I declare!” the female bird hisses. “You’re vulgar!”

“Wait until you see what my tongue can do!”

“Oh gosh!” Kendall says, but a laugh bubbles out of her. “He’s very vocal.”

“Crude,” Wren agrees with a smile.

Kendall returns the grin, and I’m getting pretty tired of her grinning at all of my friends and not me, but that makes me think about her accusation earlier. Maybe I am like a kid because I’m seconds away from throwing a temper tantrum right now because her focus isn’t on me.

“Think she’ll be okay here?”

Wren gives her a soft smile. “She might be shocked by the things he says, but she’ll be safe. Puff grows on people. Everyone ends up loving him.”

I scoff, but don’t open my mouth. The bird has the uncanny ability to annoy just about anyone. We tolerate him at best.

“Okay,” Kendall agrees, handing over the cage to Wren.

“Ready to go?” I ask her, needing to cut this goodbye short. If she starts crying again, I have no clue how I’ll handle it. I might just end up giving her the information to my damn retirement account.

“Hey, Satan!” Puff says, turning in my direction as if he’s just now realizing I’m in the room. “How’s Hell this time of year?”

“Satan!” Evie squawks, agreeing with Puff.

“See?” Wren says, assuring Kendall. “They’ve already found something they agree on. They’ll be best friends in no time.”

Kendall laughs.

“Har-har,” I say with no humor at all. “Ready?”

Kendall looks back at Evie in her cage before nodding and walking out of the room.

Chapter 11


I was terrified to come back to this office after the stunt I pulled yesterday, but Pam was super nice as well as Jude.

What looks to be the organization’s breakroom has even more of the guys in it than it did before we walked into Wren’s office, and that anxiety ramps up again.

“Let’s go,” Finnegan mutters, walking ahead of me.

I want to escape just as badly but another grinning man walks right in front of Finnegan, making him pull up short.
