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“But it’s your parents’ house!”

“So? Didn’t you ever live at home and have a boyfriend. Never mind, don’t answer that.”

“For your information, I didn’t. My parents aren’t exactly that boy friendly. I wasn’t even allowed to date until I was eighteen and even then, I had to keep my door open at all times and there would never, ever, under any circumstances be anyone allowed to spend the night.”

“Harsh.” He rolled his fingers over her nipple before he pinched.

Her body went completely rigid and she let out a little whimper that shot straight to his groin. Damn, he loved the sounds she made. He loved everything about her, really. He loved the way she smelled. He loved her sassiness and the way she wasn’t afraid to tell him off. He loved that her body and his body, they just fit. He hadn’t experienced that with anyone before, not like he did with Teela. It was just right. Strangely right. Right in all the ways it shouldn’t have been.

Which was a real mind-trip.

“Ross…” Teela breathed, and yeah, his name on her lips did all sorts of things to his insides.

He shifted his hand lower, trailing it under the sheets, over her still flat belly, down to the apex of her thighs. Her dress had ridden up and she was so warm there. Her panties were soaked when he brushed his fingers over them.

“What’s that?”


“Is this what you wanted?”

“You- you know it is.”

He glanced up at her face and the way she was looking at him was enough to nearly make him go off. For the second time in two nights. He either had a major problem with ED or it was just her. No, not ED. God, it was the opposite of ED. Unless erectile dysfunction also counted when your dick wouldn’t listen to your brain.

Teela’s lips parted when he swept his fingers over her panties. She was warm, so gloriously warm. He loved that she was soaking wet already.

“Were you dreaming about me?”

He was just bugging her, trying to coach her into dirty talk when he didn’t actually know the first thing about talking dirty because he’d always viewed that as pretty damn juvenile. He also hated unnecessary, full volume screaming. He’d experienced a bit of that over the years and it was just a big no thank you. He was a little shocked when Teela’s eyes flickered shut, those thick lashes resting on her face and even in the dark he could see the blush riding high on her cheeks.

“You were dreaming about me?”

“Yeah,” she admitted. She didn’t open her eyes. “It’s the hormones, I swear it is.”

He swept a finger underneath her panties and her legs fell open. She let out a shaky sigh as he ran his finger over her folds and teased it over her clit. “Did I do this to you in your dream?”

“I- I guess so.”

“What else? What else did I do to you?” His mouth was going dry just watching her face. She had such an expressive face, even when she was obviously trying to keep it from giving anything away.

Her eyes flickered open and met his. “You know.”

“No, I don’t. You’ll probably have to tell me. I’m not sure I know what to do.”

“You really want me to say it?”

“Yes. I want you to say it.”

“Well…” Teela sighed. “First we started up against the wall. Then you carried me over to the bed and dropped me onto it. You- uh- we- yeah. Right there. Then you turned me over and we- uh- from behind. Then-”

“I seriously am not going to live up to this fantasy,” Ross said, but he grinned. He trailed his finger lower, through her soaked folds, right to her entrance. Teela gasped when he slid it inside, slowly, letting her savor and wait for every single inch.

“I don’t know,” she panted. “You might. If you tried.”

“I doubt we should do half of those things when you’re in your condition.”

“I’m pregnant,” Teela scoffed. “Two months pregnant, not nine months. As long as you aren’t getting carried away, I’m sure it’s okay to do things other than the missionary pose.”

“So, you want to do this? For sure? I mean, banging you with my finer and my tongue is one thing, but it’s a whole different ball game when we take it to the level of actually putting-”

“I know how sex works.” Teela’s lips twitched, like she was trying not to smile. Trying and failing. “You don’t have to explain it to me. I’m a big girl. I guarantee that even though I got a late start in life and didn’t conceive this baby the normal way, I know how it goes.”

Ross bristled. He didn’t want to think about anyone else teaching Teela how it went. It was a strange, irrational, jealous thought, when he probably hadn’t had a single jealous thought in his life, and it took him by complete surprise.
