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“That’s kind of sadistic, don’t you think?”

“I don’t know.” Trace chuckled softly. “I just- I would do anything to show you how sorry I am. I’m scared. You’re probably scared. We can take it slow. Just go day by day. Be open and honest with each other about what we want and need and try and make this work.”

“And if I decide that I am a gold digger and I want to use you for your money?” Ash’s eyes shone and he could tell she was kidding. “Or what about my rage issues? Aren’t you afraid that I might punch you again? What about my brother? My crazy family? You’ll be subjected to board games more often than you can stomach. My next door neighbor also apparently has a huge crush on you in tight black spandex. And… well, you’re kind of a big deal. When the reporters and shit get a hold of the story about us dating even after that video- I’m sure they won’t leave us alone.”

“I’ll buy us a private island then.”

“I’d miss my family.”

“I’d move them too.”

“Wouldn’t you miss yours?”

“I’d move them as well.”

“And my cat?”

“Especially Slappy.”

Ash studied him hard and Trace stood his ground. She stared at him, those beautiful green eyes blazing straight into his soul. “I have just one other question then,” Ash breathed.

“Okay…” he realized he still hadn’t let go of her hand. Her fingers felt so damn good tucked into his own. He never wanted to let her go.

“I just want to know how hard you think it’s going to be to get you out of that costume. And if you brought a change of clothes.”

Trace almost couldn’t believe he’d heard her right. She stared up at him, her eyes changed, sparkling with mischief and humor.

“Are- are you serious?”

“Yeah. Why would I use you for your money when I can use you for sex and your money?”

Trace gave her a mock scowl. He gripped her and pulled her in up against him. He didn’t miss her gasp or the way her eyes darkened with arousal. Her nipples were hard even through her bra, when they jammed into his chest.

“Your neighbor is going to be very disappointed when I don’t go over there for tea.”

“She’ll get over it,” Ash rasped. She reached up and twined her hands around his neck, pulling his face in close. “You could have shown up here with chocolates or flowers and I would have turned you away. If your sister told you to try and think of the one thing I wouldn’t be able to resist and you picked this, you were right. You were so right.”

“Do you hate me for it?”

“Hate you? I don’t think I could ever hate you. Believe me, I’ve spent this week trying.”

He gripped her ass and squeezed hard through her jeans. Ash melted against him. “I’m going to have to punish you for all that talk about using me for sex and money. That’s wicked. Not very lady like at all.”

Her teeth sunk into her lower lip. “Please do. Please, please do. Because I can’t hate you. I can’t even be mad at you anymore. I think I cooled off over the week. You stayed away and it gave me time to miss you. I don’t feel complete when you’re not with me. That scares the hell out of me. So please, don’t fuck up again because neither of us needs another video like that.”

“I promise I’ll do my best.”

“Me too. Now, are you going to take me to the bedroom and show me what a bad villain you are?”

Trace grinned. He couldn’t even believe he was standing there, holding Ash, that she’d agreed to give him a second chance, that despite everything, she still felt the way he did.

He bent his head and kissed her until they were both breathless and it was obvious, through that thin black fabric, that he wanted her. Her and no one else. She was the one for him. He knew it. He’d always know it. Just like he’d promised, he’d spend every single day proving it to her.

He swept Ash up into his arm and she clung to him, giggling nervously as he carried her to the bedroom. He shut the door, locking her cat out, and set her down. She waited, staring up at him expectantly.

“I’m going to punish you,” he promised her, feeling entirely happy and completely ridiculous. “But first you’re going to have to help me get out of this. It’s insanely tight.”

Ash’s giggle filled up the room. “It would be my pleasure, Mr. Nightshadow. My complete pleasure.”


“I thought you were just kidding about all the private island stuff, but now I see that I was wrong.” Ash turned slowly from the huge jutting rock she’d just climbed onto with more grace that Trace was going to manage stepping out of the boat.
